Tuesday, August 23, 2011

TED - Harald Haas: Wireless data from every light bulb

By Khmer Democrat, Phnom Penh
Education through Imagination and Creativity Series

WOW! Wow! 'Ms. Theary, you don't think we can say this in Khmer? Who build Angkor Wat, huh, huh?' What an incredible innovation of IDEAS! Please watch to be awed!

What if every light bulb in the world could also transmit data? At TEDGlobal, Harald Haas demonstrates, for the first time, a device that could do exactly that. By flickering the light from a single LED, a change too quick for the human eye to detect, he can transmit far more data than a cellular tower -- and do it in a way that's more efficient, secure and widespread.

Why you should listen to him:

Imagine using your car headlights to transmit data ... or surfing the web safely on a plane, tethered only by a line of sight. Harald Haas is working on it. A professor of engineering at Edinburgh University, Haas has long been studying ways to communicate electronic data signals, designing modulation techniques that pack more data onto existing networks. But his latest work leaps beyond wires and radio waves to transmit data via an LED bulb that glows and darkens faster than the human eye can see.

The system, which he's calling D-Light, uses a mathematical trick called OFDM (orthogonal frequency division multiplexing), which allows it to vary the intensity of the LED's output at a very fast rate, invisible to the human eye (for the eye, the bulb would simply be on and providing light). The signal can be picked up by simple receivers. As of now, Haas is reporting data rates of up to 10 MBit/s per second
(faster than a typical broadband connection), and 100 MBit/s by the end of this year and possibly up to 1 GB in the future.

He says: "It should be so cheap that it’s everywhere. Using the visible light spectrum, which comes for free, you can piggy-back existing wireless services on the back of lighting equipment."

"As well as revolutionising internet reception, it would put an end to the potentially harmful electromagnetic pollution emitted by wireless internet routers and has raised the prospect of ubiquitous wireless access, transmitted through streetlights."
Herald Scotland


Anonymous said...

Khmer Democrat: Don't stuck yourself with who build angkorwat too much, show us how you can translate this into Khmer and post it in Khmer instead of English, to see how much you can do, and how many khmer can read that article?


Anonymous said...

Off course this sounds very exciting that the technology is advancing forward, and does make our lives easier, but as of now, no one able to cure cancer yet. Keep in mine that all these wireless frequency are radio frequency (RF). It is the same frequency that you can not see inside a microwave oven (shorter wave length). We are already inside this oven, but with smaller power turned on. Imagine all these light bulbs turn on, RF will exponentially increase in it's power and our oven will get hotter.

SpaceVehicle Engr

Anonymous said...

off course, you so-called SpaceVehicle Engr??? How much, how far? 181 000 SQ kilometers??? Dang!

Anonymous said...

Interesting. Light transmit data, wow! Can this LED light send data from USA to Cambodia? From mobile phone to mobile phone? Hummmm...?

Anonymous said...

Khmer Democrat!
What this LED has to do with Khmer language? No other nations can change the original technology term such as LED (Light Emitting Diode). Furthermore it has nothing to do with who built Angkor Wat either.
I know one thing that Khmers like to brag and fight/kill each others.

Anonymous said...

I don't know these two either Thery Seng or Khmer Democrat. Furthermore I didn't read Seng's article either, but I got the impression they may had disagreed with the languages.

KD said "WOW! Wow! 'Ms. Theary, you don't think we can say this in Khmer? Who build Angkor Wat, huh, huh?' What an incredible innovation of IDEAS! Please watch to be awed!".

Ok what is LED in Khmer? It is not difficult to just invent the words but it is very difficult to invent stuff like Herald Hass did.

What did Khmers invent? Nothing.
Angkor Wat was invented and built by Indian architects that was pretty sure, and the builder were slaves captured or kidnapped from other places to build. There were not Khmers. Yes Khmer are good in inventing division, fight, kill, cheat, and corruption.

Why don't you Khmers invent Hackers to hack Viets whom you have so much hate. Chinese hacked Viets and now Viets hacked Chinese. How come Khmers are staying dumb but braggarts?