Friday, April 29, 2011

Vietnamese and Cambodia provinces join efforts to control [-Another step to Uncle Ho's Indochinese Fedreation dream?]


Leaders of southeastern Tay Ninh province and its sister Cambodian province Kam Pong Cham have signed an action plan on controlling the trading of wild fauna and flora species between the two provinces.

The signing took place at a two-day seminar on the issue that wrapped up in Tay Ninh on April 28.

Under the plan, both sides will set up an information exchange system and conduct joint patrols along the common border to control illegal wildlife hunting, transport and trading.

They will provide mutual assistance and jointly conduct investigations into violations of international laws on wildlife protection.

Both sides agreed to mobilise the necessary sources to prevent forest fires, preserve biodiversity and control illegal wildlife hunting, transport and trading.

The two sides will jointly disseminate their countries’ policies on the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, in order to raise the awareness of people living along the border of the negative impacts of illegal wildlife hunting and smuggling.

At the seminar, participants shared their concerns over complex cross-border illegal wildlife trading, saying that the Tay Ninh-Kam Pong Cham route is the hot site of the issue.

Illegal wildlife traders have formed into a transnational crime syndicate using modern facilities to prevent the two countries’ joining efforts to control wildlife trading.


. said...

Socheata, should association with the word uncle ho if you are a smart man.

. said...

Sorry, correction:

Socheata, should stop associate with the word "uncle ho" if you are a smart man.

Baay Kdaing said...

But where are the Viets and CPP supporters?

It's not fun that they can not hear us when we curse them.

. said...

They do not like orderly conduct.

No need to feeling guilty about it.

Anonymous said...

Most khmer in srok khmer and khmer oversea are accepting or intergrating themselves into yuon or yuon into khmer society in order to join common INDOCHINA FEDERATION of HO CHI MINH.

By 2015 yuon will be gradually completed their first plan to melt down khmer into yuon or yuon into khmer society.

By 2030 youn accomplished their final goal, khmer country become yuon country and the world accepted as is... or coup d'etat to take over Hun Sen party (CPP) and kill all internal network who worked for or as viet secret agents.

Anonymous said...

good for them

Anonymous said...

Vietnam has had invaded, grabbed,and
taken stepped by stepped and little
by little like it has had done to
Champa,Khmer Krom.Then it swallowed
the whole of them.
Lao and Cambodia,it did the same
tricks and tragedies.It took Koh Trol,made border markers half mile
into Khmer land.
It let its people flowed in Champa
and in Kampuchea Krom.Now its people
are moving in Lao and Cambodia.
Vietnam has 90,000,000 people;the
largest ethnic groups in Vietnam
are Khmer Krom(14,000,000 people),
Montagnards(Khmer Phongs)1,500,000
people,and Chams 500,000 people;they now became minorities
in Vietnam.
Cambodia has 14,000,000 people,half
of it are Vietnamese immigrants;
Lao has 6,000,000 people,half of it are Vietnamese immigrants.
So, in the next 30 years Vietnamese
will become majorities in Lao and
This what Vietnam govt worked stepped by stepped and then took the whole Cambodia and Lao.

Anonymous said...

KI are you stupid? Do you even read the article? The two provinces signed an action plan to protect wildlife with the help of international wildlife protection for GOD SAKE! How this cooperation is a step closer to Uncle Ho's dream? They are protecting wildlife. Ain't you people accusing the government for not doing enough to protect wildlife and forest? Here is my suggestion..stop being too paranoid, go back to school and educate yourself a bit more, and please read the article before attacking the government.