Saturday, September 10, 2011

Pol Pot’s portrait painter who captured the pain of a nation

September 9, 2011
Financial Times

Nothing brings home the industrial scale of the horror the Khmer Rouge inflicted on Cambodia as much as Tuol Sleng, the former high school in a leafy Phnom Penh suburb that became the centre of its cult of torture. The rusting implements of pain lie where they were abandoned and on the walls hang the photographs of thousands of victims – and graphic paintings of torture by Vann Nath, a former inmate.

Like thousands of prisoners before and after him, Vann Nath, an artist who died on Monday, aged 65, was photographed by his captors: a blank face, heavy eyebrows and a wispy beard, dressed in the plain black shirt that was the national uniform under the Khmer Rouge.

But Nath survived, one of only 14 people to emerge from the prison, to use the rest of his life to bear witness in paintings and words to the suffering of thousands of others less fortunate. He used the skills the Khmer Rouge had once employed for propaganda purposes to paint portraits of Pol Pot, to condemn his former oppressors and become an internationally recognised symbol of gentle dignity in the face of unspeakable cruelty.

He was imprisoned in Tuol Sleng, dubbed S-21 by the Khmer Rouge, on January 7 1978, exactly a year before Vietnamese forces liberated Phnom Penh. Nath said he never knew why he was arrested. By 1978, the Khmer Rouge was running Pol Pot’s dystopian interpretation of the Maoist concept of Permanent Revolution: suspects were tortured to reveal the names of other further suspects and then killed. Those who had been named were then arrested and the cycle started again, creating an endless loop of carnage.

Tuol Sleng was never a prison in the western sense. There was no idea of imprisonment as a punishment or for rehabilitation. It was a transit centre: prisoners were tortured for confessions and then killed, their guilt taken for granted.

Vann Nath survived because of an unlikely series of coincidences. Born into a farming family in Battambang in north-west Cambodia in 1946, he had specialised in painting billboards before the arrival of the Khmer Rouge. His arrest coincided with Pol Pot’s decision to come out of the shadows. Nath was put to work painting hundreds of portraits of the man known as Brother Number One.

His skills gave him a degree of protection from physical violence in the latter part of his incarceration but he witnessed what happened to his fellow inmates. “I could hear screams of pain from every corner of the prison. I felt a twinge of pain in my body at each scream . . .  I could hear the guards demanding the truth, the acts of betrayal, the names of collaborators,” Nath wrote in his memoir.

After the defeat of the Khmer Rouge, he returned to work at S-21, which had been turned into a museum. He painted pictures of the routine torture and murder – a man having his nails pulled out, a hog-tied prisoner having his throat cut, a thrown child being bayoneted – which still hang on the walls today. His elongated bodies and naive technique blurred the lines between art and testimony.

Of more than 14,000 people who entered S-21 only 14 survived according to the Documentation Centre of Cambodia, which has accumulated a huge archive of original documents from the era.

“There were very few heroes in this whole thing,” says Professor David Chandler, a historian who has written extensively about the Khmer Rouge and S-21. “He was a lighthouse of regret and concern about this whole period.”

As his fame grew, boosted by appearances in documentaries such as Rithy Panh’s S21: The Khmer Rouge Killing Machine, he travelled the world, spending time as artist in residence at Providence College, Rhode Island and visiting Europe to speak about his experiences.

In 2007, his documentation of S-21 won him the Hellman/Hammett award for courage in the face of political persecution. In 2009, he finally got a measure of the justice he had sought for more than 30 years. He was the first survivor to testify during the long-delayed trial of Kaing Guek Eav, better known as Comrade Duch, Tuol Sleng’s head.

“We only had three spoons of gruel for each meal. I lost my dignity . . .  I thought even eating human flesh would be a good thing for me at that moment,” he told the court.

Duch was given a 35-year sentence – he is appealing – but Vann Nath declined to list himself as a civil party to the suit. In his later years, Nath ran a gallery and restaurant but suffered mounting health problems. After a heart attack last month he spent his last few days in a coma at a Phnom Penh hospital.

He is survived by his wife Kith Eng, two daughters and a son. With his death, only two survivors of Tuol Sleng remain.

For a video about Vann Nath’s life, visit


Anonymous said...

Pol Pot:
Between 1975-1979 there were many bad things have happened to Cambodian and Cambodia:
I want to share the following comments with our fellow Cambodian:

1. Why yuon hate Pol Pot more than us the victims of Pol Pot regime?

2. Genocide between 1975-1979 we blame Pol Pot because he was the leader .

3. Should we blame Pol Pot for standing and fought against yuon military aggression to protect Cambodian sovereignty both land and seas including Koh Trol and many more.

4. Should we blame Pol Pot for not signing any land giving agreement to yuon ( as Hun Sen did )?

5. Should we blame Pol Pot for not letting millions of yuon illegall coming to Cambodia between 1975-1979?

6. What is the real reasons behind Pol Pot and yuon armed conflict between 1970s-1997?

7. Why ECCC keep dragging on and to avoid full public hearing ?

My View:

Pol Pot was wrong the way he handled his administration ( big mistake ).
But Pol Pot had clear and strong view about the danger of Indochina Federation of late Ho Chi Minh to swallow Cambodia as they already did to Laos to put Cambodia into yuon yoke.
So the so long armed conflict between Pol Pot and yuon between 1970s-1997 it all about the following:

Pol Pot refused:
1. Pol Pot refusing million of youn migrants to influx into Cambodian between 1975-179.
2. Pol Pot refusing singing any land , seas and islands singing agreement to yuon between 1975-179.
Note: Soon after Paris Peas agreement in 1991 even general election in 1993 under UN supervision , Pot Pot ‘s or Khmer Rouge Radio broadcasted again and again saying that :

1. Yuon did not withdraw its troops from Cambodia as yuon claimed in 1989. All they did only change their uniforms from yuon military uniforms to civil uniforms.

2. UNTAC did not implemented 1991 Paris Peace agreement by not:

1. Supervised , inspected and followed up yuon armed personals withdrawal out of Cambodia. UNTAC just rushed to 1993 election without supervise the fake military withdrawal of yuon.

2. UNTAC did not work on the five ministries as they agree on 1991 Paris Peace Agreement,

So Pol Pot or Khmer Rouge was the first one who say on their radio in 1993 that:
1991 Paris Peace Agreement was signed by hands but was crusted by foot of Yuon and U

Anonymous said...

2:04 PM ,

As a Khmer I can say that your argument is absolutely clear what just happened in Kampuchea right now. In the killing fields I had lost a lot of my relatives, included my parents (Lon Nol's officer). Depend on historic documentation from 1970 till now, it show that not only Pol Pot alone stand behind this killings fields, but Sihanouk and Vietnam too. We can see what Sihanouk and Viet works hand in hand from 1954 till now? He cheated the Khmer fighters and the Khmer nation. For me Gen Lon Nol, Prince Sarimatak ,Pol Pot an Pen sovann are the real Khmer heros against Viet agressor.
Before Pol Pot died he stated clearly with his resistance against Viet, Viet will annex Khmer since 1975 and he added that after my die Kampuchea will be a province of Viet. Now we can see how many Viet people are living in Kampuchea now? During Viet annex Khmer land on the border, Hun Xen (Viet dog) try make war with Thailand to make Khmers look to the Thailand as new agressor but not look to the eat border.

All this problem caused by Sihanouk's policy. He must give the real answer to answer to the Khmer history before he die.

Anonymous said...

I agree! Its King Sihanouk's policy failure...I blamed khmer king for the lost of everything, including khmer kampuchea krom states...

Anonymous said...

2:04pm Great information. It is true. You can see that yuon are everywhere in Telesap and along the bank of the Mekong river. They have no right to stay wherever on land or on water.

Liberate HUN SEN from yuon

Anonymous said...

2:04 PM, 4:27 PM, 8:44PM, and 10:03

All of your comments are so right, complementing one another to help Khmer people to understand the long desire of Yiekcong who wanted to finish us off from the world map.

It looks like Yiekcong has found one stupid person named Hun Cent to accomplish its ultimate goal of swallowing Cambodia. And people must not forget that Ah Sdach Chkuot Sihanouk was the principal factor in today Khmer suffering.
I don't know why this Sdach Lob Sihanouk was born.

We, Khmer people, must not lose hope in fighting to regain our true independence back. This is not the first time in Khmer history that Yiekcong controls Cambodia. Our ancestors have always found a way to get rid of this monster Yiekcong.

We will do the same as our ancestors did...

Anonymous said...

pol pot killed cambodian. hun sen killing cambodia and cambodian livelihood.