Sunday, September 04, 2011

United Cambodian Community to Celebrate 34th Anniversary

By Long Beach Post | Staff Reports

The United Cambodian Community (UCC) is celebrating “Lights, Camera, Action” their 34th Anniversary Celebration & Award Ceremony on Wednesday, September 28, 2011. Registration begins at 6:00 pm and the dinner/program begins at 7:00 pm. This annual event will recognize Supervisor Don Knabe, Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors and Christina Lee, M.D. from Talbert Medical Group.

Supervisor Knabe is receiving the Distinguished Service Award for his dedication to the Cambodian Community in Long Beach. He has provided buses for senior citizens attending community educational events, assisted in securing funding for vital programs at UCC and has been an ally to the Cambodian Community for many years.

Dr. Christina Lee is receiving the Community Service Award for her volunteer efforts in the Cambodian Community. Dr. Lee has provided pro bono education to community residents on topics such as cancer, hepatitis B and other health topics. She has served countless hours to ensure Cambodian Americans understand the importance of healthy lifestyles and self care.

“Supervisor Knabe and Dr. Lee are models of civic leadership. They not only speak about the importance of giving back but they give their time and attention to the Cambodian Community. We are grateful for their dedication and support over the years. We are pleased to announce both of them as award recipients, “says Sara Pol-Lim, Executive Director, United Cambodian Community.

United Cambodian Community (UCC) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) multi-cultural social services agency. UCC was originally established to assist in the resettlement of highly traumatized refugees and their families. Today, Long Beach has the largest Cambodian population outside of Cambodia itself and the UCC facility is located in the heart of the community, allowing convenient access to the services that are needed. Throughout UCC’s thirty-four years of service, their desire has been to assist in empowering the Cambodian people to be self-sufficient and productive members of society.

To reserve your space for the “Lights, Camera, Action” 34th Anniversary Celebration & Award Ceremony, please call (562) 433-2490. The cost is $50 per person and $500 for a table at Hak Heang Restaurant, 2041 E. Anaheim Street, Long Beach, CA. All proceeds go to programs serving children, youth, families and seniors in the community. For more questions please contact the United Cambodian Community, (562) 433-2490, 2201 East Anaheim Street, Ste 200 Long Beach, CA.


Anonymous said...

How can this organization be 34 years old? What has UCC ever done for the Cambodian Community anyway? A lot of people don't even know the existence of the UCC. In fact it got kicked out from its first home and now it is located on that sorry-azzed looking building. Has anyone ever seen any publications like a newsletter just to say the very least at all coming out of the UCC? NOPE. The management team of the UCC has never learned the game well enough and mismanagement is a major problem. It is time for the UCC to publish some kind of a newsletter to inform the public about its upcoming events or some work completed in the community. Learn and know your game already, dang it. 34 years old my ass. I thought it was just created like some few years back and now it looks like it is going down the drain for sure because of the huge incompetencies there.

Anonymous said...

To: 2:50AM

Beacause you were in jail for the last 30years or your head was buried in your rear end , that’s why you don’t know what is going on in your community in Long Beach ! What a sorry brain!!!!

Anonymous said...

He lives too long in the US, but still not understand the word United Cambodian Community (UCC).