Saturday, July 23, 2011

Brain Food for Christians

What is the good of pretending to be what you are not? Well, even on the human level, you know, there are two kinds of pretending. There is a bad kind, where the pretense is there instead of the real thing; as when a man pretends he is going to help you instead of really helping you. But there is also a good kind, where the pretense leads up to the real thing. When you are not feeling particularly friendly but know you ought to be, the best thing you can do, very often, is to put on a friendly manner and behave as if you were a nicer person than you actually are. And in a few minutes, as we have all noticed, you will be really feeling friendlier than you were. Very often the only way to get a quality in reality is to start behaving as if you had it already. That is why children's games are so important. They are always pretending to be grown-ups--playing soldiers, playing shop. But all the time, they are hardening their muscles and sharpening their wits, so that the pretense of being grown-up helps them to grow up in earnest.

- C. S. Lewis, "Putting on Christ"


Anonymous said...

I'm pretending to be a preacher even though I'm not one, but may be I will be one.


Anonymous said...

Anybody can preach!

Just memorize the sentences in the bible and then go out and say them.

The question is can you practise what you preach?

More likely NOT!

Anonymous said...

you can practice what you preaches, if you can just put your pride and your selfishness behind.

Christ put his whole being behind for the honor and glory of the father almight God.

Anonymous said...

if the Creator of this universe can bend Himself to wash His disciples feet, the least i and you my brothers in the faith can do is to serve the disadvantaged among our beloved khmer people. all for his sake.

Anonymous said...

"If anyone wish to be my disciple he must take up his cross and follow me," said Jesus.

Following is a costly adventure, but the reward is out of this world.

Anonymous said...

Three greatest men were human beings.They were not Gods.
Men and women created Gods.

So,the three of them,people
should respect and obey them.

Anonymous said...

With true love in our heart, we need no more to pretend. Love is shown in actions. Love without action is dead. Not love. A fake one. But to have love we have to have Spirit of God in you.
Galatians 5 says:
22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. .... 24 Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. 25 Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. 26 Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other.
Hate is the opposite of Love.
Love and peace, harmony,... are hands in hands ...
But without God in us, our heart is only hatetred, war, insecurity, quarels...
So the first step to live in peace in harmony with each other is to renounce our sinful nature of the world in which we are living, repent and go to GOD.
The world cannot give us peace and love. Only God and Jesus Christ will.

David said...

11:26 PM
You are one of the stupid Cambodian. From a tiny miserable Kingdom with about 99% know how to read and write and why pretend to know all?