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Seng Theary, head of Association of Khmer Rouge Victims in Cambodia. (Photo: Courtesy of Center for Justice and Reconciliation) |
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Friday, 24 June 2011
Sok Khemara, VOA Khmer | Washington, DC
“When there are no investigations into 003 and 004, we don’t have additional information about the darkness of the regime.”
With pressure mounting on the UN-backed Khmer Rouge tribunal, two civil party representatives said Thursday the court will be judged on the quality of justice it provides to victims of the regime.
“When we speak about justice, we want to focus on quality,” Seng Theary, a Cambodian-American lawyer who has pushed for more access of victims to court procedures, told “Hello VOA” Thursday.
Ly Monysak, who lost 21 family members to the Khmer Rouge, said he was now concerned a trial of four jailed leaders will not be completed in their lifetimes. The first hearing in that trial is scheduled for June 27.
But the fate of two more cases remains unknown. Critics have said they worry about political obstruction in those cases, 003 and 004, which together would call for five more indictments at the court.
Investigating judges have been criticized for hastily concluded Case 003, without field investigations into some sites and without interviewing the two suspects. The international prosecutor is appealing to have more investigation.
Tribunal spokesman Huy Vannak said the case is not fully closed, but a decision will be up to the Pre-Trial Chamber of the court.
Seng Theary said the number of indictments in those cases was less important than the information their pursuit might provide.
“When there are no investigations into 003 and 004, we don’t have additional information about the darkness of the regime,” she said.
“When we don’t receive information, we don’t have the truth. When we don’t have truth, we don’t have justice. And when we don’t have justice, we don’t have obvious peace in our hearts.”
OK HS, it about time to diversify your posting! I am wondering whether you are over promoting Theary Seng. If you do too much it could backfire on the very thing that she stands for! Moderation of anything is good for you!
គួរឲ្យអាណិតកញ្ញាសៅកែ ធារី សេង ខំស្រែកឡូឡា និយាយភាសាខ្មែរមិនច្បាស់ផង ខំត្រដមកធ្វើជាតំណាងជនរងគ្រោះខ្មែរ។ ខ្មាសគេផង កញ្ញាសេង ធារី អាយុជិត ៤០ ឆ្នាំ។ និយាយលើកតែខ្លួនឯងបានហើយ មិនចាំបាច់ និយាយជំនួសជនរងគ្រោះដទៃ ដែលគេមានមេធាវី ការពារក្តី និងតំណាងរបស់គេត្រឹមត្រូវទេ។ បើថាស្រែក និងគៀងគអ្នកដទៃឲ្យជួយស្រែកដើម្បីរកជំនួយទេ ណាស់ហើយល្មមខ្មាសខ្លួនឯងផង ធារី! ប្រយត្នជនរងគ្រោះខ្មែរ មករករឿង។ កោតតែ KI ឲ្យដៃទៅកញ្ញាម្នាក់នេះប្រើទៅកើត! អូមែន! មកពីកញ្ញាសេង ធារី ក៏ជាក្រុមអ្នកសម រង្ស៊ី និយមដែរ។
OK ពីហេងក្នុងសយ,
If Theary wants to denfense the victum of KR -- just let her be. At least she does something better than the rest whose sell Khmer land, and resources to foreigners.
Are you sure Theary works for the victims? She is a very professional Victim! She exploit the soul of victim. Are you sure she really work for the victim? Just for money, her honor, her celebrities and finally she will become a candidate for SRP in next election! Lool we know your mind already.
The picture made the story all about Theary seng...nothing else...
10:04 -- you are right. If she could become MP for Rainsy party -- that is all the better. Rainsy need people can yield and scream likes her, but I am wondering whether she will get a long with Rainsy's wife, and of course, don't forget Ms. Mu Sochua. Is it possible to have many tigers on one mountain???
THeary Seag wants to be a celebrity like Hollywood Sandra Bullock.
She tries to get everybody attention on her.
Of course, she exploit the soul of Khmer victims. Go to hell Theary Seng, we dont want you.
រឿងសៅកែជារឿងផ្ទាល់ខ្លួនរបស់មនុស្សម្នាក់ៗវាលយន្តហោះកំពង់ឆ្នាំងដែលអ្នកសាងសង់ត្រូវបានសំលាប់អស់ជាច្រើន ជារឿងអន់ជាងក្រមុំសៅកែ រឹ ជារឿង
មូលហេតុដែលនាំឲ្យសៅកែ គឺដោយសារតែមាត់ គ្មានគម្របដូចធារី សេងនេះហើយ! នរណាក៏ឈឺចាប់ដែរ តែសូមកុំធ្វើអាជីវកម្មលើព្រលឹងជនរងគ្រោះ!
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