The Nation
The International Court of Justice Monday voted 9:5 to order both Thailand and Cambodia to withdraw their troops from the disputed plot around Preah Vihear Temple.
Praj Iampongsan, a Nation Channel reporter, reported from Hague that the ICJ would proceed with the case to interpret the 1962 ruling on the Preah Vihear temple. Pending the ruling, both countries are required to pull out their troops from the area.
He said the court rejected Thailand's request to throw out the case.
Should the Thai government decide to comply with the court order and withdraw the troops from the 4.5 disputed area, it would be seen favourable for Cambodia.
Without Thai troops deployed in the disputed area, Cambodia could proceed to develop Preah Vihear as a world heritage site without obstacle.
Military observers expect that the Thai government would never comply with the order or else Thailand could be seen as being the wrong side during the past two years.
Earlier, the second Army area commander declared that he would never withdraw troops from the disputed area as doing so would be tantamount to giving the land to Phnom Penh.
If Thai Army Commander declared that he would never withdraw troops from the dispute area even it has been ordered by the ICJ , why did Thailand let its representatives to go to the Court to listen to the Court's decision on that case ? They dont respect the decision of the ICJ anyway. He would never withdraw the troops because the Court's decision is not in his favour ?
After reading the ICJ's decision, I was kind of disappointed a little bit about withdraw both militaries out of Phreas Vihear zone. The decision was just if you made up so many countries. That was the international decision. Well, this decision was also to protect the world monument. The court was just don't want it to distroy or damage. Military's absenty were the must. But in term of rights to visit there or give civilians food and supplies, we had more rights and accesses. So, I's very happy for its decision.
As for Thai army 2 commander, he was bluffing for saying the wrong thing.
ICJ court ruled 11 to 5. not 9 to 5 for the DMZ....Thai already lost....
Cheyo Prates Kampuchea!!
Thailand already knew they lost, but disturb head and political game made its second shameful act. Cambodia's right to file lawsuit against Thailand for its wrongdoer.
Here we go the Thai flip flop again. First they said they would comply with the ruling and now they say they will not. What is their stance??? When you want something it does not mean you will get it. That is life and that is real world - learn something about it Thailand.
That's good that we have this ICJ resolution now.
Cambodia and Thailand should not fight in order not to play into the hand of Vietnamese expansionism.
សូមខ្មែរយើងកុំអាល់អរពេក! យើងបានឈ្នៈដីមួយកញ្ចុបនោះមែនតែកុំភ្លេចថាព្រំដែនខាងកើតរបស់ខ្មែរយើងបានរំកិលមកដល់ជាប់នឹងព្រំដែនថៃទៅហើយបងប្អូនខ្មែរអើយ! អាយួននិងពួក
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កង្កែបខ្មែរអើយគួរគិតយ៉ាងណា? បើយើងមិននាំគ្នាធ្វើឱយភ្លើងចង្រា្កននេះវារលត់ទេ
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