Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Thailand: TOP intellectual property PIRATE and also TOP PIRATE of Khmer temples

Thailand 'top IP pirate'

Bangkok Post

The US Trade Representative once again has put Thailand on its list of top pirates of intellectual property, known as the Priority Watch List.

The annual Special 301 Report said 42 of 77 nations reviewed were either actively aiding intellectual piracy, or were doing too little to fight it.

Thailand is on the "dirty dozen" list of alleged top violators, along with China, Russia, Algeria, Argentina, Canada, Chile, India, Indonesia, Israel, Pakistan and Venezuela.

The report says that Thailand has "shown a continuing commitment to improving protection and enforcement," but has "failed to make substantial progress."

According to the US report, the big complaint is that Thailand has failed to pass laws demanded by Washington, especially one to ban the use of video cameras in cinema to record movies.

The USTR also said that enforcement against piracy in general is both weak and non-deterrent.

"Piracy and counterfeiting, including illegal downloading of pirated works from the Internet, and the theft of cable and satellite signals, remain rampant in Thailand," the report claimed.

The annual naming of Thailand as a top pirate theoretically opens the country to punitive trade measures, but so far, no action has ever been taken against Thailand because of the piracy.


Anonymous said...

Not surprised- Thailand the world top thief!

This is what Cambodian have been saying all along.

Anonymous said...

Yae Yae Cambodia The Kingdom of Wonder also in the list Yae Yae

Anonymous said...

I don't see anything wrong for Thailand to steal others' properties if they failed to file or trademark their properties via European Patent or US Patent. The US too infringe Thailand's Jasmine Rice. Today the US produce Jasmine Rice and smell taste better than Thailand's Jasmine Rice. They are the same when come to money.