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Cartoon by Sacrava (on the web at http://sacrava.blogspot.com) |
By Silapol
Free Press Magazine Online
Translated from Khmer by Soch
Click here to read the original article in Khmer
During the past few years, it was found that Cambodia owed Communist China by almost $4 billion already. The Chinese loan money was used to build Cambodia’s infrastructure, and the total loan amount includes the $500 millions that Cambodia asked to borrow from China last week to repair flood damage.
Cheam Yeap, the chairman of the National Assembly’s economic and finance committee, told reporters recently that: “EU countries are facing economic woes, therefore we have only China left [to borrow from].” He added that the debt owed by Cambodia amounted to close to $7 billion, including $1.8 billion in debt owed to Russia and the US from the 70s and the 80s.
Although the government claimed [that these loans] allowed Cambodia to progress every year from one step to another, economic analysts said that the government does not seem to be anything to improve its economy at all, except for getting itself mired in mounting foreign debt with every passing year.
SRP MP Yim Sovann declared yesterday: “Younger generations will have to pay back these debts. The amount owed to China is larger than that from any other countries, and this could create serious economic instability.”
everything came out of srp people are never sound positive. after all, we know they are good at saying or criticking cambodia since they did nothing for cambodia in terms of economic growth, etc... so, why should cambodia pay attention to what srp people say? if cambodia don't borrow, how can we develop our country? i don't buy it from biased srp people, you know!
criticking is the easiest job in the world. no wonder srp people like to critick khmer gov't all the time! what have they done to make a difference in cambodia? probably not much in terms of economic growth, etc. all they did was attacking and blaming cambodia for everything. they are so biased toward cambodia!
The two posters above are two but one. It's like a moron and a stupid who survives and enriches itself from stealing the aid money. Thus any critic of the national debts won't be well received by this poster(s).
AH fucking Hun Sen cant stand on his own feet. Under ah fucking Hun Sen ruling, Khmer is now in more debt then any past governments. AH FUCKING HUN SEN, WHY ARE YOU SELLING OUR NATION FOR YOUR OWN LUXURY LIFESTYLE!
Who is going to pay this fucking debts???
spreading disinformation - pp govt will so the srp again.
Who will benefit from this?? and who will pay for it??? Will the poor get anything out of this shit or the fucking high ranking officials shearing them among them selves and let the next generation pay for their fucking debt.
Remove Hun Sen so we can have a real government that works for the people! SRP please save Cambodia!
What economic instability?
China is also known that the current generation can not repay these debts.
But no worries about the younger generation, if we can not pay these debts,
we can also try to give Cambodia a concession to China for 99 years.
This is expected.
What did we get from the money Lon Nol borrowed from U.S? A killing field? Thanks to U.S. For those who ask what we get from borrowing China: Go to Cambodia and look around you. The road, the bridge, school. They don't grow on trees. You need money to build those. At least this government is building something instead of using the money to buy guns and blowing up each others like previous governments did.
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23 តុលា 1991
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Now comes to see a little light about the long term strategy that China has used to take Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Burma, Malaysia and Singapore,..
Most Vietnamese are Chinese from South, they're being used by Chinese to cause troubles and to take other small and weak nation near by.
There're not many Vietnamese left after thousand years infiltrated by Chinese. All the problems in Cambodia, Laos, and Thailand are all caused by the Vietnamese used by Chinese.
The Vietnamese bear the bad reputation of being savages, yes they're too savage, barbaric invaders, but Chinese will grab all at last.
They will all die in flood with countries no more. The evils will be washed away so to clean the earth.
Bangkok was a city of no angels but prostitutes. Men became women, parents sold children for money... Thailand was infiltrated by the Vietnamese (barbaric invaders) since 17's century.
Phnom Penh was calm and so weak, she too was infiltrated by the Vietnamese since 1600's. Many people practiced cults besides Buddhism. Ap, Thmub and many more. Today the evils rule installed by the barbaric invaders, Vietnamese. They prostitutes rise...
Laos is completed controlled by the barbaric invaders, Vietnamese, while Chinese can just wallk in/out for their pleasure.
Vietnam a new nation of barbaric invaders. Million souls of Cham people who were massacred remain in their land, and they revenge and..
The barbaric invaders Vietnamese now many turned to GOD because they have feared of burning in hell for eternity. Ngo Dinh Diem, the monster who tried to annihilate Khmers and Chams is in hell wearing fire for eternity. But his nephew who became a Catholic Priest rose to a Cardinal named
François-Xavier Nguyễn Văn Thuận has never stopped praying for the greatest sins of his Vietnamese done to others. The Cardinal is praying from heaven to save the souls in hell including his uncle Diem, the terror.
South East Asia will be submerged into the SEA. New World Map of Edgar Cacey, the sleeping Prophet in 1800's.
Japan will be completely sunk, no more Japan.
Africa will gain land but it will be divided into three large continents.
Middle East will be gone into the SEA. America will be splitted into TWO, no more Gorgia and Luisiana, and the water will flow from Mexico sea to north pole across Mississippi River. New Zeal-and will be larger....
No more Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore. They will be all doomed.
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