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Lay Khim, an environment specialist for UNDP on 'Hello VOA' Monday. (Photo: by Heng Reaksmey) |
Men Kimeng, VOA Khmer | Washington, DC
“No one other than the government is responsible for the issue of climate change.”
Cambodia remains vulnerable to climate change, and its limited adaptability could mean more woes for the poor, an environmental expert said Monday.
The country’s perpetually weak infrastructure means there is little it can do to mitigate the flooding and other natural disasters associated with a changing climate, said Lay Khim, an environment specialist for UNDP, as a guest on “Hello VOA.”
“In addition, there is insufficient information about the weather that could be used by farmers for cultivation,” he said.
The UNDP and Ministry of Environment issued a report last week that identified four key areas that will require coordinated efforts if the country is to build up its resilience to climate fluctuations, including the management of water resources and agriculture and protection of the nation’s forests and fisheries.
Its water resources are currently poorly managed, and there are few planning mechanisms to assess its options for irrigation and hydropower, for example.
“The risks associated with [water] development in Cambodia and across the Mekong basin, particularly for inland capture fisheries and food security, are extremely high,” the report said.
The report urged more action at the grassroots, rather than national, level, to lessen the impact of climate change.
Pol Ham, a spokesman for the opposition Human Rights Party, said Monday the loss of forest cover to land concessions has sped up the impacts of climate change.
“No one other than the government is responsible for the issue of climate change,” he said.
Lay Khim said each country must take some responsibility in mitigating climate change, by preserving natural resources like their forests. However, he said, each country must weigh its options.
“In developing countries it’s a choice, because they need resources and land for economic development,” he said. However, he added, “each country must make decisive and long-term decisions to ensure that these decisions on resource use or in other fields helps them prepare for climate change.”
you cannot expect hun sen with the brain of peanut to worry about climate change, otherwise, he would have not let deforestation going on in Cambodia for 3 decades.
អាណាគេជនរងគ្រោះ? អាកាបាក់មែន? ឬអាចំគួតបួសឡឺកឺក្រៅសង្គម? ល្មមៗបានហើយ ពួកអាក្រៅសង្គមអែង។ អៀ ចាន់ណាវាធ្វើអី ហ្អែង? រិះគន់ហ៊ុនតាវាមានទៅទើសម៉ែអី ហ្អែង? ពួកអារមិលគុណ!
ខ្មែរតាកែវ says: 2:03 PM 06/09/2011
សកម្មជនកំសាកហើយល្បិចច្រើន អៀ ចាន់ណា បានតែព្រុសនៅ ក្រៅប្រទេសតែប៉ុណ្ណោះ!!! ដើរបញ្ចេញមតិជេរប្រមាថ បរិហាកេរ្កិ៍ ញុះញង់ ចោទប្រកាន់រួមមាន ហ៊ុន សែន តែប៉ុណ្ណោះ... !!! វាគ្មានសេចក្ដីក្លាហាន និងនាំគ្នាធ្វើអំពើល្អណាមួយឡើយ។ មាសសុទ្ធិមិនខ្លាចភ្លើង!!! អៀ ចាន់ណា ចូលចិត្តលាបពណ៌ ដាក់សំពាធ សំណើ មិនហ៊ានមកនិយាយការពិត និងទទួលខុសត្រូវ ។ អ្វីដែលទាក់ទង ខ្លួនឯង!!! មិនគួរខ្លាច ចម្ងល់ របស់ ជនរងគ្រោះ!? សូម អៀ ចាន់ណា ហ៊ានទទួលខុសត្រូវ ដូចលោក ឡឹម ពិសិដ្ឋ បានឆ្លើយតបតាមសំណើអត្ថបទ របស់ សុភាព ស.ស. កខគឃង ចង្រិតឆ្នាស់និង ខ្មែរជនបទ...។ ពីព្រោះគេចង់ដឹងការពិត ជាសាធារណៈ ។
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