Friday, May 20, 2011

NGOs concerned about KRT

Friday, 20 May 2011
James O'Toole
The Phnom Penh Post

More than 30 local NGOs have joined to criticise the Khmer Rouge tribunal’s handling of its controversial third and fourth cases, expressing concern that “the impartiality, integrity, and the independence of ECCC judges are being tainted”.

Developments over the past few weeks at the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia, as the tribunal is formerly known, have sparked accusations from some observers that the court’s investigating judges are planning to scuttle the third and fourth cases due to pressure from the Cambodian government.

While the Case 004 investigation is still open, the investigating judges announced the closure of their Case 003 investigation last month.

In response, British co-prosecutor Andrew Cayley issued a statement last week saying that the allegations in Case 003 “have not been fully investigated” and calling for a series of additional – and seemingly basic – investigative steps including examinations of mass grave sites and the questioning of the suspects in the case. The Case 003 suspects are identified in court documents as former KR navy commander Meas Muth and air force commander Sou Met, though the court has not yet officially made their names public.

Yesterday, 32 civil society groups including Legal Aid of Cambodia, Adhoc and the Cambodian Human Rights Action Committee issued a statement urging the court and the international community to ensure that judicial independence is maintained.

“We urge all concerned individuals and groups to take appropriate action to ensure that the Case 003 and 004 investigations are full and genuine,” the groups said, adding that the court “must safeguard against any creation of negationist or revisionist records about what happened” under the Khmer Rouge.

United Nations court spokesman Lars Olsen said yesterday that the tribunal did not need outside input in its judicial decision-making.

“The court will continue to do its job independently according to the legal framework for the ECCC,” he said. “That means also independent of civil society.”


Anonymous said...

All of Cambodian people need to tell the UN and International communities that Vietnamese Communist thieves and masters in Hanoi are behind all these dirty plans and all of crooks and masters in Hanoi or Vietnam including Hun Sen and his CPP Yuon comrades should be arrested and put on the international tribunal trials so that the world should know about how evil and bad the Vietnamese communist people and leaders are on the planet. Communist Vietnamese leaders and supporters will not get away from the crimes against Humanity and killing of Innocent Cambodian people during the Killing Fields (1975-79). Vietnamese Communist leaders in Hanoi including Ho Chi Minh are the ones who initially started the wars and killing fields before blaming Pol Pot and Khmer Rouges committed the murderous actions. Vietnamese Communist crooks/thieves or leaders or supporters have lied and been so clever like very evil and devils as God, Thy knowth in Thy's eyes and innocent Khmer/Cambodian's eyes.

Again, Vietnamese crooks/thieves or masters in Hanoi are the most hypocrite and dirty, and those Vietnamese masters/crooks/thieves misled Hun Sen to destroy his own people and CPP Yuon comrades served blind and stupid/dumb Hun Sen as Cambodian government officials and administrators, by grabbing the lands from innocent Cambodian people and stole lands to sell for their profits. You can see they are rich and have a lot of money because of illegal dirty businesses and trades or sales of Cambodian lands. Those are Yuon evils who have committed the most crimes and robbery in Cambodia. Those Yuon comrades in Phnom Penh are now able to speak Khmer language really well, but not well like real Cambodian/Khmer people can.

The world should know about the most hypocrite and clever Yuon/Vietnamese people and leaders try to defend themselves that they did not committed dirty criminals or crimes, illegal business operations in Cambodia, stole money from international donors before the money reaching to the hands of innocent Cambodian people. Vietnamese and very immoral and distrusted.

Anonymous said...

What a waste of money and time. Courts cant do there jobs. We put them there for a reason! We need to replaced the judges and Hired an Isreal Judge that understand this issued

Anonymous said...

UN never listern unless there is death and volient in the regions...

Anonymous said...

We all Khmere need to think deep about this issue. I lost my family too, but for Cambodia sake, who will benefit from the trial the most !!!!

Here are the list:

1. Viet Gov. to justify the invasion.
2. The super powers (US, China and Soviet), to show the world that they care about Cambodia.
3. Thailand, only good Khmere left are living in Thailand.
4. The opposition party, to prove that the current Gov. was part of the KR.
5. Former Lon Nol regime, to discredit the King Sihanouk
6. Real Cambodian and foreigners who lost family members in S-21 prison.

The majority of Cambodian are not benefit from this trial because their family members were killed in commune level. They knew who did it and what was happenned during that period.

Anonymous said...

9:17 PM

You've missed the point!
The effort in exercising this jusdicial process is to find out what and why this savagery happens in the first place, and to find out what if anything humanity (not only the Khmer victims) suppose to do to prevent such tragedy from repeating itself again and again!

Armenia: Turks vs. Armenians
WWII: Nazi vs. Jews
Bosnia/Kosovo: Christian Serbes vs. Muslim Serbes
Ruwanda: Tutsi vs Hutu
East Timor: Pro-independent Timoris vs. Pro-Indonesia Timoris

The tragedy may well goes On..... and on.... and on....

What makes us human is our ability to imagine a life together without preying on one another like beasts in the wild!

Anonymous said...

So Sok An is an uncle of Chea Leang no wonder why this ECCC under CPP does not is not independent.
So youn Hanoi has been handling this ECCC.

So justice for the Khmer victims between 1975-1979 and their family never happen under CPP which is formed by late Ho Chi Minh in 1930.

That is why ECCC and CPP so afraid of KR who have been detained speaking out.

So the main jobs for ECCC as fellow:
1. Keep detaining the four detainees.
2. NO proper trials. ( not allow the four speaking out )
3. Convict the four.
4. lives prison the four.
5. ECCC close down and proclaim success." Justice done.

Anonymous said...

To 9:16 PM agree with 100 %.

CPP formed by late Ho Chi Minh after 1930.

So yuon has been handling ECCC or Khmer Rouge Trials not Khmer.

Anonymous said...

how can you prevent the future
massacre that have not happened yet when you do not see nor prevent massacre that are currently happening.
Hun Sen and Yuon are killing khmer daily.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

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នៅពីខាងក្រោយរដ្ធាភិបាលហុន សេន។