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SRP MP Mu Sochua (Photo: The Phnom Penh Post) |
By Silapol
Free Press Magazine Online
Translated from Khmer by Soch
Click here to read the original article in Khmer
Two Cambodian women working as maids were found dead in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The deaths were reported 3 days apart during the month of August. They are suspected of dying under torture and detention.
22-year Seng Dany was sent to Malaysia to work by the CLS employment agency and she was found dead at this agency’s office in Kuala Lumpur on 29 August. Chhay Hok was another woman who was sent over to Malaysia by the Philimore agency and she was found dead on 26 August.
Cambodian migrant workers could easily face accidents because of lack of responsibility from the part of agencies that send them out to work overseas. In March, a woman who was planned to be sent to work as maid by the P&T agency was found dead in the agency’s center in Sen Sok district, Phnom Penh. The woman attempted to jump off the center where she was detained. In response to this problem, the ministry of Labor decided to allow the P&T agency to move its center to Kampong Chhnang instead. The move generated strong criticism on the ministry for its soft handed handling.
SRP MP Mu Sochua once against issued an appeal to stop sending Cambodian women to work as maids in Malaysia until such time when there is a protection mechanism set in place beforehand.
Look at disgraced Mu Sochua's face is really ugly. That is her daughters are ugly like her even though, she has white man husband.
how is ur fucking mother's face ? i think U R son of Ho Nam bitch! or Youn Ho Cho Minh? Man !
Miss Mu Sochua is much much better than ur fucking mother . ur mother sucking Noun Nget'cock or hun sen 's cock Man !
អាណាគេជនរងគ្រោះ? អាកាបាក់មែន? ឬអាចំគួតបួសឡឺកឺក្រៅសង្គម? ល្មមៗបានហើយ ពួកអាក្រៅសង្គមអែង។ អៀ ចាន់ណាវាធ្វើអី ហ្អែង? រិះគន់ហ៊ុនតាវាមានទៅទើសម៉ែអី ហ្អែង? ពួកអារមិលគុណ!
ខ្មែរតាកែវ says: 2:03 PM 06/09/2011
សកម្មជនកំសាកហើយល្បិចច្រើន អៀ ចាន់ណា បានតែព្រុសនៅ ក្រៅប្រទេសតែប៉ុណ្ណោះ!!! ដើរបញ្ចេញមតិជេរប្រមាថ បរិហាកេរ្កិ៍ ញុះញង់ ចោទប្រកាន់រួមមាន ហ៊ុន សែន តែប៉ុណ្ណោះ... !!! វាគ្មានសេចក្ដីក្លាហាន និងនាំគ្នាធ្វើអំពើល្អណាមួយឡើយ។ មាសសុទ្ធិមិនខ្លាចភ្លើង!!! អៀ ចាន់ណា ចូលចិត្តលាបពណ៌ ដាក់សំពាធ សំណើ មិនហ៊ានមកនិយាយការពិត និងទទួលខុសត្រូវ ។ អ្វីដែលទាក់ទង ខ្លួនឯង!!! មិនគួរខ្លាច ចម្ងល់ របស់ ជនរងគ្រោះ!? សូម អៀ ចាន់ណា ហ៊ានទទួលខុសត្រូវ ដូចលោក ឡឹម ពិសិដ្ឋ បានឆ្លើយតបតាមសំណើអត្ថបទ របស់ សុភាព ស.ស. កខគឃង ចង្រិតឆ្នាស់និង ខ្មែរជនបទ...។ ពីព្រោះគេចង់ដឹងការពិត ជាសាធារណៈ ។
រត់ចេញក្រៅស្រុក ដើម្បីជាខ្ញុំកញ្ជះបរទេស
ចាប់តាំងពីហ៊ុន សែនបានធ្វើជានាយករដ្ធមន្ត្រី
ការបញ្ជូនខ្មែរទៅធ្វើខ្ញុំកញ្ជះគេដាច់ថ្លៃរបស់ ហ៊ុន
សែននេះ បានធ្វើឲ្យខ្មែរអាប់កិត្តិយស កេរឈ្មោះ
អ្នកស្រី មុយ សុខហួឈ្វេងយល់ពីសេចក្ដីថ្លៃថ្នូរ
របស់ជាតិ មិនដូចហ៊ុន សែន និង បក្សពួក
ជនថោកទាប ហ៊ុន សែន និង អាជនក្បត់ជាតិ
2:29PM នេះជាដើម។
អា ខ្មែរតាកែវ says: 2:03 PM 06/09/2011
បើពួកអាដង្កូវសង្គមឯងចង់ដឹងរឿងពិតអញ់បា្រប់ឯងទៅចុះថា អា ខ្មែរតាកែវ ឯងតាំងខ្លួនជាអ្នកចេះដឹងនិងមានសីលធម័ស្អាតស្អំពេលខ្លះហ្អែងអួតខ្លួនថាជាបណ្ឌិត តាមពិតទៅ អាដង្កូវសង្គមឯងហ្នឹង មានប្រពន្ធបីហើយរាប់ទាំងប្រពន្ធរាល់ង៉ៃដែលខាំគ្នាព្រឹកល្ងាចដូចសត្វធាត និងលែងគ្នាមួយខែបួនប្រាំដង ! ក្រុមអាដង្កូវសង្គមឯងមានគ្នាពីរបីនាក់អញ់ស្គាល់ច្បាស់ណាស់គឺសុទ្ធតែពួកអាដង្កូវសង្គមដែលមើលឃើញអាចន៏ថាជាអាហារដ៏មានរសជាតិសុទ្ធសាធ ! នៅរឿងច្រើនទៀបើពូកអាដង្កូវសង្គមឯងចង់ដឹងអញនិងបា្រប់ទៀត ! អូខេ?
All Khmer should stand up and protect our own people. Al NGO must stand up protect these innocent, and strongly work, creat program against women trafficking. Trafficking dose not has to be force to work in sex slave sector. What happen to Khmer women in Malesia is trafficking.
Ah! kwack can you take note????
2:29 pm
She is prettier than your mother. She speak out to help Cambodians Your mother does nothing but suck up your master Hun Sen's dick.
does Sen and his idiot sen's lover care?
how about Cambodians youth whow graduate yearly, are they going to find job in cambodia?
that is personal matter stupid!
make a useful comment!
Would you think if Mu, she is elected to be a Prime Minister, she can do good job. Myself, I think she can based on her involment with the Cambodian politics I mean her experiences, the degree he held form Berkly. Cambodia needs change, the change of MP, and the change in our constitution. She is better than MI KACHROUK.....i have hardly said that but HUN's plan by minipulating the extreme power in Cambodia, I just can stop myself, MI KACHROUK, the head of REd Cross.
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