Thursday, August 11, 2011

Brain Food to Encourage Creativity/Curiosity

Wisdom begins in wonder.

- Socrates


Anonymous said...

So the woder country will soon get wisdon1

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hi Everyone,

One of KI-Media member who has his name in Facebook as Khmer Sovannaphumi but his real name is Pang Sokhoeun, former political asylum and now living in Sweden. He always copies news from here to post in his facebook profile to promote himself, but right now, he tries to removed and blocked anyone who dares to reveal his con activity particular he tries to hide what he has cheated his wife (Sreypov Chea) by having a girlfriend (Sokunthear Sam) behind his wife back. Now, his girlfriend had ran way from him after she knew his cheating.

A con man Pang Sokhoeun as well as KI-Media like to insult to the government officers who have affairs, but himself does even worse than other people. What a shame!

PS: I like it in my ass!

Anonymous said...

Wrong... "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom." The Torah of God is the instruction of wisdom. But men love foolishness instead.

OK, there's the wisdom of this world and there's the wisdom that comes from God.

Khmer Israel