Tuesday, September 13, 2011

China recognizes Libya's rebels [... after trying to sell guns and ammos to Qaddafi]


CHINA yesterday officially recognized the National Transition Council of Libya as the ruling authority and representative of the Libyan people.

"China respects the choice of the Libyan people and attaches great importance to the status and the role of the NTC, and has kept in close contact with it," Foreign Ministry spokesman Ma Zhaoxu said in a written statement.

China will work with the NTC to realize a steady and smooth transition and development of bilateral ties, he said.

China hopes that all the treaties and agreements previously signed with Libya could remain effective and be implemented seriously, Ma said.

China has told the NTC of its decision and the NTC leadership said they are "delighted with the result that has long been expected," Ma said.

The NTC attaches great importance to China's status and role, and will strictly abide by all existing treaties and agreements, and firmly adhere to the one-China policy, Ma said, citing a representative of the NTC leadership.


Anonymous said...

Yiss ah Chink chink niss is so evil. After bought all oil from Quadafi and supported him now play another game with the Libyan people.

Dear GOD please wash China and Vietnam out of the planet.

Anonymous said...

China will also recognise the Cambodian Government led by SRP.