A Language in Crisis
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Theary Seng (Photo: Nigel Dickinson) |
The Cambodian language is dying: the spoken language is either crude and earthy (to the point of offensiveness) or highly stylized (to the point of incomprehension); the written language is in crisis from carelessness and undevelopment, mummified from antiquity, rattled by modernity. And no one is doing anything about it.
Here, I am not speaking as a linguist, which I am not; nor am I speaking as a lawyer, which I am. (Both professions parse language for clarity.) I am not even speaking as someone who is fluent, but only proficient, in speaking her native tongue. However, I am speaking as someone who has been acutely observing communication in the Khmer language for at least the last 7 years, both spoken and written, and who is aghast at the state of affairs.
Here are some general observations which should cause great concern for Cambodian educators and leaders:
1. 1. SPOKEN: The prevailing use (by both adults and children alike) of crude, offensive language—“aign” for I/me, “haign” for you, “veer” for him/her/them (when its correct use is for “it”), “phoeum” for pregnancy (when the word is reserved for animals), and the myriad cuss words, many of sexual crassness which I cannot even write, etc.—needs to stop. More than impolite, it’s dehumanizing.
The matter careens to the opposite extreme in formal setting where the spoken Khmer is so stylized and antiquated that comprehension is lost on the listeners. The speaker takes more pleasure in using big words than communicating his/her message; sometimes, I wonder if the speaker him/herself understands what s/he is saying.
2. 2. WRITTEN GENERALLY: The current written Khmer language is a nightmare with great limitations for communicating complex ideas and for understanding. The written Khmer lacks clarity.
First, there lacks a modern, comprehensive Khmer dictionary incorporating new words and uniform spelling, e.g. “Sida, “Aids”, “Hiv”, “Untac” are used as words without understanding their background as deriving from foreign acronyms and their full meaning.
Second, there lacks a modern, comprehensive Khmer-English (vice-versa) dictionary to accommodate the barrage of materials being produced from translation, as many new thoughts and documents are first written in English and not originally created in Khmer. Much of the translated works have not been reviewed for accuracy nor for comprehension; thus, much gibberish are entering the public square for consumption, which oftentimes creates more confusion than learning. If I am to guestimate, on average only 50% of the published translated materials are accurate; I have worked with the best translators (meticulous, conscientious, deeply experienced) in the country, and on average their works are only 85% correct.
Fifth, all the above difficulties are contextualized by a Cambodia which has been mummified by 90 years of French colonialism and broken by years of Cold War instability: civil war, followed by genocide, occupation, and now autocracy. The current political leadership believes theoretically in education but lacks understanding of what education requires in practical terms; it is a leadership which keeps the population thinking only of survival, leaving little room for any other thoughts, e.g. clear communication, quality education, civility, human flourishing, social and national development. Related, we are currently a society which values form over substance.
3. 3. WRITTEN STRUCTURE: The Khmer written structure makes already for difficulty in communicating, without the added technical issue of typing and layout. Written Khmer (i) has words running into each other; the spacing of words and phrases are at the discretion of the writer/typist, with little standard guidelines; (ii) has no proper nouns; (iii) has very limited punctuations, effectively only the period (khan), question mark (often times used with the khan), the double quotation marks (“s”, but not ‘s’) vacillating between the French and English versions, and the colons (again, vacillating between the French and English versions, sometimes creating confusion as the English colon is exactly like a Khmer vowel). If used at all, the comma is inserted with great reluctance or inconfidence because its function is not widely understood.
4. 4. TYPING KHMER: Currently, two competing systems exist for typing Khmer – the pictorial system (best exemplified by Limon) and the Unicode system. As a way of illustration, the act of typing “A” in the old (but still in prevalent use) pictorial system requires three strokes on a keyboard, as one is effectively drawing a picture of the “A”. Consequently, the pictorial system is not conducive to searches and the internet. The Unicode (universal) system allows for searches and internet usage, but presents more problems in doing layout for publication with all the “hair” and “feet” of the vowels and words jumping all over the page. One almost needs another pair of hands with another set of fingers to type Khmer in any of the two systems.
Additionally, there is little harmonization of the fonts within each system, as well as little harmonization between the systems to each other. And on some computer, saving a word document to transfer from one computer to another can lead to words and phrases mixing into gibberish nonsense, a phenomenon we, at CIVICUS Cambodia, encountered recently in saving, transferring, printing a draft Khmer curriculum we have been working on for a workshop in Siem Reap!).
Why am I listing these language woes, which are really only the top of the iceberg? Because language is the foundation of education, which is the foundation of ideas and deep thoughts and clear thinking.
Because language is the foundation of communication, which is the foundation of relationship, which is the foundation of human flourishing, which is the foundation of societal well-being, which is the foundation of national development.
I see a lot of frustrated Cambodians due to their inability to communicate clearly and precisely. I see a society lacking a vehicle to communicate ideas and to build on ideas for deeper thought and clearer thinking. The key is missing for all the woes we are experiencing in current-day Cambodia – from educational failing to human rights abuses. Or, if not missing, than that key is broken.
And that key is a living language.
Theary C. SENG
Founding President
CIVICUS: Center for Cambodian Civic Education
It is good that she says something to bring in awareness among public and the idle people in charge of linguistic.
it's good to bring attention to khmer language; however, i don't think khmer language is dying. instead, i think khmer language is constantly evolving. ms. theary pointed out the derogatory terms such as aign, haign, veer, ah are all negative and demeaning, to say the least. these terms, i think most educated khmer people glad it will be replaced by a more friendly terms such as the english you, he/she, it, etc... i also think khmer language should be evolved with time as well. glad to see khmer language borrowed or adopted some common ones from french, chinese, english, latin, sanskrit, pali, etc, etc... but i do not think khmer language is dying, though.
Other critical observation is most of politicians including the opposition party leader use European language to sign their names on paychecks and official documents.
most khmer people overseas are bilingual, meaning they can speak or understand more than one language in addition of khmer language, of course. i listened to native khmer people speak in cambodia, they are really fluent and good speakers and articulate speakers of the the khmer language. it is fair, though to say that most overseas khmer people are not really fluent in khmer language anymore, which is alright; however, they do understand and recognized khmer language immediately when they heard it spoken or see it written, etc, you know. i think it is alright for khmer language to evolve and adopt some common terms and technical terms, medical terms, etc, etc from english, french, japanese, chinese and so forth. in fact, if you study the history of khmer language, cambodia borrowed or adopted some common technical or medical terms from french, chinese, sanskrit, pali, etc, which is quite normal and ok, really! language does evolve with time, not just khmer language for that matter, you know! god bless the khmer language.
you cannot stop usage of some words that have been in use for so many generation. "phaeum" which means being pregnant has been in use for all the life that exists in me, the same is for "vear," "anh," or "haeng". It all depends on the time, context, and tones when then these words could connotate rudeness or crassness.
Again, during the Khmer Rouge time, language was polite and respectful, but that did not have any corresponding effect on the intention and action of the Khmer Rouges.
Now, on the written and sometimes spoken in formality, some of the words are too stylized and difficult to comprehend. But, who am I to judge, languages evolve and adjust through time...
according to my parents, in fact a lot of khmer elitists or ruling class from the french colonial era or during sihanouk's sangkum reastr niyum era preferred to speak in french when they converse to each other. that said, of course, they do know khmer language as well, not to say they did not know khmer language. they just happened to prefer speaking or conversing in french instead. nowadays, a new, younger generation of khmer people, of course want to learn english and speak english along with our own khmer language, of course. in fact, many nowadays do speak or know other foreign languages in addition to our khmer language, of course. i think it is quite ok. the key is do not forget our native khmer language no matter what. do self-teaching as well. may god bless our beautiful khmer language forever.
Coming soon new Khmer dictionary for advanced technical terms in business and law is being compiled to be published by Civicus founder next August...
even tagalog, the major language of the phillipines, they borrowed or adopted a lot of their common words in gov't, etc from english. my point is, most languages of the world do evolve with time, not just the khmer language, you know! it is quite alright to borrow or adopt or integrate foreign words into our khmer daily, common usage in our khmer language. yes, languages do evolve with time; so it is important to understand that and aware of the fact and reality, ok! in fact, i don't think many khmer people would mind to speak in english or french for that matter. of course, we know khmer language as well.
good obersvation theary. i noted this long a go too. good that u say it out publicly.
Why not everyone just learn Vietnamese
Do mee...congkak
I agree with this article (written by Theary Seng).
The Khmer government needs to pay attention to this and provide the greater supports to Education systems and standards.
There are many Cambodians (some mixed ethnicity) who speak different dialects from different areas in Cambodia.
I hear some Cambodian farmers from different remote areas in Cambodia created their own speaking tones and languages themselves without following the standards. Those had make me difficult to understand what they are talking about.
Thank you, Theary Seng.
Khme Yourng.
i think we are talking khmer language, english language and french language. forget viet/youn language, khmer people hated viet/youn language, you know! i wouldn't speak it even it they pay me, really! viet/youn language is a noisy language and very annoying to khmer people, you know! so, forget viet/youn, ok! we prefer khmer language along with english and french, of course! and stick with the topic, ok! don't be annoying, ok!
I disagree. It’s not the language. Those words are there before anyone of us here even born. The problem we face here is the morale decline in the Khmer society. I’ve been to Cambodia no less than four times and I’ve seen how people over there used the words and how they (especially men) see women as a piece of meat.
Can’t you see we lost respect for one-self, and to each other, how can we use good words to each other. Our society is at its lowest point in morale standards, it’s from the top to bottom of the leadership. There are good words in Khmer that we can use to address and talk/call to other. It’s not the language. It’s the people that utter the words that have no decency inside. All human languages have good and bad words – the different is in the entities that make up the respective societies.
I do see there is a lack of Khmer words in the fields of science. Again this shows that we lack the know-how people, that is to say and ask – how many scientists do we currently have? I say ZERO. We borrow and use words in French and English in this field.
Cambodians will either speak "French" or "English," and, yes, all Cambodians should begin study the "Vietnamese" language, if you value growth and prosperity for the future. Khmer IS DEAD.
8:52 AM
Yes, I have to agree with you there. Vietnamese is the most beautiful language in the world, and yes all Cambodians should begin studying the Vietnamese language now.
Thank you. It's eye wide open. Well, most of the educators die during the KR. So, Khmer Language is stagnant.
We haven't produce any new educators that can revised the Language into today Modern society. Students are too busy buying/bribering teachers to get good grade in all level of education in Cambodia. I don't see Khmer students trying his or her best; they just looking for the quick way out. Buying/bribering is what Khmer Society is all about.
Khmer is not Dead. Derogatory vocabulary exist in all society. Khmer is sort of a Cast system, so
we have words: "anh, preah ang, khnhom, neang,phoeum..."
We have pronoun, noun, verb, conjuction, past tense... However, not exactly like the Western language grammar. We have it too.
We do need revision; Language is not in Crisis. Khmer root will Live on in Thais, Laotians, & Burmese.
Khmers should study Laos, we will soon become your master and you will got fucked
អាជ័យវាថាអ្នកដែលសរសេរអត្ថបទនេះមានគំនិតល្អណាស់ដើម្បី ថែរក្សាអក្សរសាស្រ្តខ្មែរ។ ប៉ុន្តែយកល្អសរសេរជាភាសាខ្មែរផងទៅអ្នកធំៗបងៗរបស់អាជ័យ គេមិនសូវខ្វល់ទេពីររឿងភាសាបរទេះអីគេនឹងព្រោះពិបាករកថីបក។
True, Khmer language is dying even Dr. Hun Sen does not speak Khmer correctly. He says anh jeung te -the phrase show neither agreement nor disagreement.
He is supposed to say
anh jeung heuy which means therefore or Beu min anh jeung te which means if not.
Khmer language is dying today.
those that bring up viet/youn language and even laos is idiotic and psychotic, must get their head examine by a licensed psychiatrist or psychologist, really! anyway, i do not think anything is abnormal about khmer borrowing and adopting technical terms and medical terms, especially the names of medications, etc into our khmer language vocabularies, etc, really! even englished borrowed or adopted heavily from the now extinct latin vocabularies and words, especially in sciences, etc, you know! so, i don't think there is anything wrong with cambodia borrowing, integrating and adopting some english and french technical terms and medical terms into our khmer rich vocabularies and language, you know! i like to look at it as evolving and learning from others, nothing's wrong with that, you know! knowledge, like medicine, etc has no boundary, ok! anyway, more power to the khmer language, and khmer language is not difficult to learn, ok! it looks difficult at first glance, but after students familiarized themselves with the basic of khmer language and writing, etc, then it will become easier and easier as you advance. if anyone can learn math, then they can learn khmer language and writing, really! unlike math which gets more complicated and difficult as you advance, in khmer language, it is actually getting easier and easier to learn once you master the basic of the ins and outs of it, really! the key in learning khmer language and writing and reading, etc is in mastering the very fundamental or basic of the khmer alphabets to include the way each one of the alphabet sounds and written. in khmer language, we have lower sounding and higher sounding similary to the english workd that must be capitalized, etc,,, of course, there certain acception to the rule as well as in english, the trick is to learn early and know the difference, etc, ok! try it, it's really not that difficult to learn, really! have fun learning khmer language, reading and writing, etc, ok!
They learn it from Hun Sen . Just listen to Hun Sen's speaking , he sounds so rude and uneducated. Like he said , ber vea min ris korn rothapibal vea ning trov ronteas banh rir ey ? ( if they don't criticize the government, are they going to get hit by lighning ? ) As supporters and followers , they learn it from the leader.
in khmer language, you can tell when words or terms were borrowed or adopted from foreign language by they way khmer spelled that particular word(s). of course, like in english, khmer language do have an acception to the rule kind of pronunciation, spelling, etc, ok! again, khmer language is non-tonal, meaning you speak or pronounce it the way it is spelled and so on! try it, it's fun learning khmer language. and do practice your speaking by listening and talking to the educated native speakers and by listening or watching khmer tv, shows, songs, etc, ok! a hint, if you want to really learn khmer, do not ask the viet/youn or siem speak because they sounded khmer with their own viet or siem accent, instead, ask the educated, native khmer speakers!
10:10 AM poster
Your comment is coming from your jealousy and it has nothing to do with the article here .
I don't know if Khmer language is dying as only time will tell. But certainly it is evolving as it comes into contact with other language, and have to accommodate modern technology.
I have to disagree with Theary that Cambodian language is dying based on reasons she've given. A language dies when multitude of native speakers abandoned it, and use anther in it's place. Unless the majority of Cambodians start using English, Thai, or Vietnamese to function then Khmer language is not in danger, if anything it is changing, evolving. For example, English spoken in is the US today sound very different from English spoken in England in 15th century so does that mean the English language has died?
in cambodia, khmer people often emphasize the fluency of writing in khmer, the more you write beautiful, the more you are noted for your experience and knowledge, etc. the opposite is also noted if you write sloppy in khmer. so, in actually, khmer people do emphasize the writing fluency as well as speaking rapidly and fluently as well, you know! well, practice makes perfect in learn khmer, really!
yes, in khmer language, once you master the basic, then it is tolerable if you deviate a little from the norms, especially in writing khmer. it is better to learn from the educated, native speakers of language, when in doubt ask them question on how to learn and say in khmer, etc, ok!
Language is a collection of words used and put together by those who use it to produce the intended meanings which are understood very well by other users who share the custom, culture, location and the language itself. It is the mean of communication between and among people.
A rule of a language is an observation of how the language is used and spoken. It is not someone's creation to be imposed upon the majority to follow.
New words can be agreed upon and thus created to fill in the gaps in the thought process which is sometimes not common in Cambodian, but again there are a lot of thought processes in Cambodian which the English speakers would have problems trying to express in English.
English is just one of the many languages in the world. It is not any better or worse than Cambodian. Don't be fooled to think that English is the best language that can be used to express human thoughts.
You can express your thoughts better with English because you were raised speaking English. A Cambodian can also express his thoughts better with Cambodian because he was raised speaking Cambodian.
Just look at the book of Tum Teav written in poetry and you can see how beautifully the poet expresses his thoughts.
To say that Cambodian language is dying is ridiculous. You cannot just use a few examples and some of them don't even make sense to prove your point that a language will die.
Cambodian language only dies if Cambodians stop using it. It has survived worse periods in the Cambodian history so it won't die easily and will never die.
Any language has bad words which are used to express anger, frustration, hopelessness, rudeness, uncivilized behaviours, etc.
English has the same bad words such as motherfucker, fucking idiot, moron, asshole, piece of shit, etc.
Part I
Anet Khmer
Theary Seng , I like it and this is the first time I agree with you and read your article from the beginning to the end . Keep up the good work baby , I'll be waiting for you mmuuaahhzz .
Part 2
There is nothing wrong in using the word "Phoeum" to mean "pregnant". This word has been used to refer to both pregnant woman and pregnant animal. All of my life I have used and heard such a word used without any bad connotaiton to refer to pregnancy.
You can't change a language to prevent people from using impolite, rude, crude and dehumanising words; they exist in every language under the sky. Those are words created to express anger, insult and belittlement.
English has all of the bad words too; it even has word such as "negro" which is a really horrible word used with only one intention of showing racism and hatred.
Translation from one language to another is not easy because people think and express the same thoughts in different ways. If Theary tries to read and understand the Khmer translation with her English mind then, of course, she will be very confused!
And if she tries to find or even create words, phrases, sentences or paragraph in Khmer to represent their counterparts in English with her English or American thinking, she will confuse the Khmers who think in Khmers even more.
It is not an easy solution and it will take time to resolve this matter as Theary or anyone like her can learn to think in Khmer by delearning (if there is such a word in English - or is it possible that the English language also lacks words I can use to express my Khmer thought!) her American way of thinking, which is not superior anyway, and begins to think more like a Cambodian since she is more Cambodian in her look than American afterall.
That is how you try to bridge the gap.
You are bringing into Cambodia lots of technical and foreign legal thoughts and you expect the language to evolve fast enough to meet your need and demand. It cannot do that until the people of the country begin to understand those thoughts very well the way you intend them to mean before they could come up with words or phrases in Khmer with similar meaning.
I find the article insulting and lacking the true understanding of how language works.
"I see a lot of Cambodians who are unable to communicate clearly and precisely..."
Wow! Theary, you are certainly insulting me since I am also Cambodians and could be one of those many Cambodians you mentioned in your article. Again, you are thinking in American and not in Cambodian way in your head and no wonder you can't understand us.
Anet Khmer
thanks ms. theary for bring up the khmer language topic. as khmer person, we do would like foreigners to learn the correct khmer language and speaking in khmer. it make us khmer people smile more when we hear or see foreigners try to speak in khmer when in cambodia. we want to help them speak khmer correctly as well!
Lolz..the article is a joke..Theary, you should learn Khmer first, before you write this article..How you can criticize the Khmer usage, when you, yourself, even can't speak Khmer?
it's good to talk or share our thoughts and feelings here. it shows everyone of us are thinking differently based on our education and understand, experience, knowledge, etc. i just hope it encourages people to understand cambodia and khmer better and to stop the bias and looking down or stereotyping of cambodia and khmer people. of course, cambodia is a country with unique people and culture, etc. let's not forget that, ok! cambodia will always be cambodia, like it or not, get used to that, ok! of course, we will learn from everybody in the world while keeping and maintain our real, unique khmer identity, language, etc, etc, you know! survival and evolving is the key for cambodia, you know! may god bless cambodia and all our beautiful khmer people and citizens.
Hey Theary,
Have you tried to learn Chinese character? or the rules, for writing, or the punctuation in Chinese? I have for 4 years.
The Chinese rule for writing is more chaotic than Cambodian, not to mention no alphabetical system. And for punctuation? Almost non existence! I don't think Chinese are sounding off the alarm their language is dying. I think you're putting too much stockings into a laguage's mechanics and technicality to draw your conclusion that a language is dying.
I'm not a linguist either, but based on what I read about what make a language become endangered is wholesale abandonment by native speakers not about mechanics as you mentioned
the job of a lawyer is to use language to manupilate and achieve targeted outcome - of a defense or a prosecution.
i think just because one thinks that a word that has existed generations ago should be abandoned because it sound crude and impolite, does not mean a language is dying.
i used to hear "haeng" used in deadly threatening manner by warring factions, as well as in intimate manner by romantic lovers. someones correctly cited the decline of the moral is more at issue here than the danger of losing khmer language. also, i detected a sniff of favoritism and elitism in the context of someone who prefers things western, while struggles with ones own true identity.
Anet Khmer,
Thanks for your thoughtful comment. I am just thinking that Theary tend to think in English than translate it into Khmer, which most of the time I had done this myself. But to my surprise, the meaning does not come out the same.
I think it is good for Theary to learn more rather than think that the foreign languages (the way they arrange it is more surperiour than Khmer language). I hope Theary will hangout with different classes people in Khmer society and try to understand their mentality and culture and learn from them rather than judge them.
Anet Khmer more thought from you would be highly appreciated on this subject.
Khmer Anet
Why are you offering opinion about language when your specialty is law? Merely presenting observations about something outside of your field make you look so shallow.
Please leave this job for the linguist.
an example: "ah Theary, haeng deung teh tha bong srolanh haeng steuh taeh chhkuot tov heuy!"
that does not sound animal or youkaung, or does it?
now, compare with: "mean ah mouy nous vear chong oy anh choss chenh pi domnaeng neayouk rath montrei, anh prab tha haeng neung chkuot, heuy tov rork kda machhouss sen tov."
11:36 AM,
Love your comment wholeheartedly!
Thank you.
10:10 AM
Pang Sokhoeun is a cheater? So what? My ex wife cheated me thousand times when I went to work. It is good for him to cheat because now Rokar deik is not sharp anymore, there're too many men and women climbed on. When Pang Sokhoeun climb, Rokar deik will be smoother like skiing on ice.
Hey Theary,
Khmer language is slowly dying in Sasket, Thailand. Why?
That's because young ethinic Khmer people see no usefulness in speaking Khmer because personal career dictates that they must speak Thai.
And it is true for you too that Cambodian language has died inside Theary because Theary seems to know little of the Cambodian language but has mastered English instead for career advancement. And it is true for me as Khmerican like you. Sad isn't it, but it proves that a language only dies when it is abandoned.
11:45 AM
I don't really understand why Seng said or wanted. Languages will never die, but we the people will always die and reborn again and again... for the past billion years.
Language die = language no longer in use. No living person using it.
I don't about reborn stuff... For me, I have never, ever, seen people or animal reborn again.
There is no such thing as language never die. There are many Native American languages have died, or no one is speaking it today. Once a language died it is gone forever.
There is no such thing as language reborn again. That is such a ridiculous belief.
I don`t know how educated are you but
Theary Seng what you mentioned ,it is non sense at all and so dump when you say the word Phoeum is reserve to animal .Now you should read Khmer text below which I copied and from Khmer dictionary
ផើម ( កិ. ) មានគ័ភ៌, មានកូនក្នុងផ្ទៃ ។ ស្ដេចស្រ្តីផើមហៅ ទ្រង់គ័ភ៌ ។ ស្ត្រីជាម្នាងក្សត្រផើម ហៅ មានគ័ភ៌ ។ ស្រ្តីទាំងពួងផើម ហៅ មានផ្ទៃពោះ (ព. រ.); ឬ ព. សា. ហៅ មានពោះពុង ។ ផើមព្រៃ ផើមដោយស្មន់អន្ធករ (ព. ទ្រ. ម.) ។ ស្រូវផើម ស្រូវមានផ្កាមិនទាន់ចេញ ។
( ន. ) ឈ្មោះដំបៅមួយប្រភេទកើតនៅបាតជើងឬកែងជើង កខ្ទុះខាប់នៅតែខាងក្នុង ឡើងសម្បុរស្បែកលឿង : ដំបៅផើម ។
some terms in khmer language are used only with certain animals as well. like in english, they don't say a group of fish, instead they say a school of fish, they don't say a group of bird, they say a flock of birds, they don't say a group of lions, they say a pride of lions, etc, etc; the same acception in the khmer language, we don't kmom chhuck, we say kmom tech, we don't say pous kam, we say pous chhuck, we don't say moan angkuy leur pong veer, we say moan krap leu pong veer, etc, etc, we don't say m'nus phoeum, we say m'nus pos thom, we don't say sat hoss, we say sat heur, etc, you know! it's the same style like in english, you see!
i think the title or heading of her article should be the appropriate usage of khmer certain khmer words, not khmer language i dying. that's so misleading for some people.
An example of a Cambodian individual who speaks the Khmer language in a crude, careless and offensive manner is Hun Sen. If you ever hear him speak at university graduation or simply when reporters ask him would understand what I mean.
But yes, the Cambodian language is not what is used to be. The poetic and luster was lost after 1975.
Theary raises very good points here. I agree with all of her observations. I'm proficient in both Khmer and English, but I found that Khmer lacks clarity in its expressions, especially terminology and technical terms. However, I tend to blame it on the writers as many writers/journalists these days are not well-educated and can't write and express properly. Pre-Khmer Rouge era, the Khmer language was so sweet and nice. Many writers can express themselves very clearly with very powerful expressions. Writers these days can't even write as good as a junior high school student in America. I read many articles in Khmer newspapers and magazines and many writers can't write and express what they really want to communicate to the readers. They used very basic and crude language.
Ms. Seng, you should keep your comment to area that you can claim expertise, i.e. laws. Freedom of speech may allow you to make any non-sense comment, but I could not disagree with you more on your assessment of Khmer language. Vulgarity exist in all societies, it may be a sign of low morality not a problem with the language. The difficulty in reproduction of a written language on paper or word processer is a technical problem not a linguistic one. Really, Ms. Seng, do you believe that Khmer is “a society lacking a vehicle to communicate ideas?” You have just trampled on yourself, that is if you believe that you are a Khmer.
Long Beach
Theary Seng is following Bora Touch.
Probably she thinks there are no Khmer Scholars care about all of these.
Hi Everyone,
One of KI-Media member who has his name in Facebook as Khmer Sovannaphumi but his real name is Pang Sokhoeun, former political asylum and now living in Sweden. He always copies news from here to post in his facebook profile to promote himself, but right now, he tries to remove and blocked anyone who dares to reveal his con activity particular he tries to hide what he has cheated his wife (Sreypov Chea) by having a girlfriend (Sokunthear Sam) behind his wife back. Now, his girlfriend had run way from him after she knew his cheating.
A con man Pang Sokhoeun as well as KI-Media like to insult to the government officers who have affairs, but himself does even worse than other people. What ashame!
I accept with the argument of Miss Theary Seng. For instance in songs, when we listen the contents of new songs or Ayai, I have sometimes get headache, they say a lot but the meaning is a cheap one. When we listen the contents of songs from Sin sisamouth and Sothea, the songs are short but meaninfull and so polite and soft. That is so different between now and in the past.
When one person had posted in KI-Media and accused that a con man Pang Sokhoeun is a brother of Som Ek (former Chief of Tiger's head sign guerilla, who was arrested and put in prison by Cambodian government) during that time, a cheater Pang Sokhoeun came to deny in his blogs immediately and had pointed the blame to Mr. Sourn Serey Rotha, but this time, he has bury his head in the sand because he cannot deny the truth that he has cheated his wife. Right now, all he can do is removed and blocked anyone who dared to reveal his cheating.
give me a break pouk ah kantop here, yuons kantop don't have any language, get
I greed Cambodia has a serious language crisis but not out of stupidity mentioned by mrs theary seng
mrs theary send should get to the real issue than make a big fool out of her own ignorance and stupidity, what's a pity fool
doo mer konchor mii theary seng
most government officials in cambodia talk like mnoos bath psa and ot puch
Hey 5:55 PM,
I am assuming that you should finally stop the same rates on blogs. Probably until you're sick and what not to do good for your life, right.
You should finally understand, listen to what people write, but you should not believe all of them. It is very important that you think yourself.
they learned it from their masters and family, the vcon
isn't yuon culture is so great ? just observe these yuon pets/creatures
" Theary Meas Bang,
Aun Doeung Teh Tha Bang Sralanh Aun Steur Chhkourt Chet Tov Heuy, Tors Teh Trang Tha Srey Peal Peou Neang Aun Neou Cheh Khmer Tec Pek. Dam Chek Tov Cheat Nes."
Please show me that how high your good command of English is, in this translation. You still have a chance!
Some of vietnameses language design of foods that khmers people use in their own language:
every language has bad meaning according to a social context. however, those meaning can be otherwise to another social setting. in fact, language itself is not bad. however, the way it is used can be interpreted as offensive orcrude.
i am a country from cambodia. my homne town is close to thailand. we used those kind of words( anh, veer...) on the daily basis.So it as comsidered a typical communication.
I don't believe that the Khmer language is dying. However, every language evolves.
6:19 PM
So Khmer Language is equated to Latin. Latin is DEAD, but it lives in today European Languages and English.
If Khmer Language cease to exist, it Existent lives on in Thai, Laotian, and Burmese.
សេង ធារីនេះទេ។ ពីព្រោះនេះជាល្បិចរបស់អា
ដល់ខ្លួន ម្ល៉ោះហើយក៏រកលេសគ្រប់បែបយ៉ាង
Theary Seng! you got a husband or still singer?
Khmer-Man! im still singer!
Theary Seng!
"English has the same bad words such as motherfucker, fucking idiot, moron, asshole, piece of shit, etc.
Part I
Anet Khmer"
By the sound of it....Ah "Ahnet Khmer" is an asshole! j/k!
My name is Chuck, Kalonh Chuck
អា ២នាក់ នៅម៉ោង ៧:៣៤PM នឹង ៨:០៧ PMនេះបាន ចំជាកូនអត់ពូជម៉ែន អាចុយម្រ៉ាយ!!!
កាឡុញ ឆឹក
Bang Theary Seng brought up a great topic, but I will have to rebut her shallow understanding of the Khmer language. I am not an expert either, but I believe she lacks Khmer mentality to appreciate the profound nature of this issue. I will also offer my opinion, based on research. As koan Khmer, I can't have people distorting Khmer people and language. There are already too many Chou Ta Kwans and Joel Brinkleys out there.
We can use sign language which is universal and understood by everybody such as the middle finger is well understood and admired by everybody. Even Hun SAN can understand that. Try it and you will see, he will reward you with a 5-stars on your shoulder. Please kiss your wife/girlfriend before you do that (give middle finger to Hun San or his bitch).
សូមស្មេរធារី ជួយពន្យល់ដល់អ្នកអានផងថាតើធារីវាមានន័យយ៉ាងណាដែរ
she is just looking for an issue so that she can continue to chew on until she discover the next one...
who cares about viet/youn language, stop try to bring it up here, ok! khmer have our own beautiful khmer language, we don't need or want viet/youn language in cambodia, ok! so, stop trying to bring viet/youn language to cambodia forum, ok leave that topic to viet/youn blog, but not khmer blog, ok!
I applaud Theary Seng for raising such issue.
We Cambodians have to discuss such issue and be critical of ourselves. Otherwise our society will not progress. We are capable of change, of becoming better.
in english, they say a pack of wolves, not a group of wolves; so, khmer language have the same rule and proper usage as well like we are talking about here, you know! i don't think khmer language is dying, it is evolving is more likely, not dying is questionable, really! i think it is ok for khmer language to evolve such as borrowing and adopting some technical terms, medical terms, especially in medication names, etc from french, english, sanskrit, latin, pali, and some food names from chinese or japanese, ok! it is quite alright for our language to evolve with time; this will make our khmer language even richer as we have more choices, etc, you know. the key is to get our people to understand and accept it. please be educated, only a closed mind is at the verge of dying. khmer language is a very active, vibrant forms of world language, so, don't worry, khmer language is not dying or extinct like some cynical individuals are saying, ok! in fact, it is the opposite of dying, if anything! god created our khmer language to put on this earth as one of the many world languages, so, be proud of our khmer language as well, ok! do speak it from time to time, ok! nothing to be ashamed of it, ok! listen to the beautiful khmer sounds in the classical songs of sin sisamouth, ros sereysothea, pen ron, huy meas, meas samoeun, so savoeun, chhun vanna, dara choum chan, etc, etc, ok! these talented khmer artists sang beautifully in khmer language. be proud of it, really!
Hello my dears,
Our Khmer languages are not and is not dying, but make us confused with new Khmer writing styles.
I do beleive she brough up very good points for public. Even Buddhist Monk language like, Nak mor ta Sak Paka Vak Tor, now become a funny for music. They use it for funny ways, and our Govn't authories did not consern about these actions, instead they happily laugh too.
From Red-Ant.
Saying Khmer language is in crisis or dying is grossly overstated. In fact, Ms. Theary’s entire line of arguments bears little relevance to the case she’s trying to make. The gap between spoken and written languages always exist in any modern languages. Such gap merely reflects the cultural, educational and economical contexts of the people or communities where the languages are used, rather than a “health” indication of the language itself. For instance, Jamaicans speaks differently from Americans, yet both people speak the same English language. Based on Ms. Theary’s arguments, English language would be in crisis because Jamaicans “speak” many slang words.
This is just a "opinion" by the loose cannon. I think she has too much time in her hand; she needs to do something more productive to better the community instead of ridiculously opining her insanity. In addition, a lot of people have lost faith with this SOB.
“The current written Khmer language is a nightmare with great limitations for communicating complex ideas and for understanding. The written Khmer lacks clarity.”
Once again, this statement is grossly untrue. It makes me wonder whether Ms. Theary is knowledgeable enough in Khmer for her to write what she wants to convey. Perhaps, Ms. Theary should pursue some advanced studies in Khmer language to improve her ability before making some poor, not to say offending, statements.
This crazy woman needs to date a real Cambodian--not foreigners. Yes, she's losing big time this time.
11:33 PM
I think she spends too much of her time with foreigners. Perhaps she should spend more time with her people.
I wouldn't worry too much about this individual.
11:33 PM
Since she acquired her JD, she thinks she can now walk on water. Yes, I have to agree with you that this kid needs to take more advanced Khmer classes to learn the real Khmer language. This woman needs to spend more time with her people.
This woman is nothing but a troublemaker to Khmer society. I think Mr. Hun Sen should examine this topic.
I am not a scholar or a scientist or any expert of particular area but I think Khmer language needs to be reformed.
i think ms. theary is a typical lawyer, you know! lawyers do stir up controversial issues from time to time, that may be a good thing as it brings attention to the topic of khmer language and its preservation, etc, i think!
11:22 PM
It's time for her to take time off from those foreigners who she's associating with.
Why just leave her alone and have her spend her time with her foreign friends.
She's not working for Cambodia; she's working for other countries so she can freely criticize her country and its language. She should be ashamed of herself.
11:41 PM
If she thinks she's a good attorney, have be a trial lawyer in the US. She's not good enough to be a US attorney. She can only work for other NGOs that's it.
ណែ ម្សៀ ១១:១៧PM,
សសេរ អោយបានវែង ឆ្ងាយជាងនឹងបន្ដិច
ទៀតមើលបានទេ អាឆ្កួត?
កាឡុញ ឆឹក
11:21 PM
I think she's confused after she experienced heat exhaustion. The opinion the article will, indeed, make her more dumber and stupider.
to learn proper khmer language, i suggest we learn from the highly educated khmer, preferrably ones from native cambodia and in cambodia, that where the proper usage of khmer language is taught. overseas teachers, if they are not a khmer native, may be a bit distorted in their understanding of khmer language. so, i suggest for those of us out there who are interested in learn khmer language, do travel at least once to cambodia and learn or study from the native khmer teachers, yes, they do speak proper khmer language there, unlike overseas people. and practice do make perfect, especially in learning khmer language, ok! and be nice, when you hear improper usage of khmer language, do help and correct that person the proper usage of our khmer language. it is ok to help them out if they try to learn khmer lanugage, you know! that's all.
I have refused to learn and speak Khmer language because this language must be reformed first. It is too old and outdated.
I feel sad for you to hear you say this. I can promise you that the language is not going to reformed soon, it just get evolve and adapt to the environment around it? Do you know what the existence of the languages for? You just incapable of communicating with about 14 million of the world population!! I feel sorry for you.
ហេ ពពួកអាងាប់ឯងរាល់គ្នាស្ដាប់អោយបាន!
អ្វីៗសសេរទៅ កុំតែសសេរជេររឿងផ្ទាល់ខ្លួនរបស់
បុគ្គលម្នាក់ៗ ដូចជាសសេរជេរតិះដៀល ដល់អ្នក
នាង ធារី ជាដើម ស្ដាប់បានទេ ពពួកអាងាប់រាល់
តើ ហេង ស៊យ អាច ផ្សាយយោបល់របស់ខ្ញុំបានទេ?
កាឡុញ ឆឹក
Hey all of you dead meat,
If you want to argue/counter-argue, debate or rebut do so. But do not attack or insult people personally, like you do to Theary, ok? Do all of you dead meat understand now?
I am challenging Heng Soy to go ahead, post my comment if he can?
Kalonh Chuch
Khmer is not in is simply can't compare. It is what it is...Khmer is unique and beautiful.
Khnyom sralanh pheasa Khmer! :)
Don't feel sorry for me or for yourself or for any body. Everyone carries his or her own passport either in real life or passport of death or whatever. I am happy that I don't have to learn this too old language. It needs to be reformed. Khmer language is not the only one I refused to learn, Chinese, or everything that created with a lot of legs or hair like Vietnamese's new characters I refused to learn too. I know only English and I am happy with it.
Until I will be working for FBI agent or other intelligent agent such as Mossad I may learn, or otherwise NO.
11:22 pm
Good analogy...!!!
what a copy cat, 12:12 AM?
As an oversea Cambodian and have been living in the US for over 33 years since the age of 11, I read, write and I speak Khmer well. I refuse to white-wash my Khmer accent. I still retain my 'Khmerness' in me. Languages evolve through time. I had design a Khmer computer keyboard since 1989. I don't see how we are in's simply beautiful and quite advance like any other major languages.
The only thing I want to add is that the Buddhist Institute which used to oversee the Khmer language should get funding and continue the legacy of Samdech Chuon Nath.
To Mr. 11:17pm
I like your poetic statement...true but a bit crass.
The fact that Theary is single has nothing to do with her naivete about the Khmer language. It's more believable if one is the Supreme monk fluent in 16 languages and well-versed in Khmer to comment on Khmer language. Otherwise, it's better to stay silent than to get major critism.
Theary's opinion on Khmer, sadly, is an (F-)and an embarrassment to other 14 million Khmer speakers!
It's a in simple Khmer terms which there was nothing to do or insult Theary's personal.
Learn to read between the lines that are not poetry,will you pay attention?
Toucher,mon cher!
Touché អាងាប់អីអាងាប់១:២៦AM!
សម្តីសរពូជ ចាស់លោកប្រដូចខូចឈ្លើយពីដងបានវាឆ្គងដល់ផ្លែ...កូនចេះមកពីមេបា។
Impermanence is permanent for all living things...mate,comprendez?
Girld let language evole! Do you prefer someday we have no enought words so we use Vietnamese for poem??????
អាងាប់ ២:២២AM,
អាងាប់ឯង ចង់ទេសនាឬសូត្រធម៍អាថ៏រហូតដល់
ក្បាលដែរ! ឆើ្វទៅអាងាប់!
ប៉ុន្តែអាងាប់ឯងត្រូវដឹងហើយ កុំយល់ថា គេល្ងង់
ជាងអាងាប់ផុតពូជឯងនោះ យល់បានទេ អាងាប់?
you freaking dead meat @2:22AM pretend to be superior than others? Think again, and think hard this time! ok you jack ass!
អញរៀនខ្មែរតាម អា ហ៊ុន សែន!
Khmer per Ah Hun Sen!
Crass use originated in 1545 AD but rarely specified much further meaning than as it's supposed to mean crude,vulgar, incivil behaviour.
Let's see who is really fitting this meaning?
Oopsy it's 3:03am.
Please take time off and some Xanax 0.4mg twice a day to keep your mind straight.
It's a concern that this well learned individual 3:03am lost all the balls in this forum.
Who's the really pretender here?
Yeap, you jack ass 3:22AM is still a pretender, any more questions?
Again, this jack ass 3:22AM's comment insulting Theary Seng in Khmer:
for other khmer reader to see that this jack ass 3:22AM is really a jack ass!!!
And Yes, only this jack ass 3:22AM needs tranquilizer to calm his ass down...
So long, and that's the end of the discussion with you jack ass 3:22AM...
"And that key is a living language."
Are you just to put it down, frustrated of not able to communicate to people, or confuse!
To flow with the world we need to addapt the words or the language of the leader!
Even franc the arch enemy in culture with English need to take English world for new scient!
Not just only technology scient , Social Scient just greated after world war II, and most of world is in English greated in America USA!!!
Soon Cambodia will be Vietnamese- majority and Khmer language will be increasingly irrevelant.
Theary raised a good point but it has no practical effect in the long term when the Vietnamese language will become the main language of Cambodia.
One doesn't have to wait that long, 4:11AM...On Khmer TV a so-called Khmer police, when interviewed, already said "Cam eung" (Or Kun in Vietnamese) before walking out...Enough said?
Dear Hoenybuns 3:47AM,
I am saddened that you liked donkey as it could not be called as jack-ass but as joan-ass as well.
Still too angry,aren't you?
Go ahead help yourself out!
OK! just say we behind in computer era! let do something about it!
But the speaking lang guage is flourishing! and SOME if not all bad words are bad only in our mind!
I don't agree that khmer language is dying at all. It is the people who abused it made the language sound bad. just like the people in the USA who are abusing the enlish words... it just the language look bad. that is all.
bong srolanh oun nas! ber sin chea khmean oun te knung jeat niss bong jbas chea slab huey! Khmer language is the best... It is not going to die anytime soon. Proud of khmer language!
koun Khmer from USA
yeah...yor dai dak khnong prohong kdet ah aing teuv...srorl hauy...
sdab barn teh, you old fart? you ain't no koun khmer from USA...cuz we know so!
With bold perceptions and ways of thinking...I hope Theary would run for the first female Prime Minister of Cambodia!
Some Analogy in Khmer:
The word "phoeum" is vulgar for pregnant. The polite term would be "chlang tonle" (cross the sea)
The word "phaom" means fart. The polite term would be "doeur kyol srual" (walk air easy or easy hot air release)
Although there are a few facts in this article because of the loose kind of use (speaking, writing) of Khmer language by most who perhaps do not really know Khmer grammar (radio broadcasters, TV presenters, news-writers, ...), I do not think the article provide the TRUTH, it only presents REALITY. I would not label current situation a language crisis; it is in fact "language abuse". For example, most tend to insist that in Khmer sentence structure there is no space except full stop and space/s after it. The foreigners whom I know and who want to learn Khmer are told of this story too. Of course, there is no space between word in a sentence; but for sure there are always spaces in all sentences that separate subject (or subject component), object (or object component), verb (or verb component), adverb (or adverbial component), etc. In Khmer language one even learns to recognize classes of sounds (e.g. banghor trados, banghor ching chramoh, etc.) - I am not sure other languages - French, English, Russian, and Spanish - I learned have this (maybe I did not learn enough of grammar of these respective languages). ...
Computer characters of Khmer language of different fonts - i do not think there is a problem if one knows enough as to how to handle computer software applications ...
Use of terms is situational, personal, contextual, etc. ...
One does not have to have BAC I or BAC II to know and use proper Khmer language - all of my uncles went to just pagoda school during the colonial era and they used proper KHM language. These days if one really does well for just secondary level of Khmer grammar one could use KHM langauge properly. But if one wants to major in Khmer language which is rich one needs to perhaps go beyond BAC II in Khmer study - learn barivar sap, analyse poems, analyse literatures, etc...
There is or are language committee/s who work to modernize KHM language under the umbrella of the public system.
The article mainly cites the bad practices ... There is always proper rules and grammar in Khmer language - I think the author should at least spend time reading just basic Khmer grammar materials taught at present schools from grade 1 thru grade 12 - these materials get updated too ... One could just go back and read textbooks, stories, poems, etc. written and published in the 1966s, 1970s, 1980s and 1990s ... and right Khmer textbooks printed for public education these days before running this article to the press. ...
Our saying goes like this: Cheh Steu Phleu Lek Muoy (A person of little knowledge is no better than an idiot).
I just want to share idea only.
Srey Chanthy
The Khmer language,
To think of it, only the Khmer Rouge tried to standardize the Khmer language.
There are at least ten different ways in Khmer to say the word ‘to eat and to drink’ but they round them out to one: hope.
They went as far as: ko hope smao = the cow grazes the grass. Hehehe
Likewise there are many different ways for the word ‘you’, but for them only ‘samak mith’ or in a shorter form ‘mith’ were used.
There were more …….
But I am not a pro-KR.
Likewise the Khmer Republic abolished all kind of titles, and only ‘lok’ and ‘lok srey’ for married woman were allowed to address among the adults outside of the household.
All of you are dumb.
អាចុយម្រ៉ាយណា មីចុយម្រ៉ាយណា ដែលថ្លើមធំ
ដោយហ៊ានអះអាង ថាភាសារខ្មែរជាភាសារងាប់ ? បើចិត្តសឿង សាកបកប្រែពាក្យដែល អញបានសរសេរនេះ ទៅជាភាសារអាគាំងល៎មើល!តើភាសារអាគាំងវាមានពាក្យដូចខ្មែរដែរឬអត់?
បើចេះស្ទើរធ្វើភ្លើវិញ វាល្អជាង !
5:11AM's comment:
word "phoeum" is vulgar for pregnant. The polite term would be "chlang tonle" (cross the sea)
Wrong! "Chlang tonle" means delivering a baby not "pregnant/Pheum", ok?
Pregnant or Pheum is "tomngounn" ទម្ងន់
How many months have you been "pheum" 5:11AM?
Dang, yapmain, 5:11AM can't even speak khmer....oh lala..j/k
hey ah choy marai 6:06 AM,
if you are so smart whay don't you translate your own writing yourself huh asshole?
that fits perfectly what you've said:
if you are not so smart, why don't just play dumb eh? Asshole!!!
you know who I am already!
Hey Srey Chanthy, 5:37 AM:
Cheh Steu Phleu Lek Muoy = know too little, too dumb!
same to you, first 5:37 AM! lol!
5:57 AM
“All of you are dumb.”
And who are you, the dumber or dumbest?
នែវើយ ! អាចុយម្រ៉ាយ មីចុយម្រ៉ាយ6:17 AM
ពួកអាហ្អែង មីហ្អែង មិនទាំងចេះ អាសេរ អាសរ ជីដូនជីតាម៉ែឪហ្អែងផង បែរជាចង់មើលងាយភាសារខ្មែរ យីអើ !បានចេះភាសារអាគាំងស្ទើភ្លើង មេច!ចង់គ្រាន់បើម៉េះ !
យើ! បើចិត្តសឿង អួតខ្លួនថាពូកែអាគាំងនោះ ! សាកបកពាក្យអញអាសេរ ទៅជាអាគាំងមើលមើ៎ តើរួចមិនរួច ។
វាមិនតែខ្មេះទេ ពួកអា វង្វេងនគរ មុខដូចស្វាក្រេះអើយ !!
Khmer language is not dying, but the users died without knowing or improving. Khmer spoken in different groups of accent, and some still find on the way home and abroad. Because Khmer struggled with social conflicts, wars, and foreign invasions. The language also suffered from devision into groups, parts of the original one. Khmer language the richest and long history on earth who survived many thousand years before Siam and Annam(Vietnam).
To say Khmer language is dying, is far from believing, but to say that ENGLISH language is invading Khmer language in the future, I'll go along with you.
ហាហាហា អាស្វាក្រេះវត្តភ្នំមួយនេះ ពឹតជាចង់ងាប់ម៉ែន តែម្ដង!
អាចុយម្រ៉ាយ ឯងដឹងថាអញជាអ្នកណាទេ?
មាន អា មី ស្ទើរភ្លើងមួយនោះ វាបែរជាវង្វេង
ទាំងកណ្ដាលថ្ងៃត្រង់ វាថា ផើម និង ឆ្លងទន្លេ
មានន័យឌាតែខ្នូច អានេះ គេថា បារាំងថាយ៉ាប់មែន ។ ហើយក្នុងនេះក៏ មាន អា មី វង្វេងនគរប៉ុន្មានក្បាល វាឆ្កួតឡប់សតិ ដោយនាំគ្នាគាំទ្រមីអូនមេធាវី ថាមីអូនយើងនិយាយត្រូវ ទៅវិញណ៎ !
អស្ជារ្យណាស់ !
ហាហាហា អាស្វាក្រេះវត្តភ្នំមួយនៅម៉ោង ៦:៤០AM ពឹតជាចង់ងាប់ម៉ែន តែម្ដង!
អាចុយម្រ៉ាយ ឯងដឹងថាអញជាអ្នកណាទេ?
អញជាឪអាងាប់ឯងណា៏ អាឯងថាអញមឹន
Srey Chanthy,
100% concur with you:
Our saying goes like this: Cheh Steu Phleu Lek Muoy (A person of little knowledge is no better than an idiot).
Besides, Pali, Sanskrit, Latin, Greek Teub Chea Pheasa Slab. Heuy Pheasa Na Del Tha Khmean Vibatt Nus? Kor Doch Chivit OrnCheung!
នែ! អាចុយម្រ៉ាយ 6:46 AM
អញដឹងថា ពួកអាហ្អែងហ្នឹង គឺជាពួកវង្វេងនគរ
អាចុយម្រ៉ាយ ឪអាងាប់ឯង 6:51 AM
អញមិនថាឲ្យ អាចុយម្រ៉ាយហ្អែងទេ អញថាឲ្យ
អាពួកប៉ុន្មានក្បាល ដែលវាកំពុងតែវង្វេងនគរ។
ឬមួយអាចុយម្រ៉ាយឯង ជាមនុស្សម្នាក់ក្នុងហ្នឹងដែរ អាចុយម្រ៉ាយ?
អញនៅតែជាឪអាឯងនឹងណ៌ា អាកូនក្រក ៦:៥៤AM ឰទេ?
Heng soy please let go
ខ្ញុំចូលក្រេាយគេ តែសូមសរសេីរដែលមាន
អក្សរសាស្រ្តជាតិយេីងល្អទាល់មែទែន ពីព្រេាះភាសាយេីងវាទាក់ទងដល់ភាសាបាលីនិងភាសាសំស្រ្កឹតដែលជាមាតានៃវេយ្យាករណ៍នៃភាសាឥណ្ឌូ-អឺរ៉ុប ប៉ុន្តែក្នុងកម្លុង៣០សិឆ្នាំកន្លង
មកនេះ អ្នកប្រាជ្ញសម័យថ្មីបានកាឡៃការសរសេរ
ពាក្យជាច្រេីនដេាយសំអាងលេីទំនាញសូរ ដែលតាមពិតទៅវាខុស ។ ខ្ញុំយល់ថាយកល្អ ពាក្យដែលមានមកហេីយ ត្រូវសរសេរតាមលំនាំ
ដេីម ។ អស់លេាកអ្នកប្រាជ្ញជាន់ក្រេាយ ប្រឹងតែបង្កេីតពាក្យថ្មីទៅបានហេីយ កុំបំផ្លាញ
ហេ អាកូនក្រក ៧:០០AM
ខ្ញុំមឹនជឿថាមានវាគ្មឹនឯណាក្រៅពីពួកអាអំបែងក្បឿងបក្សពួកអា ហ៊ុនសែន ដែលចូលមកឆាឆៅ
វាគ្មឹន = Speaker, Orateur (french)
Kalonh Chuck
កាឡុញ ឆឹក
ឈ្មេាះអញ្ចឹង ទេីបសរសេរអក្សរខ្មែរមិនត្រូវ គឺវាកាឡុញឆឹកដូចឈ្មេាះមែន!
Come on guys, don't fight on this blog over Theary like a dog...if you don't dare to talk to her about your feeling face-to-face, you are not worthy of her effection. Don't use this language crisis as an excuse to show your passion to Theary. She laughing while sepping red win at the Elephan bar! And that go to you too Mr. Heng less than Soy!
Move on to the next topic will you! act like a man! Don't cry for Theary Khmer men! She know what she is doing! She will forget you and go on to the next man!
កង្វល់ក្នុងការប្រើភាសានិងការសរសេរខ្មែរ ៖
បើប្រៀបធៀបជាមួយសិស្សជំនាន់ទសវត្សឆ្នាំ៦០ សិស្សជំនាន់នេះខ្សោយខ្មែរឆ្ងាយណាស់ទាំងការសរសេរឲ្យត្រូវអក្ខរាវិរុទ្ធនិងការសរសេរឃ្លាប្រយោគ។
ការអាននិងប្រើពាក្យមិនត្រឹមត្រូវដូចជា ភេរវកម្ម
អានជា ភេវរកម្មទៅវិញ។ល។
Hey Mister 10:17 AM,
Leave my good Buddy "Lucky or Not" alone will ya, pls?
P. from Long Beach
it's so strange...
i was sitting in my back yard looking up the night California sky with several stars and occasional moving lights of some small local airplanes and thinking of this blog (Theary, in particular) and let loose all my imigination and reminiscence of my Cambodia experiences and memories.
i am now typing this comment while listening to "reathrei" song...ahh, such precious and heavenly experience! the freedom of the mind and sentiment!
"reathrei, ei, ei...dael ream ban chuob neung thleum thlaiy, tveuh oy ream mormeuiy, ream neuk sramaiy..."
i know, i know , honey, i am just reading this khmer blogger. i'll be there in a minute. (y'alls 'cuse my lovely wife, ok?). darn, honey, my favorite soksophea song is up now, can i have the ipad a little longer? thanks, babe.
jas, khyom ch'mos chanthou, min men chanthoeung te jas. thou thou saul saul men na!
12:06 pm and 12:03 pm, speechless, or speech problem?
You fucking Kalonh Chuch,
Why don't you fucking practise what you preach, you stupid shit?
You have cursed many people in this forum already and you consider yourself a better person!
12:03 and 12:06 are not speechless, they just have speech problem!!! Their up stair brain stand still...they just let the bellow brain do the talking!!
BTW, P. from LB, why do you defend HS? I am sure he is capable of defending himself. No need to do anything for him! The fact that he just returned from the vacation, he is fresh enough to defend himselfe! HS...did you get to see Ms. Theary (Elephan bar or River side?)? You can share with I know why you keep this post for a long time. You must miss her long time ha! Sorry HS! Of course you can dream about her, but you can't have her!
P_LB, this is what you can help Heng less than Soy, post some musics for him before he let the time with Theary stand still! Otherwise we wouldn't get out of this blog of "language crisis" ...Or it is could be that Theary have problems communicating her effection for HS in Khmer language...just wonder!
Hi Everyone,
One of KI-Media member who has his name in Facebook as Khmer Sovannaphumi but his real name is Pang Sokhoeun, former political asylum and now living in Sweden. He always copies news from here to post in his facebook profile to promote himself, but right now, he tries to remove and blocked anyone who dares to reveal his con activity particular he tries to hide what he has cheated his wife (Sreypov Chea) by having a girlfriend (Sokunthear Sam) behind his wife back. Now, his girlfriend had run way from him after she knew his cheating.
A con man Pang Sokhoeun as well as KI-Media like to insult to the government officers who have affairs, but himself does even worse than other people. What a shame!
When one person had posted in KI-Media and accused that a con man Pang Sokhoeun is a brother of Som Ek (former Chief of Tiger's head sign guerilla, who was arrested and put in prison by Cambodian government) during that time, a cheater Pang Sokhoeun came to deny in his blogs immediately and had pointed the blame to Mr. Sourn Serey Rotha, but this time, he has bury his head in the sand because he cannot deny the truth that he has cheated his wife. Right now, all he can do is removed and blocked anyone who dared to reveal his cheating.
It is ignorant and arrogant for her to say that Khmer language is dying. I wander what level of Khmer education does she possess? I saw her interview in english language. I would not worry about this stupid and nonsense article written by her. She must have hidden agenda by looking down the Khmer language.
12:41 PM,
Yeah, Kalonh Chuck is here to keep an eye on you ប្រហោងក្ដិត រាល់គ្នា who have been behaving so badly here on KI-Media, understand? and learn to get used to it, ok you ប្រហោងក្ដិត រាល់គ្នា ?
Kalonh Chuck
my last comment here before i move on:
when hot and steamy in a mosquito net with your lover, would you say the bad word or the polite word? like "bong chong ch... aun khlaing nass..." or should it be "bong chong ruom santevak chea mouy aun nass?"
or, for a thriving, not-in-crisis language of english, would you in that passionate moment say "i really want to f... you so much..." or should it be "i really want to have sexual intercourse with you so much..."
for me, i'd rather be in crisis or die with my "bad, impolite" language with my lover with no concern if the moquito net or bed sheet got disturbed or damaged...hehehheh...
n'est pas, mon cheri?
យ៉ែ! អា៧:២១PMឯងបានប្រាកដ ជាពូជមានកំណើតមែន អាឯងចង់ឆ្វើអី
ក៏ឆ្វើទៅ គ្មានអាណាគេឈឺក្បាលពីរឿង
ខ្មែររបៀបអា ហ៊ុនសែន
khmer per ah Hun Sen
To Seng Theary:
ស្តាយមិនគួមានមនុស្សជម្ងឺខួរក្បាលហើយមិនទៅព្រែកត្នោត ! បែជាមក comment តែអារឿងត្រឹមចង្កេះចុះក្រោម អត់មើលអត្ថបទគេសរសេរពីអី ! អូភ្លេចអាចំគួតមួយហ្នឹងត្រូវបានមីស្រីអារ៉ាត់អារាយបំរ៉ុងយកទៅស្រុកខ្មែរឆាប់ៗហើយ ! ព្រោះវាត្រូវទៅដេកមើលខួរក្បាលឆ្គួតៗ របស់វា ហិ ហិ អាប្រុសចេះត្រឹមធ្វើរឿងត្រឹមចង្កេះចុះក្រោម !!!! ពិជាពូជន៏អាអត់កំណើតមែន !!
just ignore the bitch article
is not worth of reading
she likes to screw only foreigners
she never works for cambodian people
She is very confused at this moment. yes, her head is turning, but this time is more than anything than I've had imagine.
She should not be Cambodia in the first place.
She thinks she can seek fame through this article, but it turns against her.
I've never seen anything or anyone like this parasite before in my whole life.
This kid needs to attend more advanced Khmer courses to find out how challenge the Khmer language can be.
This is what I call a typical stupid attorney. Yes, you should be ashamed of yourself. Or better yet, you should back your stuff and leave the country.
She thinks she's better than other Cambodians, yet she's now not only insulting herself but the rest of Cambodian people and its land.
How many advanced Khmer courses had she taken when she studied Khmer (if she went to school)to appreciate the complexity of the Khmer language?
Has she spent time speaking with Khmer monks? Perhaps these monks can tell her a lot about the language.
I think she's just being foolish and stupid, and she should be ashamed of herself for insulting herself and her country's language. Also, perhaps it's time for her to get to know her people, and it's time to get away from those foreigners.
ការបញ្ចេងទស្សនះរបស់មនុស្សដែលកំពុងបំរើយួននោះ ពួកគេមិនបានប្រើពាក្សខ្មែរឲបានថ្លៃថ្នូទេ
ហើយពួកនេះតែងមានចេតនាសរសេអក្សរខ្មែរឲខុស ដើម្បីចង់លុបបំបាត់ភាសាខ្មែរយើងឲបានឆាប់ ដែលពួកគេអាចធ្វើទៅបាន ។
សំដីអានាង ៩:០៦PM ឯងពិតជាសំដី កូនអត់ពូជអំបូរម៉ែន! សុំសរសើរ!
កាឡុញ ឆឹក
She brought up the problem! Let think, fools!!!!!
She is not perfect but she care!
She is freaking crazy. She must be sent back to her native country (US, of course). This woman is not working on behalf of Cambodia; she's working for her fame. Also, she's not worth to Cambodia. Cambodia does not need this kind of people who is insulting her country and its people. Now, it's time for her pack and leave the country.
That explains why she likes to hang with foreigners.
She needs to become Cambodian first before she can help or criticize Cambodia. I say to her: what a shame. And this is a great shame on her.
Yes, I concur that she should stick with her foreign friends. No, she never thinks Cambodian men are good for her.
This woman is not a good example for Cambodia. Cambodia deserves better. Not this trash.
Theary needs to spend more time with her people--not foreigners.
If she's smart, return to the US and try to find other, trial lawyer, for instance, other than NGO jobs. Also, I think this is the only position she qualifies to do. She won't last two second as a trial lawyer. Besides, I don't think the US law firm would hire her. She's only smart only among her peers and her low-level educated persons around her.
I condemn her for insulting her native language.
I tip my cap to Anet Khmer for his view. Again, you've done a great job.
For Theary, you need to find a new job.
Anet Khmer -- what you respond to 3:05?
Khmer Anet.
Ahnet Khmer needs not respond to 3:05AM cuz 3:05 AM is Ah Ahnet Khmer, any more question អាប្រហោង
ក្ដិត ៤:៤៧AM?
"Yes, I concur that she should stick with her foreign friends. No, she never thinks Cambodian men are good for her."
That's because Khmer men have small dicks.
If their dicks are as big as a black dude dick, Theary will be happy to suck it.
ម៉ែអាប្រហោងក្ដិត ៦:២៦AM ក៏ចង់បៀម
You just assume that
Anet Khmer = Khmer Anet. And do you know what that mean when you are assume ? = ass - u - me!
Anet khmer, you better jump in before this guy 6:07 make an "ass" out of her/himself.
Anet Khmer, I thought you have enough Anet for all Khmers, but if you don't have enough anet for Khmer 6:07, than go ahead, let 6:07 continue to insult and torture his own brain. Yes, one thought can drive one crazy and always assume that one is on the rights assumption/thought/assume!
ជនជាតិណា សាសន៍ណាក៏មានភាសា ឬ ពាក្យ
ទី១.គឺនាយករដ្ធមន្ត្រី ប្រើពាក្យគួរសម.គាត់បាន
រៀនត្រឹមថ្នាក់ទី ៥ .គាត់ខ្វះការអប់រំ សុជិវធម៌
ទី២. សម្ដេចសង្ឃ នួន ង៉ែត និង ទេព វង្ស
ទី៣.រដ្ធមន្ត្រីក្រសួងសិក្សាធិការ ខ្វះការដឹកនាំ
ទី៤.វិទ្យុ ទូរទស្សន៍ គួរប្រើពាក្យល្អជូនអ្នកស្ដាប់.
ទាំង ៤ខ នេះ ជាកំហុសរបស់អ្នកដឹកនាំ មិន
សៀម លាវ ភូមា មនខ្មែរ និង យួន ក៏យក
នេះជាភាសាខ្មែរចេញមកពីពាក្យបាលី,បាលីក្លាយ,សំស្ក្រឹត,សំស្ក្រឹតក្លាយ,បារាំង,បារាំងក្លាយ និង
ប្រកបទៅដោយសុភាវធម៌ សុជិវធម៌ និង មិន
ថ្លៃថ្នូរនេះគឺមកពីអ្នកដឹកនាំប្រទេស ប្រើពាក្យ
Theary Eng just raised her concern
about Khmer language for all of us
Khmer helping her to somehow to find
the way to up date Khmer language.Why
some of the above postings got real mads at her?.If anybody knew more please help instead of through trash on each others.
ពាក្យថា ឯកភាពប្រែថា ភាពតែមួយ=i unit
ហ៊ុន សែន ច្រើនតែយកពាក្យនេះទៅប្រើ
ជាមួយប្រទេសដ៍ទៃ ដូចជាលោក វ៉ា គឹម ហុង
និយាយថា ភាគីគណបកម្មការព្រុំដែនខ្មែរបាន
ឯកភាពជាមួយវៀតណាមហើយ ពាក្យនេះមាន
ន័យថា យួននឹងខ្មែរគឺតែមួយ បើតាមខ្មុំយល់។
ពាក្យសំណូមពរ ពាក្យនេះគួរតែយកទៅប្រើ
ជាមួយព្រះសង្ឈ ចំពោះអ្នកមានសិល នឹង
ចំពោះអ្នកមានគុណ ដូចជា ឪពុក ម្តាយ
ជាដើម មិនគួរយកពាក្យនេះទៅប្រើជាមួយ
ថ្នាក់ដឹកនាំនៃរដ្ឋាភិបាលទេ ព្រោះថាអ្នកទាំង
តែប្រើពាក្យថា សូមអំពាវនាវ ឬ សុំអ្វីមួយ
ខ្លះៗ ឃើញថាយើងមានបញ្ហាមែន សូមយើង
ខ្មែរយើងផង សូមអរគុណទុកជាមុន។
Basically, no body better than anybody. Hun Sen and his wife couldn't even speakl clearly sometime. They both doesn't speak Khmer correctly on the stage. You can't just judge the people by the way they're speaking. Please correct yourself before you preach.
Could someone please clarify whether we should use king or royal language when we address Samdech Sanghareach or just simply Sangha language?
Why are people now using completely king language when they address those monk leaders?
Thank you in advance.
ពាក្យ "អញ"មានន័យថា "ខ្ញុំ"។ពាក្យនេះមាន
ប្រើតាំងពីសម័យអង្គរមកម៉្លេះ។ ខ្មែរប្រើពាក្យនេះ
សំរាប់ចាស់ទៅរកក្មេង ឬមនុស្សមានអាយុ
ប្រហែលគ្នា និង ក្មេងរវាងក្មេង។
វា ឯង ហង ហ្អែង ទាំងនេះគឺ ពាក្យប្រើសំរាប់
មនុស្សចាស់ដែលមានអាយុស្របាលគ្នា ឬ ក្មេង
ចំពោះពាក្យ ផើម ជាភាសាប្រើសំរាប់សត្វ
ឆ្កែផើម គោផើម;ស្រូវផើម។ពុំគួរប្រើសំរាប់
ចំណែកមនុស្សវិញ សូមប្រើពាក្យ មានគ័ភ៌
មានផ្ទៃពោះ មានពោះពុង មានកូនក្នុងផ្ទៃ
ខ្មែរមានពាក្យមួយព្យាង្គ ពីរព្យាង្គ ឬពហុព្យាង្គ
ការសរសេរត្រូវដកឃ្លា ដើម្បីស្រួលអាន។
មួយឃ្លាត្រូវមាន ប្រធាន កិរិយាស័ព្វ គុណនាម
កិរិយាវិសេស តាមការគួរ។
ពាក្យខ្មែរមានជើង មានសក់ និង សរសេរត្រួត
ពីរឬបីជាន់ ដូចជាពាក្យ លក្ស្មី លក្ស្មណៈ គួរ
សរសេរយ៉ាងណាឲ្យទៅជាព្យាង្គរាយ ស្រួល
សរសេរ(ជាសំណើរបស់ខ្ញុំ)ល័កស្មី ល័កស្មណៈ។
ភាសាសាសន៍ណា ជាតិណាតែងតែមានកម្ចី
ពាក្យគ្នាប្រើ ឬ ពាក្យក្លាយជាដរាប ដូចថា
savon ភាសាបារាំង,ខ្មែរថា សាប៊ូ,យួនថា
ពាក្យខ្មែរថា លុយ(ប្រាក់)ជាពាក្យបារាំង ស្ដេច
បារាំង Louis XIV -XVI ខ្មែរចាយលុយ
ពាក្យឈ្មោះថ្នាំពេទ្យ ពាក្យវិទ្យាសាស្ត្រ វេជ្ជសាស្ត្រជាដើម ប្រើតាមបស្ចឹមប្រទេសទាំង
អស់ សូម្បីសៀម លាវ និង សាសន៍ដទៃ
ផ្សេងទៀត។ ដូច្នេះ មិនមែនតែជាតិខ្មែរទេ។
កំហុសទាំងអស់នេះ មិនមែនជាកំហុសរបស់ខ្មែរ
សាមញ្ញទេ គឺអ្នកដឹកនាំប្រទេស មាននាយករដ្ធ
មន្ត្រី រដ្ធមន្ត្រីក្រសួងសិក្សាធិការ-ធម្មការ សម្ដេចសង្ឃទាំងពីរគណៈ និងអ្នកបញ្ញវន្តដែល
ជាគំរូអប់រំ និង ណែនាំរាស្ត្រប្រជា៕
I solute Theary Seng for her strength and helping khmer people.
Why "Insuffisance Rénale" is just simply ខ្សោយតំរងនោម??? Some act like they are absolutely perfect at foreign language while they don't even know what they are saying in native language... And everyone is responsible for this...
Salute to Mrs. Editor! You've done a comprehensive work!
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