Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Closing Order of Case 002 against Senior KR Leaders Nuon Chea, Khieu Samphan, Ieng Sary, Ieng Thirith

In light of the start of trial hearings beginning on 27 June 2011 of Case 002 against the surviving Khmer Rouge senior leaders Nuon Chea, Khieu Samphan, Ieng Sary and Ieng Thirith, KI Media is posting installations of the public document of the Closing Order of Case 002.  The Closing Order of the Co-Investigating Judges forms thebasic document from which all the parties (Co-Prosecutors, Co-Lead Lawyers for all civil parties, Defense Lawyers) will be making their arguments before the Trial Chamber judges (one Cambodian President, 2 Cambodian Judges, 2 UN judges).  Up until now, the hearings involving these four surviving senior Khmer Rouge leaders have been in the Pre-Trial Chamber over issues of pre-trial detention and jurisdictional issues.  Beginning in June 2011, the Trial Chamber will hear the substantive arguments over the criminal charges (e.g. genocide, crimes against humanity, penal code of 1956).  Available in Khmer and French. Contact the ECCC for a free copy. 


of Co-Investigating Judges You Bunleng and Marcel Lemonde
15 September 2010

Detention conditions
            Prisoners arrived in S-21 almost daily in groups and at all times of the day or night.1905 The Special Unit escorted them into the prison, usually handcuffed and blindfolded.1906 The prisoners were then registered by the Documentation Unit.1907 They then had to provide biographical information1908 and a summary of their answers was prepared.1909 Generally, they were not informed of the reasons for their arrest. Upon arrival, the prisoners were also photographed.1910 They were then escorted to their cells by the guards.1911
            The prisoners were locked up practically 24 hours per day.1912 The detention centre had small individual cells1913 and collective cells holding 20 to 30 detainees, and possibly more. In the collective cells, the prisoners were shackled and chained to one another by their feet.1914 Women detainees were not shackled,1915 except for those who were resisted.1916 Couples and families, including children, were separated.1917 All of the prisoners were under constant watch by armed guards1918 and received very strict instructions to avoid any escape attempts.1919 Although a number of former guards have stated that they were not allowed to strike detainees,1920 this rule was not always followed.1921
1922                                                    1923
            Prisoners were not allowed to talk amongst themselves or to the guards. Upon arrival at S-21, they were forced to strip to their underwear.1924 They were prohibited from exercising, or from leaving their cells.1925 The prisoners had no beds,1926 and most of them had to sleep on
1927                                                                                                                                                                            1928
the bare concrete floor. Many detainees suffered greatly from mosquito bites. The detainees were not authorized to wash themselves under adequate conditions of hygiene,1929 and "washing up" consisted of spraying the room with water, using a hosepipe from the doorway.1930 Confined to their cells, detainees urinated and defecated in the jerry-cans and ammunition boxes provided.1931
1932                                                                                                                          1933
            Food was insufficient and inadequate, and the prisoners were malnourished. Only guards and important prisoners were better fed than the others.1934 These conditions caused significant physical deterioration1935 and a number of prisoners died as a result.1936 Duch explains that decisions regarding food were made by the "higher echelon" and that he was not allowed to change the set rations. According to him, the practice of denying the detainees food was based on deliberate CPK policy.1937
            Many of the prisoners suffered from illnesses and wounds. Basic medical care1938 was provided by a small "medical" team,1939 which had not studied medicine, and worked without the supervision of doctors.1940 Many prisoners who needed urgent medical assistance were left uncared for, or were given inadequate treatment.1941 Medicine stocks were extremely limited, and when there were any at all, the medicines were manufactured locally by unqualified persons.1942 S-21 employees also conducted medical experiments on prisoners.1943
            A small number of detainees were forced to work within the S-21 premises. They were employed in the mechanics' and artists' workshops, working long hours, under the constant watch of guards, without freedom of movement and under the threat of punishment if they failed to produce what was considered satisfactory work.1944 Witnesses state that there was a slight improvement in their food, and their general detention conditions, once they began to work.1945
            Prisoners lived in constant fear of being punished, taken away, beaten, interrogated and executed.1946 The living conditions described above led to the death of detainees in many instances.1947 Some prisoners also attempted to commit suicide because of these


Anonymous said...

Khmer as the victims of genocide between 1975-1979, We need the real Khmer ECCC not this Hanoi-US ECCC in this fake Kingdom of Cambodia.

Just look at this and judge for yourself ( Dear Khmer readers ).

This Hanoi-US ECCC keep dragging on and on to avoid full public hearing.

1. Political interference from Hun Sen and CPP.

2. Wide spread corruption in this Hainoi-US ECCC to block the process.

3. Holding the suspects beyond holding period ( overs 3 years ) so far since late 2007-2011 ( nearly 4 years ).

4. By laws the supects have rights to have their witnesses .

5. Refusing suspects 's witnesses to showing up and spkeaking out in the court room.

7. And many more dirty tricks on the way for this Hanoi-US ECCC.

Note: UN ‘s role if neutral without US interference is very vital role.
US always interfere UN role if that role involved to US for instance US B 52 booming in Cambodia
between 1969-1973 , 200 days and nights has caused many Cambodian lives especially in rural
areas not only so many Cambodian lives but also caused severe starvation , I can witness this
as so many Cambodian fled US B 52 from the countryside to Phnom Pen Capital city after 1973
so many died on the streets even in those days we have Red Cross and also some other helping
NGOs but the size of this tragedy was out of control.
And this was North-South , US War that speeded from yuon country into our poor nation.
And this is only part of the war that dragged Cambodia into up to days hell.
We still and always need UN, US roles in Cambodia and in Asean country as a whole but we must learn
and except the truth that US role has double side effects and we must learn how to use the right side of these .
And this is the reason why I call this is Hanoi-US ECCC.
It all about Indochina Federation to put Cambodia into yuon yoke as they already did to Laos.

Anonymous said...

ខ្មែរតាកែវ says: 2:03 PM 06/09/2011

សកម្ម​ជនកំសាកហើយល្បិចច្រើន អៀ ចាន់ណា បានតែព្រុសនៅ ក្រៅប្រទេសតែប៉ុណ្ណោះ!!! ដើរបញ្ចេញមតិជេរប្រមាថ បរិហាកេរ្កិ៍ ញុះញង់ ចោទប្រកាន់​រួម​មាន ហ៊ុន សែន តែប៉ុណ្ណោះ... !!! វាគ្មានសេចក្ដីក្លាហាន និងនាំគ្នាធ្វើអំពើល្អណាមួយឡើយ។ មាសសុទ្ធិមិនខ្លាចភ្លើង!!! អៀ ចាន់ណា ចូលចិត្តលាប​ពណ៌​​ ដាក់សំពាធ សំណើ មិនហ៊ានមកនិយាយការពិត និងទទួល​ខុសត្រូវ ។ អ្វីដែលទាក់ទង ខ្លួនឯង!!! មិនគួរខ្លាច ចម្ងល់ របស់ ជន​រងគ្រោះ!? សូម អៀ ចាន់ណា ហ៊ានទទួល​ខុសត្រូវ ដូចលោក ឡឹម ពិសិដ្ឋ បានឆ្លើយតបតាមសំណើអត្ថបទ របស់ សុភាព ស.ស. កខគឃង ចង្រិតឆ្នាស់និង ខ្មែរជនបទ...។ ពីព្រោះគេចង់ដឹងការពិត ជាសាធារណៈ ។

Anonymous said...

4:29! every thing have bad effect, If you stupid and unlucker, you will alway at the wrong side!