Sunday, September 25, 2011

អនិច្ចាវាសនាខ្មែរ ដោយ ឆាំ ឆានី (Anija Veasna Khmer by Chham Chhany)


Anonymous said...

stop politicize this, this is only a small group of people who decided not to relocated, so authority had to do something becuase they refuse to obey the law, you know! this is like a group of 8 or so families, not the whole country of cambodia, ok! so, don't make it make it's everybody's issue, ok! in fact, majority of khmer people live peacefully and enjoy their life, accept this few families who lived off of state property, etc, you know!

Anonymous said...

10:06 AM,

what/how the fuck do you know??? you can't even write English, let alone anything else!

not to relocated?
don't make it make?
accept this few families?

A suggestion for you - F U C K OFF!
Really, F U C K OFF! ok?

Anonymous said...

About 15,000 people have been evicted from their homes and 3,500 remain in the area (before this latest violent eviction at Boeung Kak Lake alone).

This is the largest forced eviction in the capital since the evacuation of Phnom Penh in April 1975.

The total number of evictees throughout the country should be in the region of several hundreds of thousands at least!