Friday, July 29, 2011

Politiktoo​ns No. 171 : "The Debt Ceilling Deadlock"

Cartoon by Sacrava (on the web at and also at


Anonymous said...

America was put 'down under' by design, not happen chance. It's the New World Order Bankster Gangsters plot all along.

I remember a can of Mt. Dew was 50 cents, now for the same can it's over a dollar. You could buy a brand new car 40 years ago what you would pay for a good personal PC today. Inflation is a form of robbery. It's all by design to rob it's citizens without them knowing that they are being robbed.

I hate to think when my day's wage can only buy a loaf of bread. It bound to happen because there is a ploy by the Gangsters to cut food supply & starve people to submission to get them on board for the New World Plan.


Anonymous said...

Just keep an eye on the Best Democratic nation at work !!!

It might get some body to have a second thought about having multiple political parties in the country !!!!

You can't get any thing done !!!

It is just like Thailand !!!!

the US army is running base on dictatorship system !!!!

and It works very well !!!!!