Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Law on the Establishment of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia for the Prosecution of Crimes Committed During the Period of Democratic Kampuchea

("ECCC Law")

with inclusion of amendments as promulgated on 27 October 2004


Article 22 new

Each Co-Prosecutor shall have the right to choose one or more deputy prosecutors to assist him or her with prosecution before the chambers. Deputy foreign prosecutors shall be appointed by the foreign Co-Prosecutor from a list provided by the Secretary- General.

The Co-prosecutors shall be assisted by Cambodian and international staff as needed in their offices. In choosing staff to serve as assistants, the Director of the Office of Administration shall interview, if necessary, and with the approval of the Cambodian Co-Prosecutor, hire staff who shall be appointed by the Royal Government of Cambodia. The Deputy Director [Knut Rosandhaug] of the Office of Administration shall be responsible for the recruitment and administration of all foreign staff. The number of assistants shall be chosen in proportion to the Cambodian prosecutors and foreign prosecutors.

Cambodian staff shall be selected from Cambodian civil servants and, if necessary, other qualified nationals of Cambodia.


Anonymous said...

who care about this kangaroo criminals trial run by a bunch of the criminals and their parnters

Anonymous said...

The committed crimes and the victims
should get justice.When the injustice
happened,the victims were unhappy.
The committed crimes should admit
themselves to the judges and the
victims.Both sides were happy.
So,"good deed gets good deed,and evil deed gets evil deed".