By Den Ayuthyea
Radio Free Asia
Translated from Khmer by Soy
Click here to read the original article in Khmer
"What I want to say is that, in Case 003/004, there was 20 months of inactivity where the Investigating Judges did not investigate these cases. This affects our justice as victims who are looking for clarifications on the darkness under the KR regime” - Theary Seng, AKRVC President
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Theary Seng |
On 22 June, Netr Preaktra, the KRT spokesman, indicated that the KRT learned that a 6th UN legal official resigned from his position at the KRT investigation office. However, Netr Pheaktra said that this resignation does not affect the function or the mission to find justice for the victims of the KR regime. (sic!)
Netr Pheaktra added: “The KRT administrative office guarantees that it will find an able official to continue its investigation work at the Co-Investigation Judges’ office, yes!”
Netr Pheaktra did not reveal the name of the 6th official at the investigation office who resigned from his position, nor the latter’s nationality.
Regarding this issue, Theary Seng, President of the Association of Khmer Rouge Victims in Cambodia (AKRVC), indicated that the resignation announcement by another UN legal official from the KRT investigation office shows that there are irregularities or dissent with the Cambodian and International Co-Investigating Judges regarding the investigation into the KR leaders involved in Case 003/004.
Theary Seng, who is also President of CIVICUS, added: “I think that he cannot accept the irregularities and the injustice pushes him to resign from this office. What I want to say is that, in Case 003/004, there was 20 months of inactivity where the Investigating Judges did not investigate these cases. This affects our justice as victims who are looking for clarifications on the darkness under the KR regime.”
Nevertheless, Lars Olsen, the UN public relation representative at the KRT, did not comment on this resignation. However on 21 June, he told news media that the recent resignations of UN investigation officials will not affect the legal aspect or any other aspects of the KRT, including the Co-Investigating Judges office, i.e. the KRT guarantees that it will have enough employees to fulfill its duty or mission.
The KRT spokesman indicated that the KRT will bring forth Case 002 during its hearing to be held on 27 June 2011. Case 002 involves 4 former KR leaders: Nuon Chea, Khieu Samphan, Ieng Sary and Ieng Thirith. This group of leaders are responsible for the killing of almost 2 millions innocent victims during the KR regime which they ruled between 1957 and 1979.
UN spent too much time and money on the Khmer Rouge trial that will never solve the current Khmer people suffering, hardship, etc. by HUN SEN's regime.
Ki-media must keep up and never give up on the Cambodia news and update.
All Khmer people must rise up and stand up together to protecting and saving Cambodia now.
ខ្មែរអើយខ្មែរ! បើខ្មែរមិននាំគ្នាខ្វល់ខ្វាយនឹងវាសនា
អនាគត់របស់ជាតិខ្លួនឯងទេ តើឱយបរទេសណា?
ព្រៈពុទ្ធលោកបានសម្តែងថា៖អត្ថនោនាត្ថោ គឺខ្លួន
ទីពឹងខ្លួន។ បើយើងចង់ឱយdoctorគេជួយមើល
ជម្ងឺរបស់យើង លុៈណាតែយើងបើកឡានទៅជួប
ពួកគេ ទើបពួកគេអាចជួយព្យាបាលយើងបាន។ តែបើយើងខ្ជិលបើកឡានទៅជួបពួកគេវិញ នោះ
យើងមុខជានឹងស្លាប់ ទាល់តែស្អុយទើបគេផ្អើល
ឆោឡោ! ពេលនោះវាហួសពេលទៅហើយ។
You see ah kwack HUn Sen?
Do not happy with your dirty tricks, yet the West will spend one million dollar to catch one penny.
You think your fucking prime minister youn slave will be for ever?
That why most people like school,because the more in school the more they are can scoping all every thing
to: 701a,m
be nice, be respected, be polite
don't be rude... to our beloved leaders,, ass hole.
ដើម្បីពាំអំណាចអោយបានយូរ ហ៊ុន សែនបក្ស
ពួកនិងយួនរកគ្រប់មធ្យោបាយ ក្នុងការបន្តុច
ដោយមានការសង្កត់សង្កិនខ្លាំងពីហ៊ុន សែននេះហើយ បានជាចៅក្រម៦នាក់លាលែង
យួនពពាក់ពពូន ដឹកជញ្ជូនជនជាតិយួនចូល
អញ់មុខផ្ទៈទុំ អញ់នឹងអូសក្បាលអាឆ្កែរអង្គែរស៊ីឯង
មកកាប់ស្លរការីស៊ីឱយឆ្ងាញ់មាត់ពួកអញ់ម្តង! ពួក
Chea Leang must resigns or face legal action for obstruction ECCC court process in Case 002 and 003 and 004.
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