Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Another clarification from Dr. Gaffar Peang-Meth

Anonymous said...

Why do you have to repeatedly refer to your PhD degree, Dr Peang-Meth? Would it be a sign of insecurity?

Kuoy Pichet

5:45 AM

Dear Lok Kuoy Pichet:

I chose to put Ph.D. after my signature in this case, to affirm that even with a degree I don't pretend to know everything. You may see this as a sign of "insecurity," but for me it's a demonstration of humility. As I said, I humbly stand corrected. And to you, let me just end my short note here with Very Humbly Yours.


Anonymous said...

Dear Dr.Gaffar Peang-Meth;
you have been so nice to this sick mind, just his name alone you can tell he is really needs help.
You don't have to wasted your time for a whore A.D.D.

Anonymous said...

if you have a degree, you can put it as your signature. if you don't have one, make up one - like Kuoy Pichet after her name.

I don't have any degree, so I put, Kit Tae Pi Choy, after my writing.

Kit Tae Pi Choy

Anonymous said...

Because Xen and Mi kachrook don't put pHD to their titles when they sign Bribery bills don't mean others real Ph.D cannot add that to their title.

Anonymous said...

For some Khmer at this moment,
Whoever doing what is wrong to them.
Yes, because they are sick, and really really sick and beause the sick one never admits that he is sick.

Anonymous said...

Kuoy Pichet is such a great name unworthy of asking Dr. Peang-Meth

Anonymous said...

Should be proud of what your have archive!

Anonymous said...

This Kuoy Pichet is an Official in Cambodia. He's doing what his name is saying.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Dr Peang-Meth. You are very kind. Does this mean Hun Xen and his clan who carry so many PhDs with their names demonstrate their "humility"? Or are they different?

Also it is regrettable to note that some people shows they are not capable of carrying intelligent discussion by resorting to name calling.

Kuoy Pichet

Anonymous said...

Kuoy Pichet your mother must have abandoned you since birth.

Anonymous said...

I agree that when someone name calling me Kuoy Pichet. I like my name and that is who I am, Kit Tae Pi Choy!!!!!!!!! I will do it even if with Mee Kanchrook!

Anonymous said...

Should you please instead address the same question to the mushroom PhDs Honoris Causa in the country of Excellencies? There, higher education and noble titles can be obtained without sweat equity. Dr Gaffar Peang-Meth sweated a lot to deserve his doctorate. It would be a pity not to refer to his deserving title.

Koeup Pitheut

Anonymous said...

kuoy Pichet,

Atleast his PhD is earned,
unlike my leaders in cambodia that are fake as fake can be.

Anonymous said...

This Phd can only bark behind a computer screen. What have he done for Cambodia's development?

Anonymous said...

11:32AM! we all have our job to do! differently!!!! are you go behind ah Kwack nand lick his ass where ever he goes??????

Without janator you will see the place look dirty just like Phnom Penh befor UNTAC!!! When ah Kwack and CPP were shitwarms!!!

Anonymous said...

Dr. Peang-Meth is entitled and in all honesty encouraged to put the "Ph.D." behind his name.

He earned this acadamic degree through his education at the tertiary level.

True Honorary degrees are those given to those who deserve them for their great contributions to society and humanity. They do not reflect acadamic achievement of the holders at all, but rather their kind work done to help others or improve the lives of the ordinary people.

In Cambodia, most of the honorary degrees do not reflect real achievement or great work for society on the part of the holders who tend to be people in power; but rather, they are used more or less as bribes by unscrupulous and questionable universities with no known acadamic reputation to achieve their hidden agenda in a country which is rife with corruption.

It is certainly foolish,or to put it bluntly, stupid to compare an honorary degree to a prestigious acadamic degree obtained by Dr. Peng-Meth. It is beyond any logical reason to accuse him of insecurity when he puts his "Ph.D." after his name because every medical doctor in the whole world puts "MD" after his or her name and if that indicated insecurity, then the anonymous should or would have to be seriously worried when he gets sick since all of the doctors in the whole world may not know what they are doing, especially when this anonymous needs a serious surgery to repair his internal bleeding.

Let us not forget that Dr. Peang-Meth completed his education sucessfully and fulfilled all the academic requirements set forth by the university he attended and was thus awarded "Doctor of Philosophy" in the field of study he specializes in.

I enjoy reading all of the articles written by him on various subjects and he certainly writes and argues his points very well.

"Ph.D." after his name must be put and required as he earns it to indicate the significance and importance of his writing, i.e. from a scholar and not just from somebody on the street and the readers can choose to agree or disagree with what he writes.

I have learned so much from Dr. Peng-Meth's writings and want to take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitute to him for his work and as always I am ready for more new articles from him to read!

Dr. Peang-Meth, my sincere "THANK YOU VERY MUCH!".

Pissed off

Anonymous said...


"..He earned this academic degree through ..."

Pissed off

Anonymous said...

Fuck the Khmer people. They're good at bashing its own kind. It's not surprise to see this pathetic and ignorance bunch to dispensary in the near future!!!! KI you are a classless news media that post such a loser comment.

Anonymous said...

Get a life, Bro. Learn how to argue and not to insult all the time as your boss. Anger makes all your facial muscles contracted.

Anonymous said...

Now do you all see this Koy Pichet, a trash person behave? I have observed this Pseudonym Kouy Pichet(KP) since day one. To me this person(KP) is YUON. Dr. Gaffar is a Columnist of Newspaper, and so what he lists his title which he supposed to do so?

Anonymous said...

Dr. Peang Meth,
Please stop wasting time respond to an anonymous irrational question.
I don't believe this Koy Pichet is Khmer.
He has always brought up some stupid ideas that irritated people.

I wrote before to this person as follows:
" If a person selects Koy Pichet as his name, this person is either Lob or mentally retarded. Don't waste time respond to this scumbag". He disappeared afterwards for a while.

Now, he comes back with his usual dumb question.

Anonymous said...

Dr. Gaffar Peang-Meth is a Khmer-American Scholar and he has contributed so many article to our world society.
His title always goes along with each of his article as requires to make sure the readers know that it is a real PhD holder who writes the article not the fake PhD like Hun Sen etc...

Khmer Scolars are:
Dr. Gaffar Peang-Meth
Dr. Khin Sok (deceased).
Dr. Mak Pheuon
Dr. Abdul Carime Naser
Dr. Michel Chai
... and a few more famous Khmer Scholars I didn't list in here.

PS; Dr. Naranh Kiri Tith is not a Scholar, though he received a PhD degree of Economic.

This person Kouy Pichet is annoyed by any one who listed his or her title, that is understandable, but Dr. Gaffar is a scholar and a regular writer for Newspaper, his title must be listed.

Anonymous said...

oh, that's a good answer, dr. meth-peng. it shows you are humbly an educated person. god bless.

Anonymous said...

i think there's a difference between a scholar and one just finished a phd after his/her name. a scholar does more and goes beyond, just look at the research, the work they done, the teaching, the publications they did, etc; there is a real distinction, you know! can't assume all are the same even though they each rightfully earned their degree, etc, you know! education and training doesn't stop after one graduated, it continues indefinitely for life, really! it is the personal achievement(s) or accomplishment(s) that matters in the academic world, i think.

Anonymous said...

Is Dr. Peang have any degree in Khmer?

Anonymous said...

3:18 AM
Do you mean "Did Dr. Peang have any degree in Khmer?"

I heard all his siblings finished at least Bac II.

Anonymous said...

I beleived he had degree of sex affairs with my friend wife. He teach her how to write a Khmer Latin. He had a ph d of champa to destroy Khmer culture. We have a khmer caracter, why don't we write it. In the history youn lost their caracter. You know why? because the Portuigueses missionary came into the country....hey I don't know much about a history man.

Anonymous said...

You can call me Mr history man if you want too. By the way, I would like to corret my typing mistake.
"caracter to Character letter"