Friday, August 05, 2011

Sihanouk: "I acted like a blind and dumb" - Op-Ed by Angkor Borei News


Anonymous said...

លោកលីឌៀប បើមានពេល សូមរិះរកមធ្យោបាយ
ដើម្បីទម្លាក់ហ៊ុនសែនពីអំណាចវិញ ជាជាងមកប្រឹងសរសេរ អំពីរឿងស្ដេចមួយអង្គ
ដែលទ្រង់ជិតតែចូលព្រះនិព្វានទៅហើយនោះ !
សូមជ្រាបថា! រឿងហេតុរបស់ស្ដេចមួយអង្គនេះ គឺ
គេធីបចោលបាត់ទៅហើយ ព្រោះថា គាត់គ្មាន
សុពលភាពអីសោះទៀតឡើយ នៅលើឆាកនយោបាយខ្មែរយើង ។ បញ្ហាដែល
ម្នាក់ៗ នៅឃេអាយមេឌានេះ បានខំចំណាយពេល ដោយដាច់បាយដាច់ទឹក មានខ្លះរហូតដល់ត្រូវប្រពន្ធទាមទារឯករាជ្យ ទៀតផងនោះ គឺយើងនាំគ្នា បញ្ចេញប្រតិកម្ម
ប្រឆាំងនិងទង្វើរបស់រដ្ឋាភិបាលបច្ចុប្បន្ន ក្នុងការទាមទារនិងស្វែងរក សិទ្ធសេរីភាព ព្រមទាំងលិទ្ធិប្រជាធិបតេយ្យជូនពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរយើង ។ ចំណែក លោកវិញ! ខ្ញុំមិនដឹងថា លោកធ្លាប់មានគំនំអ្វីជាមួយស្ដេចសីហនុ
នេះ ទើបបានជា មិនខ្ជិលនិងសរសេរអត្ថាធិប្បាយ អំពីរឿងរ៉ាវរបស់ស្ដេចចាស់ជរាម្នាក់ ដែលចូលរឺត៉្រែត
ជិតទៅមួយសតវត្សហើយនោះ ។

Anonymous said...

Please take care yourself, your blood SUGAR and your wife Mme SOM RUOM , The First Lady.
At your age as The Vietnamese Agent currently , please change your dream and your goal in taking the control of Cambodia, please remember at least you privately run your ANGKOR BOREI NEWSPAPER and communually Cambodia Town in Long Beach plus WAT VISPASSAN and KHMER KROM GOVERNMENT in Exile with Mme SHARON Secretary of Foreign Affairs.
You have two hands but remember your both hands are very short and do not try to control our KHMER Land.
Best Wishes
From Your Victim on your Personal attack

Anonymous said...

លោក លី ឌៀប កំពុងតែធ្វើអី្វដែលត្រឹមត្រូវ

ខ្ញុំសូមគាំទ្រលោក លោក លី ឌៀប កំពុងតែនិយាយរឿងប្រវត្តិសាស្ត្រពិត ដល់ខ្មែរ

វាគឺជាប្រវត្តិសាស្ត្រ អោយខ្មែរបានដឹង

វាគឺជារឿងប្រវត្តិសាស្ត្រ រឿងប្រវត្តិសាស្រ្ត មិនអាចបំភ្លេចបានទេ ។

សីហនុ គឺជាត្រីងៀត ឈ្លាតពង

ហ៊ុនសែន មួល-ក អោយងាប់ប៉ុននិងហើយ

នូវមាយាទថោក ឈ្លាត ហាបបូរមាត់ ហូជិមិញ

និងអណ្ត្តាតហូជិមិញ គាំទ្រហ៊ុនសែន ម៉ាជិវិតទៀត

ដើម្បីការពារ ថែរក្សា ពូជខ្សែ ត្រសក់

Anonymous said...

គេថា ខ្មោចអាយួនហូជិមិញ ចូលខ្លួន សីហនុ

ដែលបណ្តាល អោយបបូរមាត់ និង អណ្តាតរបស់សីហនុ ស្រែកអោយខ្មែរចូលព្រៃ ម៉ាគី

ដើម្បីបំពេញតាម មហិច្ចិតា របស់ ខ្មោចអាយួន ហូជិមិញ

Anonymous said...

សីហនុ គឺជា ត្រីងៀត ឈ្លាតពង

Anonymous said...

MR Diep Shits you talk about five or ten year a go about your motive and bull shits.
Let some one post about MR Ly Diep personal life just to see what is like?
Mr Ly Diep never pay a dollar of his own money to the Fed or State tax.
Let's digs some of MR Ly Diep personal's life story. Will we? Seen he has been insulted Khmer for almost a haft of the century. Why not?

Anonymous said...

លោក លី ឌៀប គឺជាមនុស្សទាន់សម័យទំនើប

គំនិតទាន់សម័យរីកចំរើន មិនងាប់ ងងឹតស្លុប

និងស្តាចមន៏ មាយាទថោក ។

លោក លី ឌៀប មានគំនិតជឿជាក់លើខ្លួនឯង

មិនមែន មនុស្សខួរក្បាលចាស់គំរិល ពឹងពាក់លើស្តាចមន៏ ចាំអោយគេអោយស៊ី

អោយរស់ ​បានរស់បាន នោះ

Anonymous said...

Mr. Ly Diep: can you provide the link to the original article of the ex-King?


Anonymous said...

Ly Diep is a Yuon spy,
he blames Sihanouk to exonerate Yuons from cause of our suffering.

Anonymous said...

Lok Ly Dieap Moha Vlreak Borors Khmer kharng Kumnit Prach-nha,Oss Lok Sdech Niyum chrul min tourn Samay,..Som sdab kourt klass phorng!...Kom kit reung pht'oil khl'ourn chreun paek!

Oss lok,min torn barn bompenh kak -ronei chea khmer nov leui tae... keu oss lok kampong pul ACH YUON VIETCONG!
Oss lok , min barn muoy jumreak sorsay sork lok LY DIEAP tae !!!

Ah oss lok aeng chea Parc pourk ah chorng ray PHAY SIPHAN.

Jun muoy kdarp toch Pror chhaing lok LY DIEAP,.....min maen khmer voil lean pror chhaing neung lok LY DIEP ae na?

Ah chomkourt luong ort s'ei lit mok rok reunh lok LY DIEAP tov vinh.....

Boeur ah oss lok srolanh yuon,kour vich sampeay tov nov HANOI tov, min kour nov te nis teuk dey AMERICAN tae..

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Ly Diep,

I used to heard people said King Sihanouk try to associate with Hou Chiminh and allowed Vietnamese soldier coming to Khmer because he has a contract with Hou Chiminh, promised to deliver Kom Puchea Kroum Back to Khmer. Unfortunately, everything is gone as Hou Chiminh has killed himself. Can you explain about this problem? Is it true or cheat in Khmer society to continue respecting King?

Best regards,
One of Khmers

Anonymous said...

Ly Diep is not a perfect man,but
trains himself to be good.if he
admitted that he was/is wrong.
it is O.K.

People could learn from the past,
not just in the present day.

Sihanouk has gotten along with
Ho Chi Minh since 1960(this what
I knew;I was 18 yrs old,a high
school 6th grader in B.bang),he
let Vietcong use deep inside
Khmer land along Khmer Vietnam
border(Ho Chi Minh Trail)until
1970.Because of this reason,Lon
Nol and Sirimatak made a coup
d'État in 1970.
Sihanouk is a evil man in Khmer
When someone told the true story,
people got mad and upset.

Anonymous said...

Ly Diep is Yuon agent from the start, most Khmers in France and elsewhere knew already.
This man is paid by YuonHanoi to only attack Sihanouk, because Yuon want to split Khmer community to many groups.

Anonymous said...

Ah Sdech Vietcong XXXihanoukkk vea mean ar vei kour jea te korup?
Korup ko treuk l'or jeang!
Som borng hanh phors-tarng,konlaeng na tov del lok Ly Dieap is yuon agent???
Ah anameuk aeng kampong tveu kar nhouss nhung bomphoss-bomphol choy ana heui ? Nis jea sneat (style)yuon Communism,bombek bomback khmer.....

Seap Sophoy

Anonymous said...

Le Roi Rouge et trèe rouge,rouge Communisme,rouge de maoïste,rouge de Vietcong,rouge de piment,rouge de fou ,rouge de téton etc.....
Norodom Suramrit,ce n'est pas son père.son propre père c'est le vieux crocodile HO CHI MINH.

S. To Mayko

Anonymous said...

Sdech Cong chor muoy nis chea sdech krorpeu,prours vea jong mit jea muoy ah krorpeu yuon.
Sihanouk jea sdech ach s'oy doch ach reast, min khoss knea tae arch jae barn tarm jet prathna,som kom chhng'ol sors leui.
Ah Sdech nis jea may khead kor khmer 3 millions,min maen Lok Pol Pot tae,Pol Pot jea monous ple pleu,se leas harl pleang,chanh bork Noyobay ah Xihanouk ngourb tov rok kornlaeng korp min kheunh,rok oss dot min barn...te bormphot dot neung korng larn kanh-jass 3-4 ..
Xihanouk nov jam tae tng'ay ah Chaen or pour yuon jac thnam samlab bom batt darn tae ponoss.

Xihanouk,kampong proleung jong sork neung ECCC...Dek min lourk tae...doch knea neung ah XXXENNN.

Anonymous said...

"Ly Diep is Yuon agent from the start, most Khmers in France and elsewhere knew already.
This man is paid by YuonHanoi to only attack Sihanouk, because Yuon want to split Khmer community to many groups."

So the Vietnamese paid Ly Diep to tell the truth about Sihanouk who secretly helped them during the war just to divide Khmer?

Is that necessary? It would not have changed the outcome even if ALL Khmers rally behind the former King.

The Vietnamese have played and used Sihanouk to their advantage by conquering Cambodia in 1979.

They already own Cambodia.

Ly Diep said...

ដើម្បីព្យាបាលជម្ងឺខ្មែរ គេត្រូវដឹងពីប្រភពនៃជម្ងឺ ។ ដើម្បីកាត់ទោស
ខ្មែរក្រហម គេត្រូវដឹងថានរណាជាមេ ។ មេរោគនៃជម្ងឺទាំង២នេះគឺ
នរោត្តម-សីហនុ ! ។ អត្ថបទគឺជារបស់ស្តេចសីហនុ ខ្ញុំគ្រាន់តែជាអ្នក
ឆ្លើយនិងបញ្ចេញយោបល់ម្នាក់ទៅលើអត្ថបទនោះប៉ុណ្ណោះ ។ អស់
ត្រូវជាង ។ ចំណែកការបំបែរមុខព្រួញទៅរកហ៊ុនសែន ខ្ញុំសូមមិន
ហ៊ានដណើ្តមតួនាទីបដិវត្តន៍ផ្កាម្លិះរបស់លោកសមរង្សីទេ ។ ខ្ញុំសុំ
ធ្វើត្រឹមតែជាអ្នកកាសែតគ្រប់គ្រាន់ហើយ ! ។ ការវាយប្រហារជា
បែបអនាមិកមកលើខ្លួនខ្ញុំវាធម្មតាពេកទៅហើយ បើចង់កាច់បំបាក់
ខ្ញុំ អស់លោកគួរបង្ហាញមុខ និងបង្ហាញភស្តុតាងពិតប្រាកដ !!
លី ឌៀប

Anonymous said...

Tarm kar pit,pourk neak ris kun lok LY DIEP,kae min del yokpnaek meul att-bort roboss kourt tae......oy tae kheuinh chmours lok Ly Diep,puoy yok tae md'orng,Pourk nis mean kbarl jea monouss tae mean khour jea XVA Vietcong dot srok khmer. Pourk XVA oss nis vea s'orb nass neak na snaeha jeat pit prakort.
monous khour XVA nis, preah neung baramuk pourk vea jea min kharn!!!
Knhom choeur tha pourk vea khp'eum meul samnaer roboss lok LY DIEP.

Khnom juoy chheu chh'arl neung kourt mok pi kourt min del mea kamhos na sombei tea borntech,krao tae pi kar khet khorm srav jreav rok document khmer mok punyul neung borng harnh dol khmer krup roup oy juoy pikrours pijarana taeng oss knea....Srok khmer roleay steu bat srormorl nis mok pi avei?
Ampeu roboss lok LY DIEP jea Vipheak tean muoy thom nass phd'ol jea jumnuoy smaradey kaun khmer
toutov.Kour orkun dol kourt.Document khmer del korb bart sm'eur neung kamnorb del rok kheunh.

Mun neung chorng leang kdet ach uy kae,kour leang kdet khlourn aeng jea mun san!
XVA NOV TAE JEA XVA....Doch chac teuk leu kbarl tear.

Prek Thnort Hospital

Anonymous said...

Krom Xihanouk, khnhom yuon kampong khorm juoy bet baing ateitak-karl roboss sdech muoy nis,doy yok kaun chang ae toch muoy tov krob khmor damrei ZIHANOUK.

Roeung pit raeng slaeng,beur klaeng teup trem trov!

Nisa,phoum Kean Kes,Thmar-Kaul(B.bang)

Anonymous said...

(Roeung pit raeng slaeng,beur klaeng teup batt slaeng)

Nisa Kean Kes

Anonymous said...

Ly Diep is Yuon, and truth or not, his job is to just split Khmer people. It is for Khmer people to decide, not this Yuon Ly Ngoc Dinh.

Anonymous said...

Ah Yuon kantorb Ly Ngoc Denh jung t'veu Khmer bombaik bombak Khmers, ah chor Yuon.

Anonymous said...

Whether Ly Diep is Youn or not is irrelevant. Dividing one group so that members dislike or distrust one another is a tactic which can be used by anyone regarless of nationality.

CPP uses it regularly to keep opposition parties ineffective and who can forget Funcinpec?

What Sihanouk did as a leader matters much more to Khmer than Ly Diep as a Youn'spy.

Intelligent reader can decipher whether his writing and purpose are meant to educate with facts or to incite with rumors.

Remember Pol Pot? He's Khmer too

Anonymous said...

7:01 AM
I can tell why this man named Ly Diep is so hated by Khmer people. His writing is very unprofessional, and he writes only one subject: using vulgar languages attacking Sihanouk. Though some Khmers may dislike Sihanouk, but they see Ly Diep is an outsider who infiltrated to divide them.
He writes the same and same things for many decades is not educational but a division in Khmer community.
Many Khmers I heard even traced his background, and knew where he came. He is not known to Khmer Krom people. He left his country Vietnam at young age to join his uncle in Kg Thom.
Khmer people do not want outsider to teach them, they can search and study/read on their own, may be the reasons they react each time Ly Diep stirs their community. That is how I see it.

Anonymous said...

7:01 AM
:)) Intelligent readers never waste time to read Ly Diep's low class articles. Only a fool would.
Don't flatter yourself.

Anonymous said...

12:50 PM
If Ly Diep associated with Mme Sharon Duong, he and she are all cheaters. That woman is now rich controls the Khmer Temple in the name of Khmer Krom but the Khmer people who donated money to.
She bought a brain new Mercedes and nice living. Mme Sharon Duong's mother was Vietnamese, passed away not too longs ago.

Anonymous said...

Neak jae Lok LY DIEP tha kourt jea Yuon,mok pi neak nouss CHROR NAEN doy min barn keurt mok jea yuon"

A Laev Kaev