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Big-Mouth-but-Small-Brain Hoon Xhen? |
Washington, DC Tuesday, 24 May 2011
A small state can’t change that fact, he said, so it must have good strategies to deal with such issues, in what he called a “smart state.”
As a small country influenced by superpowers and neighboring countries ideologically, politically, and economically, Cambodia needs to pursue a balance of influence, Phat Kosal, a Cambodian scholar on international relations of the Asia-Pacific, says.
A small state is vulnerable from within and without, he said, as a guest last week on “Hello VOA.” It must also contend with insecurity, an under-diversified economy, over-dependency, high risk of isolation, and openness to external influence, he said.
A small state can’t change that fact, he said, so it must have good strategies to deal with such issues, in what he called a “smart state.”
A smart state is one that has a mixture of strategies that maintain its neutrality and autonomy but prevent it from being a client state of a greater power, he said. It must enmesh with greater powers, but use its strategic position to build special relationships among a number of them, allowing greater flexibility to leverage its own interests.
“A smart state has a diversified economy, increasing freedom of actions and avoiding external coercion,” he said. “It has diplomatic flexibility—deepened good neighborly relations and regional institutions to avoid isolation. And it has a clearly defined national ideology supported by a trusting society. Trust between the government and the governed is a vital source of social capital for a strong buffer against the penetration of external influences.”
Nationalism, too, can be a source of strength, he said, and can be used to advance a national cause.
Responding to a question on Facebook from reader Bora Huon, Phat Kosal said Cambodia has moved forward positively in its foreign relations.
“In addition to Cambodia’s ability to overcome genocide and civil wars, it is in a stage of self development and has been engaged in political, economic, and diplomatic relations with countries in the region and the rest of the world,” he said. “Our international relations are diverse, which should be the strength of Cambodia.”
A 70-year-old listener from Kampong Thom province asked what Cambodia needed to do to become a prosperous country.
Phat Kosal pointed to Cambodia’s size and history, saying it is hard for a small country to be independent. Cambodia has been influenced largely by the French and the Chinese in its modern history, with China’s influence growing today.
However, he said, “we need to have a foreign policy with diverse and flexible strategies in terms of economics, politics and diplomacy, because if the superpower we depend on can no longer provide us with its support, we can be supported by others.”
Phat Kosal said both the US and China are important to Cambodia today, “but we must not accept just anything offered by China without considering the social, cultural, economic impacts and the country’s policy.”
“As a small country, we must be smart in terms of our associations with powerful countries,” he said.
Now that the Cold War is over, superpowers don’t have absolute influence over any one country, he said, but Cambodia still struggles at times to meet conditions imposed by the West, chiefly in democracy, human rights and social justice.
Chinese aid comes with conditions, too, he said. “Their conditions are just different from those of the US and the West. China wants our country’s resources and wants us to be their subordinate.”
All that said, “there is no fixed menu for smartness,” he said. “It rests on the personal judgment, creativity and political art of national leaders to construct the best overall outcome within the context of national constraints and opportunities presented to them,” he said.
That means balancing wider interests with international goals, as well as with short-term and long-term interests, he said.
Please remember HS is a stooge of his Boss Youn. He lets Viets go in live and control land throughout Khmer motherland. More he has failed to manage economy because prices of foods and goods are sky high and badly affects the living of most Cambodians. Why so? Because he is a primary-school PhD and has economic team whose most of them are Soviet University. Worst he lets oil firms exploit Khmers with unfair high oil prices. Kmpt
Hoon Zen likes to bark a lot.
He is just typical Khmer rouges who talked stupid nonsense and when asked to clarify, they would threaten us with death.
The anti-Cambodian government group can brand PM Hun Sen as big mouth and small brain or whatever they like to say, But the bottom line is, he has ability to make a leader of opposition became a fugitive and opposition is also in the hoodoo. On top of that, Hun Sen is able to win more than 2/3 seats of the last general election. If PM Hun Sen has small brain, those who opposes him, have their brain even much more smaller than him.
Khmer in Sydney CBD
Hun Sen knows very clear that the frontline ex khmer rough soldiers are the true khmer patriots. Vietnam will be advices Hun Sen to eliminate them slowly by different mean and way.
Vietnam still worry if the frontline ex khmer roughs or true patriots khmer are still present in this world. Vietnam use Hun Sen to eliminate them by using Thai hands to blame but Vietnam take over 30 000km2 Hun Sen doesn't even talk about these issues Why???
Remember the ex khmer rough and khmer colision were force Vietnam army out of Cambodia. Vietnam has lost over 100 000 soldiers during 1979-1993. That is why lead to Vietnam withdraw their army out of Cambodia.
Today Vietnam is using his slave PM HUn Sen to kill all Ex Khmer Rough as well as the true khmer patriots so Vietnam will be securely convert Cambodia to Nambodia province after Hun SEn eliminate the khmer patriot frontline soldiers out of this world.
Cambodian living inside Cambodia MUST stand up for them self.What are Cambodian people inside waiting for. Do something, uprising now, this is the best time for all of them to rise up.
Don't you see Egypt, Tunisia, Libya and other countries. We Cambodian outside support you only if you all Khmer living inside to stand up against those corrupted government' slave Vietnam.
President Ms. R Keo,
We support you President Ms rattana keo. Hun Sen gives over 30 000km2 of Cambodia to Vietnam as his personal gift without inform all khmer people and khmer army.
Hun Sen tries to avoid over 30 000km2 in Cambodia education system. He tries to fool all young khmer generation about thier true history and identities.
He always scare and frighten all khmer about against Vietnam.
Cambodian living outside Cambodia MUST stand up first or shut your dirty's mouth up. What are Cambodian people in abroad waiting for. If you are cowardice, don't ever call Khmer in Cambodia to uprising for the sake of your extremely group.
Who care what have happened in Egypt, Tunisia, Libya and other countries. We Cambodian inside are fed up with your extremely idea and always want to create chaos in society by using the so called stand up against corrupted government' slave Vietnam as your excuse.
Former husband of Rattana Keo
President Ms. R Keo,
Khmer in Sydney CBD, do you really believe that Hoon Xen runs Cambodia not Yourn?
Do you think his 4,000 body guards are all khmer and for protecting him or to keep him in line with Yourn' s policy? or he would be arrested and sent to Han Noi just like his predecessor, Mr. Penn So Vann.
10:36 Am
Ms rattana keo's families and frinds hate Hun Sen to death. I don't think you are a true President Ms. R Keo.
The Only President Ms. R Keo, True Khmer Hero Of The New Khmer Women Era
អាយ៉ងក្បត់ជាតិ ហ៊ុន សែន ជាមេឃាតករឈាមត្រជាក់ ហើយក៏ជាមេគ្រោះថ្នាក់ធំជាងគេនៅក្នុងប្រទេសខ្មែរ
បើមិននាំគ្នាកំចាត់វានិងបក្សពួកវាចោលទេ ប្រទេសខ្មែរគ្មានថ្ងៃបាន
សុខសាន្ត និងអភិវឌ្ឍន៍ប្រទេសជាតិ ឱ្យចម្រើនលូតលាស់
Ah Khmer in Sydney CBD just talk shit to make something seem better or more important than it really is. He’s just a Hoon Xen dog, and they pay him to bark. That's all he can say. There's no more to it.
If Hun Sen's brain weight 500g, those who oppose him and the CPP, have their brain only 5g.
Actually Hoon Cen's brain is upside down. Up in head, it's full of shit, while up in his ass, it's refers to as the brain. I'm not surprised if his brain is heavier, as he got too much stolen money from Cambodia able to buy all the food he could eat.
This is an old concept with a new twist! Well...For me I don't give a fuck what the so called experts have to say but at the end of the day and does what they said can be translated into a better living condition, put food on the table, have clean water, have affordable and reliable energy such as electricity, gas and gasoline for car and home, have affordable healthcare, have personal freedom, have personal security...
I wonder if this evil is still wanting to close door and kill dogs as he has stated before or not? May be he will ask Khmer in Sydney PhD graduated to hold his bucket for dog'blood !!!
Areak Prey
In fact, this small state is the colinial area of Dai Viet now. Where is the Khmer Empire that the old Dai Viet was always afraid?
Nambodia! Long Live Nambodia! Long Live! Nambodia! Nambodia! Nambodia!
You called yourself a true khmer hero ms rattana keo..that's a joke. Most khmers at Cabramatta saw you walk in and out from motel close to cabramatta with your boyfriend while your dickhead young husband at work...very bad girl...bad girl from village high
Hun Sen has been always using someone else outside Cambodia as his guide just like he has used the Communist Hanoi masters as his guides or as administrators (including CPP Yuon official thieves). That was why Cambodia has been misled in the wrong directions and the lands and natural resources of Cambodia have been destroyed and sold to other foreigners illegally without sharing Cambodian people. Also, money and food and medical assistance from International donors have been stolen and shipped to Evil Communist Vietnam.
Hun Sen was originally from a peasant family without proper education and has had no experiences to lead and build Cambodian's future. All he got for himself and his Yuon wife and family is money and power- just like he acts as Pi Anh. Actually he joined and served as the Khmer Rouges army. He was shot right in one of his eye and then fled to Vietnam. Later he returned with his Yuon wife and Communist Vietcong/Yuon red armies to invade Cambodia easily along with Hen Samrin, Chea Sim, Pen Sovan and other Khmer Rouges cadres.
Hun Sen is the most stupid leader as Khmer people could imagine. He has been blind to led Communist Viet masters and CPP Yuon official thieves to take for grant and over take everything from Srok Khmer to Srok Yuon/Vietgook. He was a very slow learner, not knowing how to develop Cambodian in the modern day. He did not provide assistance or build schools or universities for young Khmer people to learn and gain high education. But he only give a chance to his evil son Hun Manet to study in the U.S., but very ugly and selfish, very stupid. It has been more 30 years to see Cambodia slowly developed or undeveloped like Thailand. It was a lot of time to have this idiot was illegally installed by the Communist Vietnamese masters (crooks and killers called Angkar Leur/Cap Tren) as a dumb Prime Minister of Cambodia.
This idiot Hun Sen and his Yuon family have to get out and live in Hanoi where his Communist masters love him.
4:12 PM
Khmer people will be very angry and explode their angers to cause the riots and protests against Communist Vietcong/CPP Yuon and Hun Sen if they (Khmer people) hear the word you just mentioned Nambodia (it is belonged to Vietnam).
Be careful, idiot. The majority of Cambodian people did not know that. I am very angry and hurt right now when I heard Nambodia like that. It is ridiculous. I begin to hate Yuon folks in the U.S., and everywhere. You should know that. My friends also start to hate Yuon/Vietgook folks as well. We will stop going to the Vietgook Restaurants to eat stupid Pho noodle dishes.
Long Live Nambodia! Nambodia is long live!Nambodia! Nambodia! Ho Chi Min and Nabodia! Uncle Ho loves Nambodia! We love Nambodia! We are as one Nambodia!
Great Khmer Expire is now called Nambodia and Ho Chi Min loves Nambodia.
Great Khmer Expire! Great Khmer Expire! Great Khmer Expire!
We love Nambodia! Great Khmer Expire is become Nambodia!
6:29 PM - Osama Bin Laden in Hanoi. You will be kicked right in your ass and shot to death
A Must! Killed Hun Sen and save Cambodia Khmer people. Save ours Nation. if not you going to see alot of Hanio people wearing Hats at the street
ក្នុងមួយពិភពលោកនេះ អ្នកណាៗក៏ដឹងគ្រប់គ្នាទាំងអស់ថា
អាយ៉ងក្បត់ជាតិ ហ៊ុន សែន នេះ ជាមេក្បត់ជាតិ, ជាមេ
លក់ជាតិ, ជាមេឃាតករឈាមត្រជាក់, ជាមេខ្មែរក្រហម,
បើខ្មែរយើងមិននាំគ្នាកំចាត់វានិងបក្សពួកវាចោលទេ ប្រទេសខ្មែរគ្មានថ្ងៃបានសុខសាន្ត និងអភិវឌ្ឍន៍ប្រទេសជាតិ
Khmer peolple should kill him and tear him apart or cut his head and hang in the middle of the city!
cambodia has to have good national strategy, really! god bless cambodia. of course, there are more to cambodia than you and i, really!
Welcome! Welcome!
Great Vietgook Empire is now Called Great Vietgook Expired.
Great Vietgook Expired is now offical name called Chinaviet province of wonder.
Welcome! Welcome to Chinaviet The Province Of Wonder!
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