Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Poll: 85% of US companies to expand their businesses in Southeast Asia

ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) is becoming an increasingly important region for companies, AmCham says.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The majority of US companies or 85% operating in Southeast Asia are planning to expand their businesses in the region, as its role will increase significantly in the next two years, Reuters reported with a reference to the American Chamber of Commerce in Singapore. The survey polled 327 executives of US companies in Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam. 73% of respondents said that ASEAN’s influence is increasing significantly and 70% of respondents expressed such opinions last year. In addition, not a single company intends to reduce its presence in the region. Indonesia is the most popular country for US businesses in Southeast Asia, according to «Gazeta.ru».


Anonymous said...

Invest chick fucking business in Cambodia

Anonymous said...

Dumb people like you know only talk trash. You have no brain.
Didn't you see China's railroad project in South East Asia countries is to oust the west from doing business in South East Asia? China wants to sell her products among Asian nations (internal market) that is why the west investors have to jump in before China mess up the market and cheat small nations.
If you are Vietnamese, you ought to know that practically China already took Vietnam although officially not. China uses Vietnam to do dirty jobs for her by invading Laos, Cambodia soon into Thailand, Malaysia. Singapore is already with China. Sooner China will hold all these small nations by the throat.
China buys all oil and gold to destroy the west. From all the land the Vietnamese robbed from Champa and Cambodia (now South Vietnam) will be soon under China.

Anonymous said...

Khmer is dog now, hahaha

Anonymous said...

Not only Khmers, Vietnamese, Laotians, Thais, Malaysian, Indonesian, Burmese and Philippines will be all China's dogs.

Anonymous said...

I am black, but chinese, go Chino,