Monday, May 02, 2011

Standing with Workers to Defend Rights

Sam Rainsy Party elected members of parliament joined over 3,000 workers on the 125th Anniversary Labor Day, 1 May, 2011. The SRP continues to stand with workers to defend their fundamental rights.

SRP appeals for a minimum wage of US$100 to helpp workers and civil servants meet the high cost of food, fuel, transportion and housing. Workers are entitled to free public services including health care. Decent life starts with decent wages and safety and security at the work place.

SRP calls on the government to withdraw its proposed draft Union Law. if adopted by parliament, the law will severely limit the freedom and rights of trade unions as stated in the existing 1997 Labor Law.

SRP continues to demand the identification and the prosecution of those responsible for the assassination of Chea Vichea, the leader of the workers' movement in Cambodia, on 22 january, 2004.

SRP calls on the Cambodian Courts to drop charges and release union leaders charged and detained unjustly for crimes their did not commit.

Phnom Penh
1 May, 2011


Anonymous said...

Only the Socialist or Communist countries have this 1rst of May.
But in Cambodia, sound all the people in our country still love the Socialist Communist system, included the opposition party of Sam Raingsy.

Anonymous said...

Hopefully Hun Sen, Heng Samrin, Chea Sim and the CPP don't give another 1997.

Anonymous said...

When Cambodia is having problem with Thailand, SRP is trying to stir up domestic unrest !!!!

This is the kind of action that make Cambodian hate SRP !!!!!

Who is the PR for SRP party ????

You need to fire him/her !!!!

Image is every thing, if you are not in the front line fighting, then keep quiet and help millitary familly so the soldier can have a clear mind to fight the war.

Anonymous said...

ហ៊ុន​ សេន និង គណបក្សប្រជាជនជាបក្សកម្មុយ
និស្តឥណ្ឌូចិន។ យួនជួយសីហនុ ជួយខ្មែរក្រហម 
ជួយខ្មែរវៀតមិញ តើយួនហ៊ានជួយហ៊ុន សេន វាយ
ខ្មែរ​មិនស្រលាញ់សៀម ហើយក៏មិនចូលចិត្តនឹងយួន
ចោរហារយដែរ។ យួនបុករុកខ្មែរអោយវាយសៀម តែ
ពីក្រោយខ្មែរយួនយកទឹកសមុទ្រខ្មែរ កោះខ្មែរ លូក
ចូល រូងចូលយកដីខ្មែរ។ នេះឬជាមិត្តល្អរបស់

Anonymous said...

yes it doesnt matter fight with thailand or Yound. SRP have been do Khmer people work. Yea kick his ass out and his family HUN Sen. stupid traitor dogs. Alway leading the country to hell. Slave to Youn and now fighting with thailand. Youn is walking in South while Khmer people is dying fighting with Thailand.

Anonymous said...

9:31 PM

It's when Cambo Govt treated the Khmer people like a dog that when the Thai copied and did the same on the border.

These civilians are civilians and they did not have any connection on the border issue.

Anonymous said...

Instead of sending police and armed solider to confront the people, they should be sent to the front line where it's needed the most.

Anonymous said...

we need pressure to make changes in cambodia. changes are reforms are what most people want in cambodia. we all love cambodia to want good things for it, really! keep that is mind. nothing is free, got to fight for it, really!

Anonymous said...

10:55 PM
ពិតណាស់ក្តៅស៊ីរាក់ ត្រជាក់ស៊ីជ្រៅ យួននៅតែ
ពីមួយថ្ងៃបន្តិចៗ ហើយនៅថ្ងៃមួយវានឹងបង្ហាញ
ពួកខ្មែរដែលល្ងង់ខ្លៅដូចជា​៖ អាជៀម​ យាប
និងពួកអាទ្រក្ត ហ៊ុន សែន ដ៏ទៃទៀត ថាវា(យួន)
ដូចដែលវាធ្លាប់បង្គាប់ពួក​ អាជៀម យាប ថា
ថ្ងៃ ៧​ មករា ១៩៧៩ ជាថ្ងៃដែលបានផ្តល់
កំណើតទី២ ដល់អាចុយម្រ៉ាយ ជៀម យាប។