Thursday, May 26, 2011

Statement from the Co-Investigating Judges [-Deny! Deny! Deny!]

26 May 2011

In view of misrepresentations in the article “Cambodia’s troubled tribunal” published in the 25 May 2011 edition by the International Justice Tribune, the Co-Investigating Judges of the ECCC point out the following:

1. Regarding the allegation “investigating judges (are) threatening the international co-prosecutor with contempt of court”:
The Co-Investigating Judges never threatened this, nor did they ever let it be known that they were considering this; rather this is a malicious rumour intended to disrupt the harmony within the Court. [KI-Media Note: DENY No. 1]

2. Regarding the reported statement “at this pace, the tribunal is heading for an irreparable crash”:
As the Supreme Court has held hearings on appeals in Case 001, and as the Trial Chamber scheduled initial hearings in Case 002 for 27-30 June 2011, furthermore as the Pre Trial Chamber is successfully dealing with the caseload of more than 1,700 individual appeals, and as the Office of Co-Investigating Judges and the Office of the Co-Prosecutors are working normally (despite certain disagreements), the assertion that the tribunal is heading for a crash is baseless. [KI-Media Note: DENY No. 2]

3. The reported statements “the tribunal is in danger of collapse” and “the court’s future hangs in the balance” are therefore nonsensical and do not correspond with reality.

The Co-Investigating Judges have worked independently from outside interference, will continue to resist all such attempts, and are resolved to defend their independence against outside interference, wherever it may come from. [KI-Media Note: DENY No. 3]


Anonymous said...

main purpose behind KR trial is somewhat not clearly know, but what that is obvious is that CPP and their foreign master are politically profitting from this.

if someone say that this is to prevent future masacre the idea is completely irrelevent.

Anonymous said...

It's just a monkey show as the CPP do not have anything else to do for the last 30 years.

Some people praise the CPP for some changes in Cambodia especially in properties.

However, how many of those are done by the CPP, almost none.

Most of them were done or are being developed by individuals and private companies.

Do not mistake the developments in Cambodia by private individuals as the CPP.

The CPP did absolutely nothing in Cambodia apart from killings and chasing oppositions around.