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Kay Noeun (left) and two other women sing a Khmer Rouge song in Kampong Thom province’s Kampong Svay district last year. (Photo Courtesy of the Documentation Centre of Cambodia) |
Friday, 26 August 2011Vong Sokheng
The Phnom Penh Post
Lyrics from the past
LYRICS: We the Youth are Committed to Following Revolutionary Kampuchea
After one thousand years, the mighty Kampuchea has now liberated the people held in darkness… men and women have been liberated completely.
Because the revolutionary Kampuchean Angkar is robust, it has led us to persevere together to fight against the evil capitalist regime.
To indoctrinate the ideology of great revolution, the political consciousness of Angkar’s strategy, with sturdy hands in every respect.
Revolutionary Angkar understands and knows clearly the friend and enemy, knows good and bad, knows wrong and right. Revolution reveals the great prosperous road.
Furthermore, Angkar has torched the blazing hot fire in which to battle, to fight the capitalists until it collapses. Its servants big and small are to be destroyed completely.
The successful fallen years continued by Angkar, to indoctrinate and solidify, the revolution is prepared to fight.
“I think listening to them can be informative. However, a steady diet of these songs as a norm of entertainment raises concerns as the lyrics in many of these songs glorify blood and gore, violent revolution and class warfare,” she said. “I hope it is just plain curiosity, which is healthy.” - Theary Seng, President of Center for Cambodian Civic Education
Sat in a coffee shop on Phnom Penh’s Street 240, by the fence of the Supreme Court, 53-year-old Chan Dara played several forgotten songs composed during the Khmer Rouge era to a dozen assembled friends.
As music echoed through the cafe, the supporter of King Father Norodom Sihanouk and collector of Khmer Rouge songs spoke passionately about the tunes he first listened to as a teenager after the downfall of the Lon Nol Era.
Just a few days after the Khmer Rouge soldiers took over Phnom Penh in April 17, 1975, Dara heard the music of the regime played through loudspeakers. The songs, at first, helped him to understand Communist ideology and installed in him a commitment to work hard and belief that the corruption of the past government was over.
“My first impression of many of the forgotten songs composed during the Khmer Rouge period was that were good lessons on learning good governance and on how to be a good person and leader – but I realised those thoughts were completely wrong when leaders of the Khmer Rouge started killing,” said Dara.
As the population of Democratic Kampuchea was sent into the fields to carry out forced labour, Dara would listen to the songs in rice fields, while constructing dams and as members of his family died around him.
But despite his suffering, and the 1.7 million to 2.2 million people estimated killed under the Khmer Rouge between 1975 to 1979, Dara still listens to the old music and is attempting to collect every song he heard during that time.
Since 1993, he has collected about 30 CDs of the forgotten songs from friends and music sellers. “I now listen to the KR songs to make me to remember what happened during the period of three years, eight months and 20 days in which at least six members of my family were killed,” Dara said.
Experts on the era have helped collate the songs, in hope they will help as an aid to national reconciliation – with citizens taking ownership of their past.
Director of the Documentation Center of Cambodia Youk Chhang says the 300 songs that DC-Cam has re-mastered are becoming popular and have been copied and put on sale at markets in the capital. An estimated 80 percent of the 3,000 teachers trained by the DC-Cam on KR history have also asked for the music from the era.
“The Khmer Rouge killed many artists and intentionally indoctrinated Khmer culture, arts and way of life. But they failed to eliminate the artistry of the Khmer people because it is in our blood. We continue to sing today, including songs written by the Khmer Rouge,” he said.
But for some, that can be an emotional experience. One artist – 53-year-old Kay Noeun from Kampong Thom province – performed the songs again, after singing them as a 13-year-old during the Khmer Rouge regime, for a DC-Cam event last year.
[They] make me remember what happened during the period ... in which at least six members of my family were killed
“It was my first time to re-perform the songs last year and made me remember my brother, who was killed during the regime,” said Noeun.
“When I sang all the songs, it was with a feeling of suffering.”
While some campaigners have expressed concern over the trend. President of Center for Cambodian Civic Education Theary Seng said that she believes and hopes the growing interests in these KR-era songs stems from curiosity.
“I think listening to them can be informative. However, a steady diet of these songs as a norm of entertainment raises concerns as the lyrics in many of these songs glorify blood and gore, violent revolution and class warfare,” she said. “I hope it is just plain curiosity, which is healthy.”
But corruption is back. Big time.
May be people are feeling that another revolution is needed.
Cool! it's reminde me during my regime. I was a Khmer Rouge soldier, but I had never hurt anyone, I was young and stronger.
Pol Pot was stupid,
he had already the power,
instead of running the country he killed,
poor Pol Pot..
Pol Pot.
He might be wrong to Khmer people.
But his policy for standing up and fight against yuon Hanoi to protect Khmer soverernigty both land and sea ( Including Koh Trol ) was right.
We can blame Pol Pot for so many Khmer 's death but in Pol Pot regim there were a lot of Khmer Viet Minh like Heng Samrin, Chea Sim , So Phim and many more in Khmer Rouge regime between 1975-1979.
I hate the song and the people who sing. it reminded me of my suffering and oppression.
Unbelievable and speechless.
The question remains, "How could khmers Killed so many of its own people and children?" This kind of work cannot happen without the enemy from within -Vietcong...the vietminh.
Look at the situation Cambodia today, the vietcong still continues with its compaign to wipe Khmer off the map.
Wake up folks!!!
The easiest explaination is that Pol Pot worked for Yuons.
I bet all ah left over khmer rouge refugees are excited now.
Just accept the truth, some people like to kill, no need to be the case Youn Kill Khmer. (I wonder, why there is no such case in Laos, or there is?)
Proof? Give a gun to any man, a pure blood khmer man if you wonder, you will see how he become, he become the god, he can kill every body, he is the best of us all, he is the hero in a lelend, everyone must be afraid of him.
Neo- 9:32 PM,
As I ponder your question, a few (very plain and obvious) proof come to mind:
1. Youn vietcong infiltration (look along the Mekong and Tonle Sap Rivers, vietcongs are all over the place)
2. Land grabbing
3. Torture citizen and monks
4. Loss of land to the vietcong
5. Corruption is widespead
6. Gambling and prostitution
More than a few, I guess... and the list goes one...
i think those of us who are interested in learning about the KR ideology, etc should not disregard the KR songs because there were a lot of clue behind the KR propaganda or ideology in the songs. if you listen careful to the songs' meanings you will understand; however, it like ms. seng theary mentioned, those who are interested in collecting or listening to the KR songs should keep in mind entertainment, not something they should carry out in real life again, especially nowadays because KR era was history already. when i listened to the KR era songs, i think there were full of morale; however, i don't like the fact that the KR regime killed and destroyed cambodia at all, you know! for me, it is purely for learning and understand and gaining knowledge about the now infamous KR era, that's all! it's the same like watch a movie, doesn't mean you should imitate the movie; it is purely for entertainment and curiosity and so on. of course, the KR era songs are a part of the history of the KR era, thus, they ought be preserved as a part of a rich cambodia's history, whether good or bad, it's still cambodia's history as life goes on, you know!
just like other countries have a history museum of the vietnam war, etc, it is good idea for cambodia to have a history of the KR museum as well. some tourists are curious to learn about the KR era and its history, so having a museum like this will not only generate tourism income, but also make available information and tour to satisfy the human mind. understand its importance as history of one of the world most notorious regime against humanity. yes, if you ever went to college, you can understand that it is important to have a place and information for research for school projects, etc, you know!
it's good to have variety of choices as an entertainment only. it's like watching the movie, doesn't we carry out or imitate the message in the movie or the song, it just entertainment alright! it's about learning about arts and humanity. plus, nowadays in cambodia, it's about business as well. well, who says cambodia can't learn and catch up witht the world! who are we to judge cambodia!
Hun Sen is with Vietcong, now he is PM.
Sihanouk is with Vietcong, now his son is King.
Vietcong wins the war,
with winner you becom winner.
education is very important to cambodia from now on! cambodia should campaign for no child left behind in education again! yes, as the KR history lesson shows us, ignorance kills, you know!
cambodia, do not choose ignorance again, ok!
Pol Pot's act is bad and wrong but his intention was not to do genocide. Pol Po has 9 siblings but he ignored his family and fucussed on the Nation. None of his siblings knew that Pol Pot is their Saloth Sar brother. Pol Pot did not indulge with wealth like the now CPPs. Pol Pot did not have mistressess like the CPPs except his two wives- one at a time.
Pol Pot made mistake but not being a traitors like Sen and CPPs.
I am not a Khmer Rouge person, but give credit to Pol Pot for his dedication for the nation though his work produced negative effect.
Pol pot alone could not have brought Khmer Rouge regime into existance. People who criticise Khmer Rouge might have supported and involved with the KR cause more than those who have not. Anyway, Pol Pot is gone but the Nation seller Hun Sen and the Nation killer Hun Sen and his clan are still here , so why worry about the dead horse and not the powerful thief.
agree with 8:29 PM-
Pol Pot is a mistake maker but not a traitor like Sen and CPPs.
If you are educated or smart enought you will know that everything works according to the systm. For example, if Hun Sen is killed, someone in the CPP clan who replaces Hun Sen will do like Hun Sen because of the system- a person interviewed in the World Khmer Raidio said this. Nazi German killed the jewes during the holocaust because of the system.
Likewise, the Khmer Rouge members killed because of the system. Now that former Nazi no longer kill, former KR persons no longer kill because they are out of the system.
But Hun Sen still kill because he is in the system. But who installed the killing system in Cambodia- in the 70s and now ?.
Khmer Rouge related Khmer history
is being manipulated. So I do not want the world to learn about the lie history for example, the world knows that Khmer Rouge killed but they do not know that Vietnam are behind the Khmer Rouge just like the Viet are behind CPP.
Some say Khmer Rouge kills the rich , the educated, the professional, the city people etc.
at the same time they say KR rouge as many as two million people But the educated Khmer population is way way less than that figure.
In reality many Khmer, including my mother, who were killed by KR were not educated, not city dweller, not rich, not professional, but poor farmers.
Uneducated Khmer who are more victimised do not have their say because they are uneducated, in contrast to the city dweller who often twist the truth. the city people are those who change and stir the polotical environemnt and then blame the poor- and Pol Pot protect the poor, and when he protect so much he made mistake.
Until today, the vietcong continue to evict poor farmers from their ancestor land and causes great suffering to Cambodia lives, destroying culture, and future for our children.
After killing our parents, brothers and sisters, aunts, and uncles, the vietCPP continue causing suffering....
Wake up folks!!!
8:46 PM
Wake up to what?
Don't you know that radicalism kil indiscriminately?
I don't buy your argument at all.
I lived through the period, made my own observation and pondered all along and could see clearly how this stupid KR radicalism destroyed Cambodia from within.
The Vietnamese just took advantage of it.
Look at Cambodia right now. Corruption is everywhere and that alone slows Cambodia's development down and may even kill it.
Is corruption the work of the Vietnamese too?
Keep blaming others when you are stupid and hopefully with enough blaming of others, you shall become a smart person.
Pissed off
1:28 AM/Pissed Off,
First of all, it sounds to me like you are the pure Vietcong breed.
"Wake up folks!!!" in this context means that Khmer must NOT allow this to happen again, demand the best out of public leaders who work for them. Educate themselves about the truth history of Cambodia.Be aware of the current situation in the country and willing to stand up to the devil and to "PROTECT" (note the word protect is chosen with care) themselves and their love ones, land, etc...
Yet you are so fucking-pissing paranoid, you assumed that Khmer kill; this is the classic vietcong's trick. THey assume the poor farmers kill so that the vietcong can kill them to occupy their farmland. PolPot was so paranoid before he started killing...same classic move.
THe vietcong is so paranoid now, and they always afraid to face the truth.
1. Psychiatry . a mental disorder characterized by systematized delusions and the projection of personal conflicts, which are ascribed to the supposed hostility of others, sometimes progressing to disturbances of consciousness and aggressive acts believed to be performed in self-defense or as a mission.
2. baseless or excessive suspicion of the motives of others.
Use paranoia in a Sentence
See images of paranoia
Vietcong is so paranoid!
i don't like people who advocate violence against khmer people, period. and those you are still outdated in their thinking and view and philosophy, etc, especially those who used race card for their own political gain. i considered those type or group as very ignorant, stupid and uneducated, etc, to say the least, you know! they will not get my support, period! stop being stupid like ah pol pot radicalism, ok! look all around, life's too short and nobody on the planet can live forever, ok! so, don't be so narcissistic and debilitating, ok! get american education for a change, ok! make sure you have that american diploma when you apply for a top job in cambodia or anywhere, ok! without it, we know you are not educated and thus still ignorant, ok! that's all!
don't be so evila and selfish and fake and hypocritical and stupid like the stone age KR regime, ok! the world is very big, so do travel the world and see the world and learn from the entire world, especially the developed world and industrialized and free world, ok! stop being stupid forever, ok!
rule of law is better for cambodia, period!
I love the KR regime, ya better kill all the stupid Khmer to develop the country
Pissed off-
glad that you are against current PNH corruption, I do not think you are Vietcong like other say- but like I said political system combined with bad culture and selfishness contribute to the disaster of the nation fabric.
If you see with your own eye you see the sun go around the earth, but in reality, the earth go around the sun- likewise, You see Khmer kill Khmer but in profound political mechanism, Yuon kill Khmer directly and indirectly...
i don't like hunter gatherer society at all, you know! i only like civilized society, period! hunter gatherer society is so outdated and behind time to the rest of the world, you know! i only support it if the entire world is going back to hunter gatherer life style, ok! otherwise, no way, forget it, ok! we want cambodia to develop and modernized, you know!
Many Cambodians especially the younger generation do not know the relationship between Vietnam and Khmer Rouge, so they make an assumption on whath they see.
even the older Khmer still do not kow this.
When doing bad thing Viet do not let you see it but when they do good thing the world see it.
Example. When Thai army dumped Khmer refugee along the Dang Rek mountain, Vietnamese came to rescue, everyone know that including the victims but they do not
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shut up, ok! all i know is that cambodia is not all about vietcunts, etc, ok! there are more to cambodia than vietcunts, ok! so stop politicized that here, there or anywhere about cambodia like this, ok! people don't really care about vietcunts anymore. nowadays, we care more about business, modernized and developed cambodia and geting a good education, etc, ok! stop being stupid forever,ok!
I was filled with nostalgia from hearing my favorite old song.
3:22AM (must be pissed off),
Ok, let's talk business a little bit...Through the puppet Xen, the fucking CPP-vietcong have restricted free and fair market competition. Because of that, foreign investors don't want to do business in CAmbodia. We want other advance countries to lay the fiber optic and invest in Cambodia, not the vietcong Vietcong business monopoly...click here. That won't happen as long as you fucking vietCPP are lawlessly ruling the country.
Khmer would never use anything vietcong. Plus, you vietcong, don't have anything to begin with...dirt poor compared to western countries.
Get the fuck out...you have no business in there.
It looks like the SRP supporters and fans can be even worse than the CPP telling people to get the fuck out... saying people with different ideas have no business on this site.
Well, Ma Dam Bor Noeung Boun!
The SRP has no power yet, but some of its supporters are already ready to crush anyone with different ideas.
I guess Ana Kor Douch Ana Del Ouy Te Khmer!
pol pot do not worked for khmer .
he fight along side whit youn to distoy lon nol gourvement .
lon nol clean the trace yuon from
pol pot was not my hero, pol pot was stupid for killing khmer people and destroying cambodia back to the stone age during their reign, you know! don't act like stupid by praying ah stupid pol pot for killing khmer people and destroying cambodia, ok! ah pol pot is dead, let him be dead! who cares, really!
Pol Pot.
Why Yuon Viet Minh , Yuon Viet Cong and CPP hate Pol Pot more than We the Khmer victims hate Pol Pot?
and since when those Viet Minh, Viet Cong and CPP hate Pol Pot and what the real reasons behinds all of these?
For those who disagree with me can do more research and share with me about this .
I respect all Khmer views.
Thank you.
Dear ,11:46 PM
I agree with you 100% regarding to Pol Pot as you say Pol Pot's act is bad and wrong but his intention was not to do genocide.
My opinion:
1.Look at CPP has done every things to block ECCC to go on full public hearing.
2. As I used to post my commnet on this blog a few days ago saying that Pol Pot was wrong to Khmer people but his policy standing up and fight against yuon militaries agression over Khmer sovereignity both land and sea including Koh Trol was right.
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