Media Comment – Phnom Penh, 18 July 2011
Reason rules the day in ICJ Order outlining provisional measures
The Cambodian Center for Human Rights (CCHR) today, 18 July 2011, welcomes the decision of the International Court of (ICJ) outlining provisional measures in the case concerning the interpretation of the Judgment of 15 June 1962 regarding Preah Vihear Temple (Cambodia v. Thailand). In an order dated today, the ICJ rejected a request from Thailand that the case introduced by Cambodia be removed from the General List and indicated various provisional measures, as follows:
- Both Parties should immediately withdraw military personal currently present in a provisional demilitarized zone defined in the order surrounding the Temple;
- In order to ensure no irreparable damage is caused to the Temple, the presence of all armed forces must be temporarily excluded from the provisional demilitarized zone;
- Thailand should not obstruct Cambodia’s free access to the Temple or prevent it from providing fresh supplies to its non-military personnel;
- Cambodia and Thailand should continue their co-operation within the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) and, in particular, allow observers appointed by ASEAN to have access to the demilitarized zone;
- Both Parties should refrain from any action which might aggravate or extend the dispute before the Court of make it more difficult to resolve.
Noting that its orders indicating provisional measures had binding effect and created international legal obligations, the ICJ ordered both Parties to inform the ICJ of its compliance with its orders.
In response to the order indicating provisional measures, Ou Virak, President of CCHR, a non-aligned, independent, non-governmental organization that works to promote and protect democracy and respect for human rights Cambodia, commented:
“Reason has at last ruled the day. The order creating the provisional demilitarized zone around Preah Vihear Temple will hopefully ensure an end to the bloodshed and mass displacement of civilians on either side of the border. The order has provided ASEAN with an opportunity to step in and prove its worth as a stabilizing force in the region and has given the Cambodian government and their newly elected counterparts in Thailand breathing space to resolve the border issue once and for all.”
For more information, please contact CCHR President Ou Virak via telephone at +855 (0) 12 40 40 51 or e-mail at
Please find this media comment attached in Khmer and English
The Cambodian Center for Human Rights (CCHR) is a non-aligned, independent, non-governmental organization that works to promote and protect democracy and respect for human rights throughout Cambodia. For more information, please visit
1 comment:
What does bullet #3 mean, does that mean Cambodia has full ownership of PR and the land adjacent to the temple? That's the only way that we can access the temple freely.
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