Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Brain Food for UN and Diplomats

[international] silence constitutes the biggest threat to justice

Instead of helping the Cambodian legal system to rise to international standards, to implement the rule of law, this Court is slowly sinking into the all too familiar Cambodian morass, where the rule of law only applies when it suits the Government.

The least the international Judges should do, or should have done, is speak out. Speak out on behalf of justice. Not only in backrooms, but also in public.

this failure of the international community, which the 'internationals' in this Court epitomise, which forced Theary Seng to withdraw her victim's claim last week. When Civil Parties and Defence find common ground, there is serious reason for

concern. The failure of the international judges in this Court to do what they are supposed to do

- Michiel Pestman


Anonymous said...

Judging Khmer rouge without judging yuon hanoi is just a CRIME because youn hanoi are mastermind of Khmer rouge and the killing field. Yuon hanoi are the real murderers. Letting yuon hanoi get out of the crimes committed against Khmer is another crime against humanity and the DENY of justice for the victims of yuons’s atrocity and crimes. Internal community must STOP TO BE ACCOMPLICE of hanoi crimes by deny yuon Hanoi crimes and atrocities against Khmer and other weak and innocent people in SEA.

Anonymous said...

Ignoring yuon crime against humanity, against Khmer people, is another crime against humanity. UN must STOP to ignore yuon crime or collaborate with these criminals for interest and to commit more crime against weak or innocent people who cant defend themselves.

Anonymous said...

khmer people demand justice forever!

Anonymous said...

the world stood still and watched in horror what went on in cambodia under the KR rule; now, it's time change all of that by calling for justice for cambodia.