Sunday, May 22, 2011

Don't Quit

Dear Friends,

There are times in our lives when the ups and downs make us want to throw in the towel and call it quits. I have been there, in my personal and political life.

In my last years in the Khmer People’s National Liberation Front, I stapled a copy of a poem, “Don’t Quit,” written by an unknown author, on the door of my thatched hut at the Non-Communist Resistance’s joint military command: I saw it every morning, during the day, and before bedtime. It lifted my spirits, boosted my morale, and gave me the strength.

Years later, a friend from another continent, who had spent time at the Khmer-Thai border with me, was so down that in addition to all the e-mails I wrote to him, I sent a photograph I took of the poem. He read the poem, printed and posted it in his office. Years have passed since, and my friend is still thanking me for the poem.

I still find the poem so uplifting today – 30 years after I posted it on my door.

So, I am inviting you to spare a few minutes to watch the slide show and read the poem. I took all the photos, and the music is by a respected friend, Dr. Kang Kem, also of another continent. I hope the slide show will be a positive contribution to your life as it has been to mine and to my friend.


Gaffar Peang-Meth


Anonymous said...

a squirrel can be smart how to get food that doesn't belong to it. But I ran over too many of them when trying to cross the road. Here how I do it; when a squirrel is hopping half way across the road I just honk at it then it became a double minded creature can't decide to go on or turns around until I made the decision of its behalf. I felt so bad by confusing it to death. Not every attempt was successful.

Anonymous said...

Dr. Gaffar Peang-Meth,

Once again thank you very much for the beautiful slide show.

It is certainly uplifting to watch the whole show.

Make every effort you can and not give up no matter what the result is for doing nothing will surely bring nothing.

Anet Khmer

Anonymous said...

Thx what a beautiful advise!

Anonymous said...

It depends whether one must quit.

Hun Sen will be delighted to get such encouragement from the poem to stay put.

Kuoy Pichet

Anonymous said...

This is for Kuoy Pichet,

If Mr. Sen can uplife from this poem and stay, than why can't other Koun Khmers do the same to fight what is rights for motherland? Does this mean Mr. Sen more determine than every single Khmer in the world????

Well, one can take this either way, it is up to one's mind how to think to reach one's goal.

I Still have a million thanks for your afford Dr. Peang-Meth:~)

Anonymous said...

Sometimes one must know when to quit. There is no point in struggling to get the sun to rise in the west.

et al

Anonymous said...

A good casing point is the Israeli&Palestinian issue.

The government of the United States of America is forcing Israel to accept a Palestine state within its borders this coming September. This is putting foxes in a chicken house. Because Muslims have made it known that they don't want the existence of a Jewish state. But the world thinks that peace will come if Palestinians get their own state, so they all are behind the creation of a Palestinian state whether Israel want it or not.

Wrong! All the nations that approved to a Palestinian state will be in the wrong. And they all will be guilty to the death of the Palestinians when war breaks out over this issue.

The President of the United States of America is bullheaded to bring judgment on himself and on its people in America by forcing Israel to accept this peace initiative.

Israel is in the right to refused a Palestine state within it's borders. They are the rightful owner approved by their Elohim God, the God of Israel.

World War III, will break out over this issue because of the imbecile of the nations toward Israel. All the Muslim nations will be soundly defeated by the army of Israel. This is all written in the Scriptures concerning this matter.

If the Muslim nations want peace they better truly obey the wishes of the Israel government and stop taunting them with wishes to annihilate them from the face of the earth.They won't be annihilated. Because no weapons that shall formed against them shall prevail over them, because their God is the keeper of Israel.

From all probability, I think this WW III will take place around Spring 2014-2015, based on a tetrad of 4 blood moons that will be occurring at that time. Blood moons means there is death on earth during that time, lots of death.

Yes, man will not give up his bullheaded until he is trapped in his own game.

Anonymous said...

Dr. Gaffar Peang-Meth,

you are very good asset for khmer patriotism. We need your help to salvage our country. We never quit... I hope I will meet you in person someday.

Anonymous said...

i just wanted to point out that there is a difference between learning from everybody in the world and worshipping someone, etc! learning from others doesn't necessarily mean you have to worship them like in religion, ok! that's all!

Anonymous said...

beautiful and inspiring, thanks for your tireless teaching. god bless.

Anonymous said...

smart people observe and learn from everybody and everything around them, even from animal like a squirrel, ants, bees, and all other social animals, etc, etc... the stupid one always say something like why learn from animals, why this, why that, etc, etc, without thinking and taking the time and and patient to observe, learn, implement, etc, etc... i hope the new generation of young people in cambodia will open up their mind and learn and absorb and observe from nature, from people all over the world, from history, etc, etc... may god bless and inspire all khmer people and cambodia to go the right direction and be smarter and wiser, etc, etc..., so we all can help make a real difference in cambodia for all to enjoy, to live, to work, to visit, to do business, etc, etc...

Anonymous said...

Kuoy Pichet,

Come on! You are not that stupid to look at the poem that way. It seems like you have you love to be antagonistic rather than put things in perspective.

Hope people who live around and near you do no think the way you do or else your life will always be miserable.

Be a smart ass with productive comments rather than looking for a loophole to attack!

Anonymous said...

10:30 PM,

You will be wrong with your prediction in the same manner as those prophets before you.

Your god is a dead god as usual. If there were one, I would like to meet him now so I could kick his ass for having failed all along to create a peaceful world!

Anonymous said...

1:25 AM

By the WORD of God all things exist.
You are fulfilling the prophecy that in the Last Days there would be scoffers and mockers. You are proving that God exist by your denial. in your death God will be glorify by your unbelief.

I want you to mark the date I mentioned. I said from all probability, not absolute that war would break out. There is a difference in saying it will happen and being probable based on past patterns.

Even in your stupidity you are worth more than a sparrow to God.

Why do you look for peace when you are at war with your Maker?

Anonymous said...

God has made peace agreement with man, but man is the peace breaker.
And they blamed God for all problems in this world.

Jvarman said...

Dear Dr. Peang-Meth,

You are such a source of inspirations. I love to read your articals especially on the one related to Khmer Liberational Front. Thank you as well for your sacrifies and services to the Khmer nation especially during the Vietnamese Liberation.

Thank you, thank you and thank you!

Jvarman said...

I meant to say Vietnamese invasion.

Anonymous said...

Dear Dr.Gaffar,

Again, i would like to convey my thanks, respects, and admirations
for your efforts.


Anonymous said...

That is right! If we quit Vietnam win!
If we quited - HUNSEN won!
If we quited our children will lose their identity. If we quit. We are dead!

We help encourage one another to stand up what is right for us and our future children. NEVER QUIT.


Anonymous said...

Khmer abroad do not have a true leadership,management,and responsibility.I did not see anyone
coming up to lead to do anything.
They just talked and wrote on KI anythings they wanted.But they did not put into
action or to organize as groups.
Who are responsible to do what?
To whom do they communicate with?
What are their duties to do what?
They are fighting on KI Media,but
not to solve the problems.
I would like to see problems solving how to bring down Hun Sen?

Anonymous said...

4:10 AM,

Hope you go to heaven and if you don't make it because of your temper and desire, then I will be waiting for you in hell.

I love to go to hell just like you want to go to heaven. I went through hell under the KR and I am not sure what the Cambodians had done to deserve such a regime.

It looks like white people such as Americans have a much better luck living in this world than the Khmers or I should say your bloody god if he ever exists, which I don't think he does is quite unfair in treating the people of this world and for that reason your imagined heaven will be an unfair place as well so going to hell won't be that bad.

Refused to go to heaven!

Anonymous said...

God is just a piece of shit thrown around to get money from the people who, instead of believing in themselves, prefer to believe in an unknown being which does not exist!

God = man-created being = non-existing piece of shit!

Anonymous said...

thank you, Dr.Gaffar Peang-Meth
