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Students hospitalized (Photo: RFI) |
Wednesday, 26 October 2011
Yi Somphose
The Phnom Penh Post
A day after 136 students collapsed at a Kompong Cham high school while standing at attention as punishment for not showing deference to the national flag, the local police chief offered a unique explanation for the mass fainting – trees.
“According to the hospital’s analysis, the reason why the students fainted is [because of] the huge tree in the school compound and the farmland surrounding the school, which absorbed the oxygen,” said Heng Meng, police chief of Chamkar Leu district, adding that the punishment could not be blamed as one of the teachers “also [had difficulty breathing] and felt dizzy”.
Heng Phal Rith, school director of Bosknor high school in Chamkar Leu district, also cited the hospital’s report in blaming the incident on a lack of oxygen, adding that he “did not punish the students. It is just a rumour”.
A doctor from the local hospital, Iv Then, said that based on his examination, the lack of oxygen was due to an abundance of trees, which trapped the oxygen, adding that the first four or five students fainted because they were standing under the school’s large medicinal oil tree.
World Health Organization representative Dr Pieter van Maaren said that while he was not a biologist by trade, the explanation admittedly sounded a bit odd.
“Dating back to my own biology classes, green plants and trees actually produce oxygen rather than capture it, so I’m a bit puzzled by [the explanation],” he said, adding that if they had said that the trees were producing a certain smell that affected the students’ composure, it might be more plausible.
Chamkar Leu District governor Ith Dara said he does not have any plans to charge the school director, because the incident was caused by nature.
Wow! Camboboda scientish! PhD from where?
Let cut the trees to save Oxigen!!!
Barvo new research and Dacho do the right thing to cut down trees befor the forest kill all Cambodian!!!
What's a Morone!
Ah fucking Hun Sen. Ah fucking Khmer brain, suggest that trees are the problems for the students fainting? Ah fucking stupid Hun Sen government! Lets send all the Khmer scientist to work in motodop!
Trees creat friendly environment and produce more oxygen during day time and absorb CO, CO2 at day time. So this is another shift blame on trees and nature. If the the trees and nature around the school do that than it must be happen everyday not just that day that the teachers punish the student.
I believe during the so called attention or punishment time the uneducated teachers force all the students to stand under the hot temperature day long hours that lead to dehydration. These the one reason that make the students fainting as you can see all the students in hopistal are injected with salin water electrolysis.
THese PhD scientists Cambodians are so smart that is the reason why 75% of great forest trees are cut down to 5-10% trees cover Cambodia today, CReated more natural diaster such as lightenning strike...etc
PhD without go to school and do hard work, the teachers that don't know what they are teaching. these are result in Modern Cambodia today.
The teachers and whoever that punish these students must learn how to take responsible to their action. You can punish students why don't students and communities punish you for your stupidity back ??? THese are the opportunity that all these teachers show their role model in their own action. Stop shift blame to trees take all oxygen from atmosphere like this.
Heng Phal Rith, you must take responsible for your own action toward punisment these students injusticely. If you blame these incident on trees than you are mentally unfit for your job because you can put these students lifes in danger such as these incident.
Heng Phal Rith, you have to face the true for what you are doing, stop shift blame to innocent Cambodia trees. Be professional man!
Next time, everything happen in Cambodia will be blame on any trees that grow on Cambodia soil.
fake PhDs attempt to brainwash uneducated Cambodians about why them clearing the forests is a good thing and not a bad thing.
Trees use sunlight and absorb Carbon dioxide to produce it's own food - sugar, and in the process creates oxygen for us to breath.
All these incidents only occuring in Kingdom of Wonder-> Trees eat all oxygen from open atmosphere that is the new breakthrough research of Cambodian PhD scientists.
In King of Wonder, trees eat all oxygen during day times. Can you beleive that ?
Ah FUCKING HUN SEN! You must order your men to shoot down those trees with your AK47! The trees are destroying our students education! Show those trees whose the boss of the Banana Kingdom!
These people are simply too stupid. They are a disgrace to the human race.
The District Governor, must charge the responsible tree as an example to other trees for abusing the use of absorbing excessive amount of carbon dioxide.
A doctor from the local hospital, Iv Then, said that based on his examination, the lack of oxygen was due to an abundance of trees, which trapped the oxygen.
This bozo doctor needs to talk to the animals living in the thick jungles, why do they not collapse because they need oxygen too?
This doctor’s license should be revoked.
No wonder the Cambodians don’t trust the Khmer doctors.
Under Hun Sen regime, Cambodia is progressively developing according to PhD, medical doctors are scientific blame on trees for trapped oxygen resulting students fainting. These irresponsible actions are reflex Cambodia society today as well as PM Hun Sen CPP groups.
Local Polices must bring the trees to Court of justice at Phom Phen for their crime in faint hundreds of students.
"The responsible Tree must be trialed according to the Rule of Law, under the ECCC" Said Hor Nam Hong, of the alleged crimes.
ពួកអាឆ្កួតអស់នេះ យកលេស មិនចេះខ្មាស់គេ
គំនិត អា ហ៊ុន សែន គឺអញ្ចឹង
if you were so smart why you are not a ddctor?
for this many people to all faint at one time is strange, indeed! i don't think the trees caused that, trees makes oxygen and use carbon dioxide, not the other way around, really! from what i read, it sounded more like some kind of gas poisoning or even food poisoning. in khmer we say "stes chyal" or lack of air for breathing of course! i wouldn't rule out gas poisoning or some form of food poisoning, etc in that particular area. i'm not there, so i don't really know the truth, only my personal speculation of this strange phenomenon, really!
Ms Nguyen is right! This gas poisoning is from farts! Hun Sen farted all over the field during the soccer match against the Siem, now Hun Sen farts has caused global warming!
sometimes, too, weak or frail health can cause people to faint. malnurished and poor health can make you faint as well, not to mention dehydration and not drinking enough water all make you weak and faint.
Never heard of tree suck up oxygen, World community shall be study this matter.
Global Witness and NGO must alert the international countries of this responsible Tree. Perhaps it was this tree, that caused thousands of factory workers across the Banana Kingdom to faint. This tree must be caught, trialed and judged according to the Rules of Law in ECCC!
oh, don't start blaming the tree, people will cut down that tree if you don't stop intimidating them, you know! people don't like a tree that cause suffocation, ok!
Let transmit this new weird scientific discovery a tree absorbing O2 to CNN world news.
That police will be a Nobel prize winner in Chemistry from Hanoi/Hun Sen Universtiy.
sometimes, depends on their health, people's reaction can cause them to faint, especially if they have certain medical condition, etc, you know! if anybody investigates, make sure to not rule out anything!
This is the most bizarre set of statements I've heard in a long time. These people the governor teacher and doctor would be laughed at amongst their peers ANYWHERE else in the world, and in any normal country they would be arrested and charged for child abuse, and lose their jobs.
Total lack of accountability here for what is basically child abuse
During the day time plants using light to convert carbon dioxide, water, and minerals into sugar. This process is called photosynthesis. However, plants also need food. Usually in the evening or when there's no sun light, plants break down the basic sugar that it produced in the day time into food. This process of breaking down the basic plant sugar into food will produce carbon dixide. At this time plants taken in oxygen either from the air or from the roots of the plants in order for them to convert basic sugar into food. The bi-product of this process will result of releasing CO2 into the air and at the same time reducing the amount of oxygen in the air. Therefore, to a certain extend, the doctor was right. These are based on my memory in my biology class. I hope this will help clear things up.
Khmer in Las Vegas
ដើមឈើជីតាវា បញ្ចេញសារធាតុពុលពេលធ្វើរស្មីសំយោកពេលថ្ងែ ? សញ្ញាាប័ត្រពេទ្យនឹងទិញអស់ ១០ដុល្លាមែន?
5:42 AM
Hun Sen is said to have had anal sex with Chea Sim. To a certain extend this rumour is true. Bun Rany is fat like a pig, Hun Sen is often seen to get excited when seeing men, especially foreign men. To clear off the rumor that he is gay, many years ago he disowned his stepdaughter for coming out of the closet. These are based on the rumor that i heard. I hope that you can investigate this further.
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