Thursday, August 11, 2011

Interview of Sihanouk by Playboy magazine translated to Khmer (Cont'd)


Anonymous said...

សីហនុ គឺជា អាយ៉ងរបស់ ខ្មោចអាយួនហូជិមិញ

សីហនុ បំរើអោយផែនការ របស់ ខ្មោចអាយួនហូជិមិញ

សីហនុ គ្រាន់តែជា អាយ៉ងរបស់យួនតែប៉ុណ្ណោះ

Anonymous said...

Hi Everyone,

One of KI-Media member who has his name in Facebook as Khmer Sovannaphumi but his real name is Pang Sokhoeun, former political asylum and now living in Sweden. He always copies news from here to post in his facebook profile to promote himself, but right now, he tries to removed and blocked anyone who dares to reveal his con activity particular he tries to hide what he has cheated his wife (Sreypov Chea) by having a girlfriend (Sokunthear Sam) behind his wife back. Now, his girlfriend had ran way from him after she knew his cheating.

A con man Pang Sokhoeun as well as KI-Media like to insult to the government officers who have affairs, but himself does even worse than other people. What a shame!

Anonymous said...

Os kor Norodom Sihanouh tov ECCC!


Mean tae N.Sihanouk tae del deung Khmers Jeang 3 Millions slab.

Leus pi nis os kor ah HUN SEN,vea barn samlab khmer krub jumnourn:
-17 april 1975
-7 january 1979:Kat teuk dey,koh samotroy yuon...samlab khmer krom lb'ech K-5,coup d'etatneung samlab virakjun FUNCINPEC,.......neung samlab jea ho haer dol sop tng'ay...


a khmer said...

Any one has ever visited India?
I am dating an India girl, very beautiful and very smart and I plan to ask her hand to marry me but my parents and my relatives against. They want me to marry our Khmer girl but I don't see any smart and pretty girl in Cambodia. This Indian girl & I met when we went to Pharmacy school together. I love her and she wants to get married at her country.
Now the bad news is that in India there are a lot of beggars and a lot of crimes. I'm kind worried.
Any one has a tip?

Anonymous said...

Hi gurly 6:42 PM

I can feel your pain, because I have a bad experience like that too, except that my exGF cheated me and she went on and on to sleep with many men. Let me help you to track that son of bitch Pang Sokheuon for you.

Anonymous said...



khmer fatalyst said...

Why this guy putting his khmer girls down saying that khmer girls aren't and aren't beautiful. Do you know what in India too many girls raped by their fathers. Indian fathers are many molesting rapings their daughters. That indian girl may be one of a rape victim by her father.

a khmer said...

Good for you, because LOVE has no boundary. I just don't feel love toward my Khmer girls. I never seen them beautiful or smart anything. May be there smart/beautiful Khmer girls exist somewhere but in Cambodia I saw nothing. If the movie stars or models they put too much make up and they are not smart/intelligent.
And I am glad you have beautiful children, and may be I should look for Khmer girls at Europe or in the US who already mixed.
I am very picky when come to choose a wife.

a khmer said...

I heard and read about it, that Indian fathers have hobbies raping their daughters. But I am in love with this Indian girl. Do you know love has no boundary? And if you are a Fatalist you get to understand that
you believe in FATE, you believe in GOD who decides our Fates. So I am too, though I didn't say I am, but my belief if similar to Fatalism, GOD decides.

Anonymous said...

Hi Folks,
Visit this Khmer website:
I found a lot of things, you will do too.


Anonymous said...

Ah Sihanouk is a king love all all kind of pussy.

Anonymous said...

Concern about the living criminal, the Viet's slave,the CPP, Hun Sen, not the dead criminal, if you believe Sihanouk is a criminal.
And Pang Sokhoeurn is not a Criminal do not waste KI memory space and do not bother unless you are an idiot that we cannot rid off just like the CPP and ah srahkeyeour.

Anonymous said...

i just wondering if sihanouk used to date a negra, since he has been so many time in africa for diplomacy trip. playboy can u ask about it?

Anonymous said...

Sihanouk is born to be a Vietnam
dog,serving his master all
the rest of his life,and Sihamoni
will continue as Vietnam dog.

Sihanouk is a evil man in Cambodia
and in the world.So Cambodians
called ah chkair(អាឆ្កែ)Sihanouk AKA
ah chkair HO Chi Minh or ah Chen.

Sihanouk listened to his mother-
in-law and his wife (Monique).
She has beautiful body,but has
malicious heart.

Anonymous said...

Sihanouk willing to do anything for his uncle Ho Chiminh and Vietnamise's pussy.

Anonymous said...


Thanks for all of you away from Tra Paing Kroleung and Phnom Penh municipal S execution Court.
You keep Sihaknuk political and biography very accurate,If khmers still use that mentality with out Toimeuk SIHAKNUK SEN Cambodia will be go back to the dark era once again ,you are mistaken no pain is no gain ,in the scout school lesson if we are getting bitten by the cobra if we are not scarifying and busying with the panic we will die for sure , it apply to Cambodian present situations.
The mystical impulse, there won't be a browbeaten mystery anymore , the tragedies making by the past and presenting leaders must not be forgotten. Using your voices in 2013 get rid of Vietnamization and next step feudalism they are parasite of our society that is a cancer causing our mother land destroy and disappearing from the world map .
Please vote for pure khmer Msr.Mushua Chue s party for the sake of the country.
I am not affiliate with any parties in Cambodia but for Cambodia purpose.


Anonymous said...

keep attacking each other, that's why some people turned to foreigners for help! wake up, people, don't be stupid forever, ok! i think the one who keep on attacking khmer and each other are the one driving away good khmer people to look for foreign asylum, you know! remember that frog story, well, the lessons in that is that

1. there is power of life and death in the tongue. an encouraging word to somone who is down can lift one up and help one make it through the day.

2. a destructive word to someone who is down can be what it takes to kill that person, literally as in the first frog.

be careful of what you say. speak life to those who cross your path. it is sometimes hard to understand that an encouraging word can go a long way. anyone can speak words that tend to rob another of the spirit to continue in difficult times. special is the individual who will take the time to encourage another. therefore, encourage one another and build eac other up. may we try harder everyday to be careful with our words, is my prayer. god bless cambodia and all our beautiful khmer people and citizens.

chey king sihanouk said...

442am ru that ignorant? The real khmers don't care anymore about Sihanuk's past or future, they care only food and places to live. Ly diep and william both are one body and are Yuon. Only yuon like them would drag this old story to divide khmers. Don't mind these yuon, they are desparate but hey let toss cheyo king sihanouk! Long live king sihanouk! I can sense ah yuon kantorb ly diep and his decoy william will get boiled. :))

Anonymous said...

Thank you King Sihanouk for being a great hero.
Long Live the old Monarch.
Friday we should go to TGFRIDAY and celebrate our King for a long life.
Let ah yuon ride on ah jumkourt Sot Poline we congratulate our King. Yeahh ah yuon ly diep will be taking to LB Hospice in a minute.Lol

Anonymous said...

នេះជាការផ្ដល់ពិន្ទុរវាង លីឌៀប និង សម្ដេចតា​។

លីឌៀប បានធ្វើការអត្ថាធិប្បាយបំផ្លើស ក្នុងគោលបំណងបន្តុះបង្អាប់សម្ដេចតា​ ភាគច្រើននៃការអត្ថាធិប្បាយរបស់គាត់ គឺចេញពីគំនិតបុគ្គល ដូច្នេះ ត្រូវផ្ដន្ទាទោស ដោយតម្រូវ អោយលាងបង្គន់អាចម៌ រយះប្រាំមួយខែ ត្រូវយកជាកំហិត ។
រីឯសម្ដេចតា អ្វីដែលគាត់បាននិយាយ បើពិនិត្យមើលទៅ គឺថាអាចទទួលយកបាន
តែដោយសារព្រះអង្គ លោភលន់ពេក ជាពិសេស បានទៅចូលដៃជាមួយខ្មែរក្រហមទៀតនោះ ដែលបានបណ្ដាលអោយស្លាប់ពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរជាពីលាននាក់នោះ ​ដូច្នេះយោងទៅតាម អង្គសាលក្រម ដែលអនុម័តពីសមាជិកឃេអាយមេឌា ជាន់ខ្ពស់ គឺសម្ដេចតា​ ត្រូវតែទទួលទោស ដោយតម្រូវអោយលាងបង្គន់នៅផ្ទះលោកហ៊ុនសែនក្នុងរយះពេល ប្រាំមួយខែរផងដែរ ។ ចូលចាប់ផ្ដើមអនុវត្តជាបន្ទាន់ ៕
ព្រះរាជអាជ្ញាសឹក ឃេអាយមេឌា

Anonymous said...

ទៀត ល្បែងនយោបាយបើដឹងថា ខ្លួនមិនពូកែទេគួតែកុំលេងល្អជាង។​គាត់លេងចុះលេងឡើងអស់ខ្មែរជិត២លានថែម​ទាំងជិតអស់ដីទៀត បើសិនជាគាត់នៅក្មេងចូល
លេងម្តងទៀតប្រាកដជាអស់ខ្មែររលីងថែមទាំងអាជ័យទៀតផង ហើយផែនទីពិភពលោកលេងមាន Cambodia ទៀតហើយ។


Anonymous said...

Peak Pit Reng Sle`ng.
If you do not the others saying and mentioning about you ,why haven't you done that?
Scare it ,sensitive about it do not be the king of disaster for Cambodian people ? If you afraid of the heat why don't you want to be in the kitchen?
Mr. Poline,Noun Sokvang and Ly Diep they have the vision of khmer catastrophically and they have ton and ton of evidences to prove all khmers ,Kampuchean,Cambodian to know This kind of the king deserved to be cut the head off or put him to sleep?
The untrustworthy and in respectable Sihaknuk compare to the NATION triple traitor his living live in pain and miserable because of the karma keeping haunting and chasing him like his shadow .
Sihaknuk you planted ,to be communist,kill your own, enslave my Cambodian people to the forefather ancestor enemy(Vietnam) because of your witch wife the bad luck Viet spy(Viet sleeping cell)on your bed to destroy and distract MY COUNTRY.


Anonymous said...

សីហនុ គ្រាន់តែជា ឆ្កែកញ្ជះដាច់ថ្លៃរបស់ ខ្មោចអាយួនហូជិមីញ តែប៉ុណ្ណោះ ។

គ្រប់ទង្វើ ដែល អាប្រែត សីហនុ នេះធ្វើ

គឺលទ្ធផល បានទៅយួនទាំងអស់

Anonymous said...

Rất tốt bình luận, iLike rằng yo 7:59AM


These Yuon are having nothing to do to just bashing the King, but they cannot do anathing to him. Yes I drink to that to the great man King Sihanouk.
You know I used to hate the old King but the more I read these Yuon bastards cursing him I like him and now even more I like him.

Let drink and wish the King to have a long life. By the way he is almost 90 years old, it is great.

:-) These Yuon ly diep and his clowns are choking. :-)))


Hi ah.mee yuon kantorb william.
Keep barking, because your name is not american but ah yiek nam spy.
ah sot poline is odl and crazy, ah ly diep is old-yuon from hell, ah mouy neung jkourt ot chhup. and who is Noun Sokvang? his name spells backward as Ngavkos Nuon mean she is related to ah Nuon Chea.

Hahah... let make these crazy old farts choke. LOL

Ooppp I cannot forget to say


Anonymous said...

me kantorp William trying to twist the story and make the fight by saying srey Khmer who is better look than her is yuon. yuon woman are small and short and their kadouy are big lose and they aren't pretty like srey khmer kaun katt.
why is me william so jealous with srey khmers who are pretty? because she is so ugly herself. ;)))
God save srey khmer the queen.

Anonymous said...


Let's rock N roll!!

Jey yo Dat Ov, ngorb Tov Ah SyhanouK!

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...



ពាក្យចាស់ពោលថា សម្ដីសរជាតិ មារយាទសរត្រកូល

ជាតិ ត្រកូលអស់លោកសុទ្ធតែយ៉ាងនេះឬ។

Anonymous said...

Ly Diep and his wife never get along well. Wat Aab in Long Beach has problem because of Ly Diep, too. Watch yourselve Ly Dieap!

Anonymous said...

Heh guys,
You are young and your guys should not attack these old igorant people like ly diep, sot polin and a few of them who choose to destroy the unity of human kind. You guys should pray for them that they may see the light of God. These ignorant like ly diep are living in dark anger and revenge. They will never see the light because they betray our Lord Bbuddha and they also fight against God. You boys should Pray for these old ignorant people, that only God can decide not them and no body.

Anonymous said...

It appears that Ly Diep is suffering from being abandoned by his wife, and I agree with you 1129am that instead of bashing him praying for this man that he can find love and peace in his mind and soul. Ly Diep is dragging others into the darkness, so pray for him and them that GOD will show them the strength and the will to understand that we must be fatalists, and only GOD can decide our destiny.
We are here to pay our debts, our Babs (sins), so please fight hard against all temptations such as Ly Diep and a few people are facing. May GOD guide Ly Diep and a few people who follow his darkness to the light and that they may not fall too deep into a shadow of death.

Pray and keep praying for them.

Anonymous said...

We are humans born with sins. We are here to pay our debts, thus we must be Fatalists, and must know that GOD decides our fate. Our Fatalism will help us to face death with serenity and with stoic calm.
Do not fight GOD, no one will win at the end.

Anonymous said...

How do you know the former king live longer? With the suffering from cancer,his adventuresome spirit had no wisdom and immature ,the haunting Cambodians souls are intensifies making Sihaknuk living with fear and is not serene> Sihaknuk created the hate among his people for benefits of Vietnamese wife ,even the Queen=KOSOMAK NEARY ROAT had named this lady monique=yuen=youn=viet btch.Every one that have been through in the khmer Republic understood this truth stories very well as you all want to search more will be appear in UTUBE with the oldie pictures.
How many more generations must be die free for this KING PEAL and Hun Nal? Every one reincarnate at once ,and die at one but however SIHAKNUK have been complicity with the vietnam khmer rouge ,let our generations die and miserable with his own grip. Have never been evoking what the goodness that his kone chaos did to him? Sihaknuk acting thrill ,applauding with the Viet slave aggressor Hun Sen ,promising to walk along path escort Hun Sen until the last of his breath. An unabashedly Sihaknuk why you are conspire with Hun Sen to hiding out the PARIS PEACE KEEPING from 1991? That is the magic shield to protect Cambodia from youn aggressors find out your own signature and let them review it before you leaving to HELL. Perhaps you have done all this for the YOUN BITCH like your mother said? Utmost of your live can you please do little thing for my khmers people if you are real king who has the balls?

An egoist like Sihaknuk likes to created chaos ,hate among his own but his allegiance for YOUN WIFE(the sleeping cell youn spy)to destructive Cambodia only.

You can't spit right up in the air because it will fall on your face ,please do only the good deed you will receive in return the goodness because you can lie all you wanted BUT YOU CAN'T HIDE YOUR STUPIDITIES.



Anonymous said...

12:43 PM
You are so tempted by evils.
GOD decides, not you or anyone. everyone is sinner, and you yourself are too. Don't fight GOD.
You should pray for peace and for a deliverance.

Anonymous said...

You think Sihaknuk is GOD? You brain need to be checked or make some replacement dude?

Anonymous said...


Actually human came from the sperms,why you like to hide the truth and curses the OTHERS?
Khmers are not stupid as you think any mo.YO?

Anonymous said...

1:00 PM
Human is not GOD only Christ who incarnated from GOD to a son of man for our sins and our salvations.
Everyone is sinner, and GOD decides.
Pray for peace and for a deliverance.

Anonymous said...

1:07 PM
You should not speak of LIE. Read my comment at 1:08PM.

You are tempted so easily by evils and you lied.

Pray for peace and deliverance.

Anonymous said...

Pray for my country to pay off the deep in debt,and pray for the flying foods go on your table so you do not need to get the jobs.

Anonymous said...

my God is passing over 2551 years already, Which is come first the 2551 or the 2011 what number are existed first?

Anonymous said...

1:17 PM
I pray for peace in the world every day in the morning before I go to work and at night before I go to bed.
Cambodia is not the only suffering country, so many people are suffering because of our sins.
We humans have committed evil acts and we mock.
I keep praying for the poor that they will have food and shelters and I pray for the rich people that they will change their minds from greedy to generous.

Anonymous said...

1:21 PM
You don't know how many billion times you reborn and so are the living things. You are here now this life as your parents child, but your many past life you cannot know who you were. So age is no meaning to GOD, HE is no beginning and no end.

Anonymous said...

very sad for a desperate person that like to fight among their friends.
Disgrace person

Anonymous said...

1:30 PM
You have to pray for this person 1;26pm that she or he will have love and compassion in his or her heart.
I also pray for this person too.
Only love and compassion can have peace.

Anonymous said...

Can you tell me some real thing?
1# If you got drunk can you just do the pray with out taking some pills?
2#If you step on the mine field accident you lose one leg,can you give me a favor your praying will help to connect your leg become normal,or the hospital do the surgery to put it back to the normal?

Anonymous said...

1:36 PM
I cannot speak for GOD, how HE performs miracles. But I can assure that the power of prayers can heal and can save us. If we are so sincere when we speak to GOD. HE knows our thoughts. GOD's works come with many forms and we must trust the Lord. Right now you are not sincere and you mock, which is OK, because GOD is merciless.

Anonymous said...

1:36 PM
I cannot speak for GOD, how HE performs miracles. But I can assure that the power of prayers can heal and can save us. If we are so sincere when we speak to GOD. HE knows our thoughts. GOD's works come with many forms and we must trust the Lord. Right now you are not sincere and you mock, which is OK, because GOD is mercifull.

Anonymous said...

អាប្រែត សីហនុ ហែងជិតងាប់ហើយ

ម៉េចមិននិយាយការពិត អំពីរឿង មាយាទថោក

របស់ហែង អោយខ្មែរដឹងផង ។

អំពើក្បត់ជាតិ របស់ហែង បំរើផលប្រយោជន៏យួន

ហូជិមិញ ​

Anonymous said...

បើគ្មាន អាមាយាទថោក សីហនុ

ផែនការយកឥណ្ឌូចិន របស់ អាយួនហូជិមិញ

ក៏មិនអាចបានសំរេចដែរ ។

អាឆ្កែកញ្ជះយួនដាច់ថ្លៃហូជិមិញ សីហនុ


Anonymous said...

1:50 PM/1:52 PM
You must pray for your soul that you will not reborn and face suffering more than this. You must pray for your enemy, so your soul will see the light not darkness. Because love and compassion will help your soul from falling into the evils' hand.
I pray for you whoever you are to be a loving and compassion and forgiveness person.

Anonymous said...

2:05 PM
2:05 PM

I think u should tell and say something true about the history

so that new Khmer generation will know and understand, and this won't happen again.

U should say something more valuable than this.

I am sorry, i can't stay in peace, i cannot keep my mind in peace while Khmer situation like this,

under the influence of Yuon.

I will stay in peace, and happy when Khmer is truely, completely independent and truely power in hand of Khmer people

I cannot act as what u said.

If I do like that, I feel that I am

so selfish, completely selfish

However, I want to say Thanks to u from the bottom of my heart for praying me like that.

Anonymous said...

2:39 PM
Don't be tempted by negative energy, you must be very patience and pray and talk to GOD. You must trust the Lord and pray for a deliverance from your enemy. You will see the change but takes times. No one including the most powerful nation can fight against GOD. Pray and keep praying do not give up hope. Avoid not to curse your enemy but let GOD decides.

Allow yourself to know GOD even if you don't believe HIM, but HE will believe in you, when the time is right. Some people who don't believe in HIM but they are on the middle path, GOD believes in them and HE helps.

To fight the ultimate evil, one must be ultimate good. If you are Buddhist, then practice middle path. GOD is with you if you walk on the middle path. You can speak to HIM and ask HIM for a guidance to free your country and your people. Keep praying and asking HIS Helps and Protections.

The victory will be yours, but do not allow evils take over your soul.
GOD Bless you

Anonymous said...

3:05 PM

GOD, this word is so bad

There shouldn't have this word in the human language

In fact, there should be only human, we are all human, no GOD

Because of this word, there were many bad things, there are many bad things, and there will more

bad things in this world.

Look at Middle East, Israel and Palestine, people are fighting for their GODs

Because of this stupid word GOD, millions people died, are dying, and will die more.

Bad people are using this stupid word GOD to gain advantages

Bad people are using this stupdi word GOD to achieve their goals

Bad people are living happily under the word of GOD

this stupid word GOD means BLOODY to me

it is completely BLOODY, this stupid word GOD

Because there are this stupid word GOD,

that's why the world is chaos.

Anonymous said...

ចាស់ជំនាន់សីហនុ តិចតួចនៅជឿអាក្បត់ជាតិនេះ
តែក្មេងជំនាន់២០១១នេះ ស្អប់អាកញ្ចាស់នេះជាង
រស់រាស្ត្រស្អប់ ងាប់ទៅរាស្ត្រដៀលរាប់លានឆ្នាំ។
ខុសតិចខុសតួច រាស្ត្រលួចសន្ដោស ខុសធំដល់ម៉្លោះ
រាស្ត្រខ្ពើមរអើម ឆ្អើមណាស់ណា៎ អាស៊ីហានុយយួន!

Anonymous said...

សីហនុ​ មិនគួរហាបបេរមាត់យួន

អណ្តាតហូជិមិញ និយាយគាំទ្រហ៊ុនសែនធ្វើធំ

ម៉ាជិវិត ដើម្បីផលប្រយោជន៏គ្រួសារត្រសក់របស់ខ្លួនទេ

ឯណាទៅ ក្តីអាណិតដល់អ្នកដែលងាប់ និងក្រុមគ្រួសារ ដែលងាប់ ដោយសារចាញ់បោក

អណ្តាតហូជិមិញ របស់ សីហនុ នោះ

Anonymous said...

3:22 PM

You already gave up your soul to evil, you speak of hate and revenge, and you blame GOD. You are given a chance to be born human again, open your heart to the light not darkness.

The evil said to you that "[T]here shouldn't have this word GOD in the human language".

Without GOD the universe does not exist, and humans are part of the universe.

Humans are given a WILL to choose their own paths, it is us who bring sufferings to ourselves as you do now by allowing the Evil takes over your own soul. You speak with a such arrogant tone, you cannot escape from the sufferings you were born to pay your own past many life' actions.

Palestine and Israel have only one GOD, they fight because of their greedy and hatred. Like them brother(Ishmael) fights brother (Issac), the Cambodians and Thais are Buddhists but these two are deadly enemies since the beginning. These Buddhists Cambodians-Thais are both greedy and full of HATRED toward each others. You must not blame GOD for humans' greedy, sins.

Prince Gautama escaped the sufferings, the countless lives He had reborn, He refused to interfere between the countries' wars, when He became Buddha. As long as you allow the evil reign over your soul, you will never escape this suffering like Buddha did, and many more billion lives to come.

It is not GOD that you should pour your anger at, it is you and all humans who lack of love & compassion toward one another such as you who are now speaking evil languages.

Humans are not BAD, if they practice the middle path. They are bad when they are tempted and their souls are in the hands of evils.

I keep praying for you whoever you are that the Lord will help and save your soul from evil.
Even if you renounced and Hate the Lord and don't believe in Him, you can try to open your heart to communicate with Him asking Him if He can answer your questions. Try to meditate in a nice quiet place alone and speak to Him, He will answer you, but you must be patience.

GOD Bless you

Anonymous said...

3:48 PM

That is called "GREEDY". When lack of Love & Compassion, they will bring more sufferings upon humans themselves.
You cannot post only in here and said spreading the words to your people to believe in you, you have to find way to convince them in another avenue, otherwise your expectations will be doomed.

Anonymous said...

KhmerY can't help his pple in any way, it has to be scholar to challenge with this issue. Those famous scholars such as Dr. Mak Phoeun, Dr. Po Dharma, Dr. Gafar Peang_Methn, Dr. Michel Chai, Dr. Khin Sok who educated outside of Cambodia could do, or otherwise do not dream. Because those Thais who rewrote the history are scholars.

Anonymous said...

Enough about preaching. If anyone would like to preach go to do so at the church as here is not the place for preaching. Since this article is about Sihanouk, discussion, opinion, thought should focus on Sihanouk and don't try to deviate the subject. If you don't have a church to preach but exploit this forum please stop doing so as we don't like to be preached as doing so would be viewed as insult to Buddhists.

Anonymous said...

Ah joe marai...ah sdach jongkourt!

Anonymous said...

Sihanouk's wish is too late as he should have done so right after March 18, 1970.

In his next life he wouldn't be given such an opportunity if the laws of Karma is true and that is the law in which he believes.

Whether the coup launched by General Lon Nol was legal and right or not, asking and taking advantages of the ignorance and love of your supporters in order to come back to power even at the slightest chance and with so much risk of putting Cambodia under Vietnamese domination and the sure destruction of the country was horribly wrong and undeniably selfish.

History will never fail to describe and mention your participation in the struggle for your own benefit that led to the Killing Fields of Cambodia.

Anet Khmer

Anonymous said...

Leave private citizen Sihanouk alone, all of you ignorant idiot...

I'll haul all of you idiot's ass to court on his behalf if you don't quit, do you hear me?

P. from Long Beach

Ly Diep said...

Including your father-in-law!
Best regards,
Ly Diep

Anonymous said...

Ah joe marai...ah sdach jongkourt!!!!

Anonymous said...


This forum gone to the dog now.

Anonymous said...

Mr. P,piss,Porng,Prette,Phome Long Beach Do not just threat tell us which court you want us to go? So the story will spread all over the world that Sihaknuk and his families are culprits complicity and unabashedly with Vietcong and North Vietnam to defeat USA and created atrocity in Cambodia made them live in miserable also three million lives were slaughtered ,over worked and starvation to death.


Anonymous said...

អា លី ឌៀប មនុស្សវង្វេងជាតិ... អាមនុស្សបំផ្លាញសង្គម.. អាមនុស្សបំផ្លាញសាសនា...

Anonymous said...

អា​​២:៥៨PM ជាមនុស្សវង្វេងជាតិ... អាមនុស្សបំផ្លាញសង្គម.. អាមនុស្សបំផ្លាញសាសនា...អាចុយម្រ៉ាយ!

Anonymous said...

អាម្សៀរ សីហនុ ប្រវត្តិសាស្រ្តខ្មែរ និងចារទុកថា

គឺជា អាយ៉ងកញ្ជះដាច់ថ្លៃរបស់ អាយួន ហូជិមិញ

ដែលបានជួយរុញច្រានខ្មែរ អោយឋិតក្នុងក្រញាំ យួន ដូចសព្វថ្ងៃ

ដោយសារ អាម្សៀរសីហនុ នេះហើយ

ទើបខ្មែរ អស់ដី អស់កោះ អស់ព្រំដែនគោក

អីលូវ វាកំពុងតែ ដេកស៊ី ធ្វើព្រងើយ

មិនខ្វល់អីទាំងអស់ ។ អាឆ្កែកញ្ជះយួនហូជិមិញ ដាច់ថ្លៃ

Anonymous said...

To 2:58 PM
Ah anameuk monous vong veng KHOUR...Ah chkae bomplarnh CHEAT...Ah sva yuon bomplarnh KHMER...Ah yiek cong ,pourk haeng kong tae rut tov srok min tourn tae!.. Ah slab mun ayuk......

Srey Mao

Anonymous said...

អាមាយាទថោក សីហនុ វាមិនអាចហាបបេរមាត់របស់វា និយាយអំពីប្រវត្តិសាស្រ្តដែលវាបានធ្វើ គឺ

លួចលាក់ទ័ពយួនក្ន្ងងដីខ្មែរ លួចចិញ្ចឹមយួន


ឃុបឃិតជាមួយយួនហូជិមិញ រឿងដីកម្ពុជាក្រោម

រឿងដីខ្មែរកម្ពុជាក្រោមនេះ តាំងពីងើបចេញពីបារាំងសេសមក ម្សៀរសីហនុ មិនដែលស្រែកមួយមាត់ តវ៉ាចង់បានមកវិញទេ

ព្រោះប្រពន្ធវា យួន រហូតដល់ពង្រក់ខ្មែរអោយសំលាប់ខ្មែរ បំរើតាមនយោបាយរបស់ អាយួនហូជិមិញ

វាអៀនណាស់ និយាយមិនចេញទេ វាអៀន

តែបើវា ហាបបេរមាត់ច្រៀងវិញអត់អៀនទេ

បើវា ហាបបេរមាត់ គាំទ្រអាយ៉ងយួនហ៊ុនសែន

តាមនយោបាយយួនហូជិមិញ វាអត់អៀនមាត់ទេ

Anonymous said...

Ah Sdech chkourt neung chamrieng KARAOKE,vea ort chheu kbarl ess korntuy ei tae krov pi leuk jeung ah parc pourk vea yuon and ah HUN XEN..ah 7 makara ,korn duoy maer vea!!!!