Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Talking about "CPP" political bias!

Dear Readers,

After posting of the photo above, an anonymous reader wrote:
"don't make fun, it's made for a movie set only, ok! plus, this pictre was so old say like 10 or so years ago, talk about political bias, etc, really! wake up already, people! this is not the KR era nor dark ages again, ok!"
To see whether KI-Media team is filled with political bias, we consulted the Agence Kampuchea Presse - an agency completely under the control of the CPP - which also posted a few photos of the same event which took place on Thursday 19 May 2011 in Kampong Thom province. There, even with all the major development under the Hun Xen regime, villagers still have to depend on CPP handout. It's no wonder Cambodia is called the "Kingdoom of Wonder" because there is no end to the wonders of poverty in this country that is developing by leaps and bounds, just like Pol Pot's  "Moha Lot Phoss " regime.

By the way, "Mea Culpa", we admit that we are politically biased: we failed to give credit to the CPP for posting the picture above. So, there you have it, the truth, the whole truth and nothing else but the truth. Conversely, anybody who claims otherwise earns the illustrious title "CPP blindness".

Thank you,

KI-Media team

Cambodian Prime Minister Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen and his wife Lok Chumteav Dr. Bun Rany Hun Sen on May 19 visit villagers at Kok Trabek village at Tonle Sap Lake area in Sralao commune, Baray district, Kampong Thom province. (Photos: AKP)


Anonymous said...

It goes to show that the person who wrote the comment has no clue what is going on in Cambodia and he is obviously biased in favor of the CPP.

This guy is living in the US and he is kissing Hun Sen's ass so that he can later on get a job as Phay Siphan's deputy.

I usually call him Mr. OK and Really!

Anonymous said...

This picture confirmed that PM Hun Sen tried to help poor Khmer in Kompong Thom. Well done Samdeach Techo Sen.

Anonymous said...

Cambodian living inside Cambodia MUST stand up for them self.What are Cambodian people inside waiting for. Do something, uprising now, this is the best time for all of them to rise up.

Don't you see Egypt, Tunisia, Libya and other countries. We Cambodian outside support you only if you all Khmer living inside to stand up against those corrupted government' slave Vietnam.

President Ms Rattana Keo,

Anonymous said...

Cambodian living outside Cambodia MUST do first or shut up. What are Cambodian people outside waiting for. If you are cowardice, please don't come and tell Khmer people inside Cambodia to uprising. This is not the best time for all of them to rise up.

Who care what have happened in Egypt, Tunisia, Libya and other countries. We Cambodian inside Cambodia are fed up with the extreme group in overseas always want to create chaos in Cambodia.

Former husband of Rattana Keo

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Shut up a fugitive who has woman's behaviour.

Anonymous said...

ខ្ញុំឃើញរូបលោក ហ៊ុន សែន និងបវិវារបង់ក្រមានៅនឹងកដូចនេះ វាដូចទៅនឹងរូបភាព ប៉ុល ពត និងកម្មាភិបាលរបស់ខ្លួនកាលពីសម័យខ្មែរក្រហមអញ្ជឹងដែរ ។ គិតទៅចរិតខ្មែរក្រហមមិនចោលទម្លាប់មែន តែខុសគ្នាបន្តិចត្រង់ ខ្មែរក្រហមចិន បង់ក្រមា ពាក់ស្បែកជើងកង់ឡាន សំលាប់មនុស្សដោយផ្ទាល់ តែខ្មែរក្រហមយួន ដែលនៅគ្រប់គ្រងអំណាចសព្វថ្ងៃ បង់ក្រមាដែរ ពាក់ស្បែកជើងល្អ ជិះឡានទំនើប រស់នៅក្នុងវិមានដ៏អស្ចារ្យ និងមានទ្រព្យសម្បត្តិស្តុកស្តម ។ ប៉ុន្តែនៅតែសំលាប់ខ្មែរតាមបញ្ជារបស់យួនហានូយដដែល គ្រាន់តែដូរវិធីសាស្រ្ត គឺសំលាប់ដោយសម្ងាត់ ចាប់ដាក់គុក បំភិតបំភ័យឲ្យខ្មែររត់ចោលស្រុក ដាក់ថ្នាំពុលក្នុងបន្លែរបផ្លែឈើដែលនាំមកពីយួន ធ្វើយ៉ាងណាឲ្យខ្មែរបរិភោគ កើតជម្ងឺ មានអាយុខ្លី ហើយគេចេះតែបង្ហូរជនជាតិយួនចូលមករស់នៅស្រុកយើងកាន់តែច្រើនទៅៗ គេផ្តល់ដីសម្បទានឲ្យក្រុមហ៊ុនយួនរាប់ម៉ឺនហិកតា រយៈពេល៩៩ឆ្នាំ ហើយគេផ្តល់សិទ្ធិឲ្យពួកយួនទាំងនោះមានសិទ្ធិ បោះឆ្នោត ថ្ងៃក្រោយប្រទេសយើងមានឈ្មោះជាខ្មែរមែន តែយួនជាអ្នកគ្រប់គ្រងតាំងពីថ្នាក់លើរហូតដល់ថ្នាក់មូលដ្ឋាន ដែលវិធីសាស្រ្តយួនធ្វើបានជោគជ័យទៅលើប្រទេសឡាវរួចហើយ​ ។

Anonymous said...

Cambodian people who support the CPP, they get gifts from the government, but if they support the opposition, Khmer people get only a lot of promises. Which one you prefer?

Anonymous said...

Stop doing anything for our lives , because our leader Hun Sen can fed us with a small gift and especially near election . Do we live by gift or by working yourself ? How many countries in the world that the leader do like this ? Hun Sen make Khmer to be beggar!

Anonymous said...

I notice something...the ones who are standing intend to be fatter than the ones who are sitting down.

Why can't the people greet each at the same level? You kneel down to god buddha not the corrupted EVIL.

Anonymous said...

I notice something...the ones who are standing tend to be fatter than the ones who are sitting down.

Why can't the people greet each at the same level? You kneel down to god buddha not the corrupted EVIL.


Anonymous said...

Those gifts are curruptions, and actually small tiny portions of what supposed to be the people from donation anyway.

foolish people,"gifts"? More like tricks!

Anonymous said...

stop, stop, stop,
attacking our beloved leaders,,,

if u don't like, i suggest u, not to go to Cambodia,,,

let Cambodian peoples, enjoy peace

Anonymous said...

Good luck Sam !

Anonymous said...

King Sen and Queen Bunranny inspect their flock....

Anonymous said...

Ah Hun Xen's feet smells like his shitty breath!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen knows very clear that the frontline ex khmer rough soldiers are the true khmer patriots. Vietnam will be advices Hun Sen to eliminate them slowly by different mean and way.

Vietnam still worry if the frontline ex khmer roughs or true patriots khmer are still present in this world. Vietnam use Hun Sen to eliminate them by using Thai hands to blame but Vietnam take over 30 000km2 Hun Sen doesn't even talk about these issues Why???

Remember the ex khmer rough and khmer colision were force Vietnam army out of Cambodia. Vietnam has lost over 100 000 soldiers during 1979-1993. That is why lead to Vietnam withdraw their army out of Cambodia.

Today Vietnam is using his slave PM HUn Sen to kill all Ex Khmer Rough as well as the true khmer patriots so Vietnam will be securely convert Cambodia to Nambodia province after Hun SEn eliminate the khmer patriot frontline soldiers out of this world.