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Brigadier General Richard L. Simcock II, United States Marine Corps, Principal Director (Asia Pacific), Office of the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Asia & Pacific) |
PHNOM PENH, Aug. 26 (Xinhua) -- The U.S. Brigadier General Richard Simcock, Principal Director for South and Southeast Asia in the Office of the Secretary of Defense, will visit Cambodia on August 29-31 to boost Cambodia-U.S. defense relationship, according to a press release from the U.S. embassy in Phnom Penh on Friday.
During the visit, Simcock will have a series of meetings with the Cambodian Ministry of National Defense and representatives of the U.S. Embassy to discuss the growing U.S.-Cambodia bilateral defense relationship, it said.
Discussions will focus on opportunities for future cooperation in the areas of peacekeeping, maritime security, humanitarian assistance, defense reform and counter-terrorism.
During the trip, Simcock will underscore the Department of Defense's continued commitment to working with the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces (RCAF) to develop a professional force that contributes to regional and international peace and stability.
"The U.S. Department of Defense looks forward to assisting in building up the professional capacity of the RCAF while encouraging the RCAF to continue on a path of improved transparency and respect for human rights and the rule of law," stated Simcock in the press release.
He will also participate in a defense ministry's workshop in Sihanoukville to discuss the development of Cambodia's maritime security strategy.
In addition, he will visit sites that have benefitted from U.S.-Cambodian defense cooperation, e.g. the National Counter-Terrorism Special Force, Peacekeeping Training Center, and Maritime Security Operations Center.
It needed a long time for the US Statt department to understand and love the Khmer people.
Thank you for helping Khmer people to rebuild the democracy in Khmer Kingdom.
We love U.S.A. and Fuck you, Communist Vietcong/Vietnam!
Now: Americans come, will burn and will leave.
Don't forget
1970: Americans came, bombed and dropped Republicans in 1975.
5:55 PM - Because you supported the Communist regime and you were stupid, not knowing what were behind of the bombs over Cambodia. You must be a Communist supporter/member.
Don't spread propaganda again, making Khmer people believe Americans will be not be there and you are making all up again. You are the one who allowed the Communist Vietnamese/Yuon folks and bastards come in Srok Khmer.
If you like Communist regime, go to your Communist Vietnam and stay there. Don't stay in Cambodia
We love America and Americans
We love America and Americans
We love America and Americans
We love America and Americans
We love America and Americans
Welcome to the kingdom of Cambodia!!!!
Khmer: Phonm Phen
We are the Khmer-American that live here in the United State are very happy and prouded to have The U.S. Brigadier General Richard come and visiting Cambodia so he can see all the problems there in his own eye. Cambodia needed a America to back-up Cambodian people 100% for chang. We all wanted to free Cambodia from The Hanoi Communist.
america and cambodia should be allies in all fields from now on. who says we can't be allies? america can help train cambodia to be ready whether in humanitarian mission, anti-terrorism, etc, etc... i can tell you cambodia is not the same old cambodia anymore, we are looking into a new direction of development and modernization, etc... and cambodia can learn and be partner in this with america as well. why not? we all can help to make a real, lasting difference in cambodia for all to enjoy, whether tourists, visitors, business, living, working, leiusure, vacation, etc, etc, you know. cambodia needs to have a contingency plan for emergencies and crises and prevention of disaster, etc. cambodia is suitable both geographically and politically. cambodia has no earthquake or tsunami; we are rich in natural resources. we have beautiful sunset coastlines facing the west. our forests and mountains contain many rare wildlife, we have one of the world largest fresh water lake and mighty rivers, etc... we need to america help to modernized our economy, our country and our infrastructure like airports, highways, skyscrapers, etc, etc... we welcome good way of life in cambodia. please help train and guide cambodia for a better future together. cambodia and america should start and can start a new chapter in our relations. thank you and god bless america and cambodia always.
cambodia and khmer people want america's love and protection. we always welcome america economic influence in cambodia, always! god bless cambodia.
politics aside, love you long time, ok!
cambodia and america together to stay.
America's best, presented in the professionalism, determination, and strenght of this picture of this general!
Every superpower will put her own interest first. U.S is no different. U.S is known to screw up many countries. Remember who supported Sadam Hussein and Bin Laden before they became enemy? Many friends of U.S are dictators. Look at previous Egypt government, Saudi Arabia, and previous Pakistan government of Pevez Musaraf. Remember Vietnam war? Remember U.S supported the Khmer Rouge and gave Khmer Rouge the UN seat after Khmer Rouge was kicked out of power? Now what's good for Cambodians by giving UN seat to Khmer Rouge? At least Hun Sen's government backed by Vietnamese back then didn't kill millions of people like idiot pol pot. How can you say U.S loves us when she supported Khmer Rouge?
america shouldn't be discourage by some opposition political party telling or painting bad picture of cambodia to the world. cambodia is changed and reformed in many many ways and in many fields as well. america should look beyond some political hearsay by some oppositon people to stay away from cambodia. the issues i see in cambodia is not unique to cambodia such as social issues, people's issues, and differences, etc... so, i hope and pray america don't let that get in the way of america's vision of seeing cambodia as a good establishment for allies, economic development, modernization, etc in cambodia. cambodia does indeed embrace america and its famous system of democracy, freedom loving people, strong economic influence, etc... please be a partner with cambodia, america. we want you. god bless america and cambodia.
please help make a difference in cambodia for all to enjoy. thank you. american has the upper hand on cambodia. please don't feel discouraged with cambodia. we changed too, you know.
love you long time, ok!
as a khmer, i want america economic influence in my country cambodia. welcome america to cambodia always.
The UN seat for the Khmer Rouge helped preserve the status of Cambodia as an independent country until the Paris Peace Accord took place with the stipulation that the vietcong's control had to end and be withdrawn, and that Cambodia is a sovereign state.
At the time, no open puppet govrnment status should represent a sovereign state. Cambodia was invaded and under total control of another foreign force -the vietcong.
for your information, cambodia had moved beyond that already! please don't be so outdated in your thinking, ok!
of course, there are more to cambodia than you and i, really!
As war criminals go, the US military leaves the Khmer Rouge for dead!
Why is this war criminal welcomed into Cambodia?
Beware the wolf!
i think most khmer people look beyond politics of the past. now we see economic prosperity and america's economic influence, etc, you know! keep in mind economics and politics are two different subject matter, you know! so which way are you heading?
We love America and Americans
We love America and Americans
We love America and Americans
We love America and Americans
We love America and Americans
Welcome to the kingdom of Cambodia!
Khmer: Phnom Penh
What does US plan to do with Vietcong 2.0?
Responding to 11:54 PM - Be aware of you because you are a Communist member and supporter. You compare today or the present to the past that you want your life to be like the past. So, you are the one of war Communist criminal.
If you don't want freedom and democracy, then pack your stuff and leave for your Communist Vietnam where you enjoy your peaceful life and don't come back.
You are one of the communist CPP members and your boss Communist Hun Sen who destroyed the freedoms and rights of Khmer people and cheated Cambodian country to be democratic.
Ask yourself, who are you in the modern day? Communist asshole?
Cambodia should be the 51 states
of the USA.So Cambodia would
be free from Thai and Vietnam.
May God bless USA.
That would be NICE!!!!
We don't want communist Vietcong/Vietnam or Thailand in our country!
We want FREEDOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NO Communist VIETCONG/Vietnam in our country please!
The hard working from all Khmer around the word (In and Outside Cambodia) to protect the sovereignty of our beloved country Cambodia.
"Fuck off Cambodia"
How sad we were after have heard this word from a former US State Secretary under the leadership of President Nixon.
Feel now very lucky to know, that the US Government changed their mind and try to understand, to love and pay respect to the Khmer people.
We love America and Americans
We love America and Americans
We love America and Americans
We love America and Americans
We love America and Americans
Welcome to the kingdom of Cambodia!
Khmer: Phnom Penh
The super power is competing each other again and using Cambodia as a tool to achieve their agenda. If we're not careful, we might fall into the same hell during the cold ware era. China is seeking a faction in Cambodia to support them and U.S is also seeking a faction to support the U.S. If these two factions come to existence, there will be another civil war. Khmers will die fighting each other while the U.S and China live in prosperity. Don't let them use us again and again.
2:33 PM
You are thinking too far. We all know that. You need to know how to build Khmer Kingdom and need to protect.
Again, coming from your comment. You are trying to back your Communist Vietnam. Many Intelligent Khmer people absolutely know what has been behind the problems coming from Communist Vietnamese masters who play the trick including Thailand.
We watch every situation occurred in Khmer country and then send the messages to all Khmer people be aware of.
We don't let Communist Vietnamese folks and bastards to do terrible things to Cambodia first. Communist Vietnam is the most trouble more than China and Thailand.
The U.S.A is very good and has already learned the lessons.
Do you think the U.S. is better in trust than China?
What does the US plan to do with Vietcong 2.0 this time around? Cambodia need America to be her protector!
We love America and Americans
We love America and Americans
We love America and Americans
We love America and Americans
We love America and Americans
Welcome to the kingdom of Cambodia!
Khmer: Phnom Penh
Cambodia must becareful with US trick again...We must not forgotten our past mistaken with US's policy..
10:25 PM
No, Cambodia must be careful with tricks of the Communist Vietnamese folks and bastards.
Khmer people know that.
10:25 PM is probably a Yuon/Vietnamese born in Cambodian, trying to spread the propaganda and lies in order to benefit the Evil Communist Vietnam country.
You have to be hurried to pack your stuff and move to your Communist Vietnam where you enjoy your peaceful life there. Don't bother our Srok Khmer/Khmer Kingdom. We need Khmer Krom back and some land lost to Communist Yuon.
Again, Khmer people, please be careful with this 10:25 PM and his Communist Vietnamese masters and folks who do not love Freedom and Democracy. They like to steal Khmer land and natural resources.
We love America and Americans
We love America and Americans
We love America and Americans
We love America and Americans
We love America and Americans
Welcome to the kingdom of Cambodia!
Khmer: Phnom Penh
We want FREEDOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NO Communist VIETCONG/Vietnam in our country please!
America can't give us Freedom.
For the real freedom in our country, we all have to sacrifice and fight for, not Americans or Viets.
1:03 AM supports bad Communist Vietcong! 1:03 AM is a Communist Vietnamese war criminal!!!
1:03 AM thinks about the past, trying to be proud of Communist Regime and winning the war over Americans.
1:03 AM is destroying the freedoms of Khmer people and democracy in Khmer Kingdom.
1:03 AM is a Communist CPP member coming from Communist Vietnam.
We love America and Americans
We love America and Americans
We love America and Americans
We love America and Americans
We love America and Americans
Welcome to the kingdom of Cambodia!
We want FREEDOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We want FREEDOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WE want FREEDOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Khmer: Phonm Penh
Most people overestimate what is going to happen in the next decade and we are Khmer empire need all support around the world! Thank you Brigadier General Richard L. Simcock II, United States Marine Corps, Principal Director (Asia Pacific), Office of the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Asia & Pacific) for friendship to pure Khmer people.
The new capital of Cambodia (51st State) is Washington DC.
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence,[note 1] promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
God bless America and Cambodia!
Dear General Richard L. Simcock,
The Vietcong is still real like it was in 1968. The Vietcong never stop its campaign of aggression, terrorism, and communist expansion after the US troop left after the VietNam War. As a result, CAmbodia has been suffering to these days. Please take a look around CAmbodia...evidence can't lie....TOnle Sap river has been flooded with vietcongs...as well as the Mekong river in Cambodia.
10:13 AM
That is a good and thoughtful letter, my friend. We will be with your Khmer people.
Your American friend.
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