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Cambodia's ailing ex-King Norodom Sihanouk (left) and his son King Norodom Sihamoni alight at Phnom Penh airport (AFP, Khem Sovannara) |
PHNOM PENH — Cambodia's ailing former king Norodom Sihanouk returned home on Thursday from Beijing where he spent nearly three months receiving medical treatment.
Sihanouk and his wife, accompanied by their son King Norodom Sihamoni, were given a red-carpet welcome by family members, Prime Minister Hun Sen and other senior officials upon arrival at Phnom Penh airport.
A smiling Sihanouk, who will turn 89 on October 31, pressed his hands together in a traditional greeting to well-wishers before getting into a car that whisked him off to the royal palace.
"The health of his majesty has been good," Sihanouk's personal secretary Prince Sisowath Thomico told AFP, adding that the former monarch may stay in Cambodia for "many months" this time.
Sihanouk has suffered from a number of ailments in recent years, including cancer, diabetes and hypertension.
One of Asia's longest-serving monarchs, the revered king abruptly quit the throne in October 2004 in favour of his son, citing old age and health problems.
Despite abdicating, Sihanouk remains hugely popular and tens of thousands of Cambodians are expected to flock to the palace on Sunday to mark the 20th anniversary of his return to the country from exile after years of civil war.
The Police chief and Official in Cambodia stated that Trees are the culprit that caused massive fainting speel in the factory.
What the Fuck? That explains all how these ignorant officials are all about. Stupid do what stupid does.
Please Reform the education system, and have Mass Killing all of the Current officials in Cambodia and make Education the priority.
stop sounding like the KR, ok! cambodia nowadays do not have a policy of killing like the stupid KR regime, ok! so don't sound so stupid like the KR, really! if some official do something wrong, they should get fired, not killed, ok! and they should get re-educated, not killed like you suggested, what, are you one of those KR people that like to kill people for everything they said or did? then, stop using the word "killing", etc, you know. there are now rule of law that everybody in cambodia have to obey and lives by, no more killing is allowed in cambodia, period, no matter how bad they sounded, you know, that's all! cambodia have no place for madness again, ok! like i said before, stop being stupid forever, ok! wake up and smell the coffee and see the world, really!
Some of his people cursing this old king to suffer and die fast, but the more they curse and wish him die, this old monarch is still living and going to 100 years old soon.
The mistake he made was allowing Yuon to use his land. He should massacre those Khmers who joined Communists like King Bhumibol did.
Oh who am I to predict the future of mankind. May be Khmers are being punished for being aggressive against others during the empire they built.
Sdach Kbot Cheat gave land to Yiekcong is not welcomed back to Cambodia.
Nouv Ngorp Srok Chen Touv Ah Sdach Chkuot Min Batt!!
What the point of the king living until 100 years old with no happiness. With chroniclce deseases being placed upon by Karma I said it's a punishment instead. After all, he's the one who caused Cambodia to become where we are today.
Sihanouk come to Cambodia, because his son Sihamoni needs a fuck in his ASS and his son Nanarith will eat his come...
This guy comes to Cambodia to give one cup of rice, one bottler of water, and fake loving care to those ignorant poor who suffered the current flood in Cambodia. For the rest of year, this guy enjoys the vacation in China. Giving a small token to these poor is enough to show his fake caring to satisfy himself.
watch the dogs king he's came to thanks. to Hun sen, speed up and signed off Lands deals with youn Hanois
the ex-king begs forgiveness from khmer people because he made some mistakes in the past by letting vietcong use khmer lands and territories to fight against the americans during the so-called vietnam war era, you know. please forgive the ex-king since he repented his sins already to god. god bless the ex-king. peace to all!
the king had bad policy in the past, please forgive him. to error is human, to forgive is divine! god bless cambodia.
this dog king should walk he's own four legs..
I hope the flood kill this dog king and washes away NO need return to china.Cambodia will saved many Lands...
How many khmer this king killed? Even though he did not personally did the killings himself he is still liable for his action. The end result we lost about 2M khmer people plus our beloved land.
Some comments stated that the ex-king begged for forgiveness for his action. When? If I am not mistaken this is what he said: It's true two millions Khmer were killed, some of my relatives were killed too. The ex-king never admit that what he did was wrong, let alone begging for forgiveness.
Pol Pot,Sihanouk,Hou nim
The initiator Killing Field Master
back & forth Bejiing - Cambodia to waste Khmers less fortunate moneys..
The killings of the 2 million innocents Khmer is still unanswered. AH stupid king, will never be forgiven, and ah stupid hun sen needs to go see his vietnamese mother.
This guy deserve to die for killing million of Khmers life.
Why is this news? He is nothing anymore to us, let's move on.
He's just another old geezer waiting for his day. As a matter of fact, he needs to go, Cambodia is getting too crowded.
នៅមកចង់រកប្រជាភិថុត អីទៀតអ្ហែង
ងាប់នៅស្រុកចិននិងទៅ កុំមកស្រុកខ្មែរអោយសោះ
Do something useful for the country...stop being a rat!
the two dogs king. I saw them shine Hanois shose the older once playing the Vietcong chess die faster better for Khmer all...
Sdech jomkourt....jehn jol..jehn jol.
what a shame!!!!
អានេះថោកទាបមែន មិនត្រូវចំណាយលុយញើសឈាមខ្មែរ
ទៅលើកម្មវិធីរបស់ ពួកអាមាយាទថោក ស្តាចមន៍ត្រសក់នេះទេ
Stay in China and do not come back! take you queen son with you! Your sone is a useless king. He can't even see the suffering of the poor and those whose lands were taken away by ah hun sen's friends and business partners of his families and in laws. Ah useless king signs anything as hun sen submitted to him as long as he continues to remain king. You are useless!!!!
Cowardice king rat of Kingdom of wonder!
That was why I said this old monarch should have executed his own people who joined the Communists like King Bhumibol did. Bhumibol defeated Communists brought into Thailand by Vietnamese communist movement in 1900's, then King Bhumibol and the US joined hand massacred those Communist Thais and Thailand did not go through Communist regime like Cambodia.
The South East Asian people are so idiots, they are easy brainwashed by anything, therefore the leader must be tough to keep the tiny country safe from the Communists. Sihanouk should had executed those who're brainwashed by the Communists.
Ah useless king, scared of ah Hun Sen. laughable. haha haha. Only in the Banana Kingdom, that the king licks ah Hun Sen butts.
nowhere=now here.
no more flood when he comes?
Good job!
smell poop leak from king father's diaper.
Chaul Prey Marquis Ah Choy Maray Ah Sdach Samlab Khmers.
Khmer Slab Doy Sar Ah Sdach Choss Norok Sihanouk. Ah Roleuy!!
Khmer Oss Dey Doy Sar Ah Chkuot Sihanouk.
Long life His Majesty the Kings, King father and Her Majesty the Queen mother of The Kingdom of Cambodia We are Cambodian people, the real Cambodian people, profoundly welcome your highness return to our Kingdom. The real Khmer really really love you and would like to express the best wishes for His Majesty the King King father and Her Majesty the Queen mother for the great occasion of His Majesty's coronation anniversary and 20th Anniversary of Kingfather return to The Kingdom as well as royal 89th Birthday.
អាស្តាចមន៍ ស៊ីហនុ វាមិនដែលនិយាយថា
វាមានការសោកស្តាយចំពោះ ទង្វើរក្បត់ជាតិរបស់វាទេ
Between Thai King and Khmer King I'd choose King Sihanouk over King Bhumibol. Suffered once which was unavoidable but Cambodia is getting better. King Sihanouk did it because the US and UK did not declare that they'd protect and defend Cambodia from their dogs Ngo Dinh Diem and Bhumibol who continued to take Cambodia.
I bet these dumber who criticize Sihanouk did not know how would they do to protect Cambodia when Yuon were already inside Cambodia since French controlled.
Yeahh Bhumibok was elevated as god-king for 60 years but his time is near to die, his country is plunging into chaos. His only playboy/barbaric man will take Thailand to further fall into Communist hands.
Dr. Giles Ji Ungpakorn said the Socialism is coming to Thailand after Bhumibol dies.
1:35 PM
You are a real barbaric person. I don't go against anyone who make their comments criticize the politicians, but your languages show that you are below shit. I thought Hun Xen was a bap Psa, but you are worse than those Bat Psa. You deserve to be slave for eternity and hell for eternity also.
10:47 AM
Heh Yuon kantorb. Why try to make Khmers look so cheap by your low trash langauges?
Long live the kingdom of wonder and the kingdom of Viets slave. Thank to Sihanouk policy, 2M khmers were killed and Cambodia was finally handed over the the Viets. Those of you who are thought to support King Sihanouk, you are represent yourself only and don't pretend that you represent the majority of Khmer people.
10:18 PM
None of us or politicians could prevent the calamities while a nation is so small and has no army.
A lot of bad mouth small brains like to brag about how they know what to do.
We lost about 2million, is less than we may lose all 7 millions back then. These dogs like barking and still believe that the US and UK would protect Cambodia? Yeahhh... In facts they only protect their interests.
If the US and UK shut up their dogs Ngo Dinh Diem and Bhumibol, Sihanouk may join with the US & UK, but they did not. Sure China is also bad, as well as Yuon, but who can we turn to?
2 million lives or we'd rather lose 7 million lives?
there are hopes, calm down children! god bless cambodia.
11:26 PM,
I still believe that if we were to follow genuine neutral policy as we declared at that time, none of catastrophic event would never happen to our country. Instead we sided with the Viets and Chinese to fight Americans. The war between the American and the Viets was the war between capitalism and communism which we, Cambodia, should not involved in the first place. Our involvement in the war effort by siding with communism cost us a great deal eventually. I will not blame Sihanouk a bit if genuine neutral policy was followed, and consequently, we were at this present situation.
11:26 PM
If it wasnt his fault, why does he not change the present? Why has he not apolgise for the deaths of 2 millions, even if it was indirect? Why does he give all powers and control to Hun Sen. According to the Cambodia constitution, Hun Sen has violated every principles and rights, therefore the under the Cambodia Constitution, the King has the rights to remove Hun Sen from his position.
Go read the Khmer constitution, if you still support this useless king.
Karoke King is back! ...lok for the DVD Killing King Part II is coming to a store near you
Karoke King is back!...look for the DVD Killing King Part II is coming to store near you.
12:09 AM
I don't support anyone of your Cambodian politician(s), but my argument was based on facts. Sihanouk had no army he chose to be neutral. At first he wanted to join with the US, if the US and UK told their dogs Viets and Thais to stop being aggressive, but they didn't stop it. So Sihanouk chose to be "Neutral".
Both sides US/UK and China/GNV wanted Sihanouk to choose one or else. Sihanouk cannot stay Neutral, even if he keeps his neutrality, still the US and China/GNV will use Cambodia as their pawn.
I will drop this top secret Telegram between the US and UK " we don't care Sihanouk's vanity we only concern our allies Thailand and SVN." China reprimanded Sihanouk "Your love affair with the US posed danger to your neighbor (Hanoi).
Now your turn, all big mouth go on pick your path. How can Cambodia avoid the calamity?
Losing 2 millions or losing all? Where're the army? Calling French back? French were broke and already defeated.
អាម្សៀរ ស៊ីហនុ អាឆ្កែយួន អាឆ្កែហូជិមិញ
អាឆ្កែកម្មុនីស្ត អាឆ្កែចិន
អ្ហែងមកស្រុកខ្មែរ ធ្វើអី
12:20 PM
Sihanouk. can make a different now, if he cares about the situation. So why is he allowing the dictator to control his budget?
Everyone, please, don't mention or say just Yuon.
Please mention Vietcong/Vietnamese/Yuon so that the world need to know what Yuon is.
I have many American friends and friend around the worlds did not know what Yuon is.
You can mention both Yuon/Vietnamese or Yuon/Vietnamese/Vietcong so that the people around the world will understand.
All Khmer United
11:19 PM, do you know who are the Khmer Rouges are? Who created the Khmer Rouges and Killing Fields? Don't blame Pol Pot who was toppled by secret Vietcong agents?
You need to explain! Don't act like you know everything.
12:20 PM,
Your statement which you said is based on the fact is not the fact, it is a fiction. When the ex-king sided with the communism to fight with capitalism that make him a communist. You cannot deny the fact that he was a khmer rouge leader who caused 2M Khmer to perish. You are not ashamed to claim that if Sihanouk did not side with Communism at that time, not just 2M khmers were killed the whole 7M were killed. I don't know where you get this idea from but to me that's just your imagination as you tried to defend the ex-king at all cost. To me, the ex-king committed crimes and defending the king make you an accessory after the fact to the crime.
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