Wednesday, June 29, 2011

"If I die...": Hun Xen

28 June 2011

The Cambodia Daily reported in its 28 June 2011 edition:

Finally, after speaking about his youth as a pagoda boy, Mr Hun Sen began to discuss preparations for his own death.

"If I die, I have already prepared everything, like wich son must be ordained and which grandson must be ordained [for the funeral]," he said. "When I prepared like so, my youngest son was crying."


Anonymous said...

Don't die yet Hun Sen. Justice is not served until you are sommoned to court.

Anonymous said...

Hell dont' want you yet ass hole. You have to die rotten in prison. You need to explain why you and your vicious wife the witch collaborated with Vietnamese the created K5 the PIGS!

Hell wants you to serve jail time first.

can you die tomorrow so Cambodian can have peace on this earth. We want you and your wife be gone soon.

Anonymous said...

if you die ah hun sen the whole world would be very happy. you are worthless for being a person on this earth everybody wish you die and go traight to hell with ho chi minh.

Anonymous said...

LOL! If You dead Hun Sen! All the wealth you earn, your Corrupted CPP buddy and Family moeny belong to the Khmer people. Your family and CPP member will be trail for selling the country! Your time will come Hun Sen.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Hun Sen if you keeping acting like that to Cambodia ant the people do you thing your children or your grand chilren would have chance to do as you wish?

Try to leurn from falling Dickheads Mr Mun Sen! not step on their dirty foot steps!

Anonymous said...

Mr. Hun Sen if you kept acting like that to Cambodia and the people do you think your children or your grand chilren would have chance to do as you wish?

Try to leurn from falling Dickheads Mr Mun Sen! not step on their dirty foot steps!

Anonymous said...

Today Hun Sen is a live,tomorrow
he will die like a dead dog.
Gadhafi(Libya dictator)=Hun Sen
(Cambodia dictator)will take to
Hague as soon as possible.

Anonymous said...

If this ass hole (last Khmer traitor) die, he will die like Muammar al-Gaddafi from Libya. Gen. Lon Nol and Pol will wait for him, in order to kick him to hell.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

If you, Hun Sen the traitor, dies there will be lots of people dancing in the street to celebrate their happy day.
“When I prepared like so my youngest son was crying."
And you want us to cry with him, hehehe, keep on dreaming my former pagoda’s boy.

Anonymous said...

If you, Hun Sen the traitor, dies there will be lots of people lining up to piss on your grave for good luck.

Anonymous said...

Everythings will be 50% off!!!

Anonymous said...

Ah Hun Sen; last times you said that you will stay in power and controlled over Cambodia for ever, there is no one else beside you. I'm telling you! every thing her in this wide worlds, there is nothing stay for ever. So you are the same thing, today you are
controlling over Cambodia but one day you might be in court or in jail facing your criminal act against the humanity. Today you laugh but tomorrow you will be cry, today you happy but tomorrow you will be suffer. (KPPM)

Anonymous said...

3:am it depend what do you charge in the first place!

Anonymous said...

3:06 AM I'm trying to buy a house in Kampong Som where I can see Koh Tral mermaids.

Anonymous said...

we all are going to die from old age, eventually! embrace life while we are still living, stop the killing of each other, the hatred, the stealing of cambodia, the injustice, etc, etc... we all should concentrate on reconstructing cambodia so for all to enjoy... khmer people had suffered enough already, it is now time to work together for the sake of peace, stability, economic prosperity, happiness, etc in cambodia. of course, as a human being we are not perfect, and god does not expect us to be perfect either. it is good to learn to forgive and move on with life. life's too short on this planet. people can die from anything at anytime without warning, etc... so let us embrace the moment and learn the art of love and peace making together. we should be less selfish and more loving and caring in society. accept to agree to disagree, accept each other's difference for if we were all to be identical, it would be boring as hell on earth. please continue to educate ourselves nonstop. god bless cambodia and all our beautiful khmer people and citizens.

Anonymous said...

all personal things aside, it is better for khmer people to practice the rule of law, instead of hating and fighting each other nonstop, really! if we're afraid youn and siem steal from us, then make tough law to discourage it. one way to deal with illegal youn immigrants is to put in place a good immigration law, one way to make sure to stop further youn or siem advancement into cambodia and their stealing or robbing or khmer land, territories, etc, is to properly and lawfully demarcate our borderlines. encourage khmer people and khmer citizens to love, care and learn the khmer language, etc... of course, khmer people should also learn from the world as well. we must develop our country and stop isolate our country. i mean the list goes on and on... it is good to reform our justice system so our people will gain trust and confidence in our leaders, etc... without justice, people lose confidence and trust, really!

Anonymous said...

Mr. Hun Sen!!!
There is a big difference between
to die and to get killed. Which one
are you prepared for? If you die
from lung cancer your preparation
might have a small chance to be partially realized if you are lucky
. But in case you get killed you
may kiss good bye to your so called
preparation. Don't forget to tell
all your relatives to prepare to jump ship as well. Good bye Hun Sen
and relatives!!!

Anonymous said...

យួននិងពួកអាឃាតករ ហ៊ុនសែន បញ្ខូលទៅក្នុង
ទូរទាំងប្រទេសអាចដេកលក់បានស្រួល..អាឯងឮទេអាកញ្ជៈយួន4:25AM?, សម្តីរបស់អាឯងនេះ
គ្រាន់តែហាមាត់មកធំក្លិនស្អុយមកដល់អញ់បាត់ទៅហើយ។ ពូជខ្មែរស្លូតហើយទន់ភ្លន់ណាស់
អាភឿន!ខ្មែរសុំតែសុខប៉ុណ្ណោះតែពួកអាក្រពើរយួនឯងនេះមិនដែលឱយខ្មែរបានសុខម្តងណាទេ។ បច្ចុប្បន្ននេះខ្មែរបានដឹងច្បាស់ថាពួកអាក្រពើរវង្វែងបឹងយួនឯងនេះកំពុងតែត្របាក់លេបទឹកដីខ្មែរនិងកំពុងខាំស៊ីពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរទូរទាំងប្រទេស។ ដូច្នេះកូន
ខ្មែរមិនអាចដេកលក់បានជាដាច់ខាត។ (KPPM)

Anonymous said...

HoonXen looks more youn than he is khmer.

Anonymous said...

hello 4:25 am i agree and every khmer already try since oct 23,1991you just play your word but when you said you not thinking and you not open your fucking what happen in cambodia from that day up to now ( did khmer people creat know what K5 mean ? who allow youn upgrad boder to loose khmer land ? who continue to kill khmer more than 1000 people in KOS PEAK who allow communist youn inveter to steal khmer land every day ? did your fucking eye blind ? ....yes we love working together but we can't working and trust with CPP anymore fucker

Anonymous said...

Hoon Xenn,

Before you die, cancel all treaties that you had signed with your master Vietmam ( yes, Mam because it is so evil ).

Doing so, maybe help you to stay only in the 6th level of hell.

Your son cried because he awares of your act of treasons and hell may take all of your family members with you.

Anonymous said...

This stupid blind eye traitor is afraid to die and he prepares his funeral in advance. He doesn't think how many people he killed in his own hand during his 30 years rule.

Go to hell.

Anonymous said...

Prime Minister PhD, Dr. Hun SEn with all respect sir! before you die, would you please cancel all the treaties with Vietnam invasion and get back Koh Tral, sea, lands area of over 30 000km2 back to Cambodian people, Sir.

All the treaties that you are make with Vietnam are illigal so please get Cambodia koh Tral, sea, lands of over 30 000 km2 back to the pople of Cambodia before you die.

Thanks you in advance!

Anonymous said...

Be respect with your leaders Bro!
I love you all and be nice and act professionally and good behave.

Anonymous said...

Yes before you die undo all the signature that you sighed to give Khmer land to Vietnam and I will take you out of the traitor list.

Anonymous said...

I know all Khmer hate my husband but even my own family including my mother hate him too, he killed one of my niece's husband. I can't wait till the day he dies.

Bun Ranny

Anonymous said...

PM, dont die under Youn vision. But a really Khmer Hero. Do something best for the country! You know what to do! and be respected by all Khmers.


Anonymous said...

Hoon Xen you been so evil, you die with shame, for all evil things you did, you will hail as a thug, gangster, mafia leader where you will die in shame, and will burn in hell for millions,billions and trillions of years, so good luck where you belong in hell.

Anonymous said...

តើមានអ្វីគួអោយស្ដាយ ងាប់កាន់តែឆាប់កាន់តែល្អ ទោះយ៉ាងណាក៏ស្ដាយម្យាងដែរ គឺយួនមួយចំនួនច្រើននឹងត្រឡប់ទៅស្រុកវាវិញ។ អូខែ្មរគួតែនាំគ្នាធ្វើបញ្ជីចំនួនយួនខុសច្បាប់នៅស្រុកខ្មែរហើយ មិនគួចាំរដ្ឋាភិបាលធ្វើទេ ពលរដ្ឋគួរតែចាប់ផ្ដើមធ្វើខ្លួនឯង។

Anonymous said...

This is his preparation just in case the four leaders of Khmer Rouge (currently on trial) implicate him at the scene of the crime.

I am a human being. Like many other, I don't condone or wish anything bad happen to other. However, I do believe that in some point in time, you must answer to the highest power.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Just wondering how comrade HunSen will die:
a) heart attack
b) sleep walking and falling off
the grand mansion
c) Slab ler bong-kong
d) Hanging (joining Saddam)
e) Rotten in Jail
f) Car crash
g) plane crash
h) Vietcong dai dol

Anonymous said...

What are you all on about?

Surely thousands of years of Khmer culture and civilisation would've taught us well about compassion, humility, and not the least respect for leader (for the title if not for the person). As a dutiful Khmer citizen, I've already stocked up a 20L gasoline tank as my share of donation towards the final ceremony for such a grief stricken occasion. Fuel's expensive these days, and the price fluctuate a fair bit.

Anonymous said...

Who were assigned to hold the numerous framed Honorary PhD Certificates during funeral procession?

Anonymous said...

It is good samdech now acknowledged motality and the state of impermanance!

Anonymous said...

Ash to ash, all that's left is a mable ball.

Anonymous said...

Ash to Ash, Dust to Dust, Rot in hell you scum.

Anonymous said...

Oh what da hell, let us forgive and forget. Let God or Buddha be the judge of him. Although I would love to see his ass hung by the neck, but, we are not the judge.

Anonymous said...

Every leader in this planet needs to earn respect from other by proving themselves to be worth for that respect. There is no way people shall be forced to respect someone just be a leader.
Venerable Loun Savath has been respected by millions of Cambodian for his caring attitude.
Mr Mam Sonando has been respected by millions of his fellow citizen for his charity works around Cambodia.
Pol Pot has been labelled as a killer for his killing policy.
Sihanouk has lost all the respect from all ordinary people because of his stupidity to join Khmer Rouge 1970.

Areak Prey

Anonymous said...

Go to the hell, bad ass and dumb Hun Sen. You are very stubborn more than ever. You will be shot down one of these. Fuck you, Hun Sen.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

we dont' your dead ass body bury in Khmer land we will let the dog eat your stinky rotton body.

we will let the crocodile eat your dead dreadful body.

we dont' want you and your family living in cambodia anymore.

go away.......

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Am one of them(dancing).

Anonymous said...

Excause me. Am not so good in English. R u side of him or side of Kppm. Democrate boyz

Anonymous said...

I wish him won't sleep for 2 weeks, then he die... try to think