Lifestyle of the Thieves of the Nation
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Hun Xen holding his granddaughter's hand to greet Bun Rany's arrival from New York on16 June 2011 (Photo: Kampuchea Thmei) |
Lifestyle of ordinary Khmer People
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An typical Khmer child seen playing in a pond near Don Ma village, Preah Vihear province (Photo: RFA) |
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Typical young Khmer girls coming out of a stream in Don Ma village, Preah Vihear province (Photo: RFA) |
Lifestyle of the Thieves of the Nation
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Hun Clan reunion |
Lifestyle of ordinary Khmer People
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Koh Pich survivor family reunion |
Bless you all, you deserve to live in a sale and happy environment just as any one in the country. Hope you all grow up to be strong and take responsibility for own action in taking care of yourselves and your country and not be corrupted with money and power.
You are all the future of Cambodia.
sale = safe
ក្នុងមួយពិភពលោកនេះ អ្នកណាៗក៏ដឹងគ្រប់គ្នាទាំងអស់ថា
អាយ៉ងក្បត់ជាតិ ហ៊ុន សែន នេះ ជាមេក្បត់ជាតិ, ជាមេ
លក់ជាតិ, ជាមេឃាតករឈាមត្រជាក់, ជាមេខ្មែរក្រហម,
បើខ្មែរយើងមិននាំគ្នាកំចាត់វានិងបក្សពួកវាចោលទេ ប្រទេសខ្មែរគ្មានថ្ងៃបានសុខសាន្ត និងអភិវឌ្ឍន៍ប្រទេសជាតិ
អាខ្វាក់ហ៊ុន សែន ឈ្មោះដើមវាហ៊ុន ណាល់ ។
ឪវាឈ្មោះ ហ៊ុន នៀង ជាចោរលួចគោនៅស្រុកក្រូច
ឆ្មារ ខេត្តកំពង់ចាម ម្ដាយវាឈ្មោះឌី ប៉ុកជា
អ្នកលក់នំអាកោរ។ អាហ៊ុន សែន ឈ្មោះដើម
វា គឺ ហ៊ុន ណាល់ ជាចោរដូចឪពុកវាដែរ។
មែកត្របែកខ្វាក់ភ្នែកម្ខាង ហើយឆ្នាំ៧០រត់ចូល
ចូលព្រៃម៉ាគី ធ្វើជាខ្មែរក្រហម។
ជំនាន់ខ្មែរក្រហម គណៈភូមិ គណៈឃុំ និង
គណៈតំបន់មួយចំនួនជាចោរ ឬ មេចោរលួច
គោ ឬ ក្របី។
ដល់មកបានធ្វើនាយករដ្ធមន្ត្រី កើតជាចោរលក់
ជាតិ លួចជាតិ។ឪអាហ៊ុន សែន ជាចោរ អាហ៊ុន
សែនជាចោរ អស់ទាំងមុខមន្រ្តីក៏ជាចោរដូច អាខ្វាក់
ហ៊ុន សែន ដែរ។
I have to let's the son of the high range officers have sex with me in order to get just a job in goverment police position office at Phom Phen. My graduated degree that I obtained from University mean nothing for them in apply for job in goverment position. This is not just happen to me but majority of khmer girls who want the jobs after they graduated from university like myself.
That is very sad for majority of khmer girls today. What can we do? who can bring juctice and fairness to us ?
We have to live and learn how to cop with these everyday in silence because if we don't our jobs will be gone just a blink of their eyes.
If you born as khmer girls in normal family that do not have connection. We have to facts these that is become normal cultures in Modern Cambodia today.
ពូជអាលក់ជាតិ បងប្អូនមើលមុខវាចំណាំឲ្យហើយទៅ
មើលពីអាចាស់ជាងគេដល់ អាកូនក្មេងៗ ពីព្រោះពួក
អាលក់ជាតិ និងពួកអាឃាតករដូច្នេះឈាមរបស់ពួក
អាក្មេងអស់ទាំងនោះគឺឈាមឃាតករ និងលួចជាតិ
កណ្តាប់របស់ពួកអាក្មេងឈាមឃាតករ និងលក់
ជាតិទៀតនោះ នោះពុជា(កម្ពុជា) និងមានកម្ម
9:33 AM
Sad story.
Because of Ah Kwack, now Yuon penh Dey. Khmer people will suffer more if Yiekcong still control Cambodia and Ah Kwack.
9:33 AM
Is sad to hear that you're no longer a virgin. But where is your human dignity? You let somebody to fuck you for a job? You have both hands and legs and a brain, I am sure you can feed yourself in other ways with full dignity. Government job is not the only option.
9:33 AM
You are a disgrace to the khmer race. People like you set very bad examples to other khmer girls.
Lifestyle of a refugee - picking cans
I sold vegetables, bottles, cans and charcoals. I'm still wore flip-flop nowadays.
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