Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Brain Food for us all

We are a soul-less nation. We have lost our moral bearings. We have reduced our choices to scraps and tattered spoils.

Among the countless legacies left by the Khmer Rouge - the 2 million deaths - there is one that is particularly damaging and darkening to the soul, the prevailing mentality (and I believe, an existing reality) that everything Khmer and in Cambodia is relegated to a choice of "the lesser among evils"...

For a long time to come, Pol Pot's Khmer Rouge is and will be the yardstick that Khmers and foreigners alike use for anything happening in Cambodia; everything Khmer will be judged in light of the blackness of the Khmer Rouge years, leading to a pervasive mentality of using the darkest anything as the point of reference.

Is it any wonder then, that we Khmers, are so easily pleased, to paraphrase C.S. Lewis, to making mud pies in the slum because we cannot imagine one day by the sea?...

As C.S. Lewis reminds us, "In a sort of ghastly simplicity we remove the organ and demand the function. We make men without chests and expect of them virtue and enterprise. We laugh at honor and are shocked to find traitors in our midst. We castrate and bid the geldings be fruitful."

- Theary C. Seng

A SOULLESS NATION: In Need of Principles of First Things


Anonymous said...

The author of The Killing Fields is Sihanouk. He create Khmer Rouge and Viet Allows country to stay in Khmer. Why do Khmer asked him?

Anonymous said...

What is our responsible, as Cambodians????

onlingame said...

A roving heart gathers no affection

Anonymous said...

A soulless nation because YOUN has killed many Khmer intellectual Khmer people since ah Sihanouk governed the country. Ah sihanouk killed many Khmer nationalist. Preab in, sao gnoy, about 30 teachers was thrown under the Bokor to feed the tiger (Source: Lork Ta Keng Van Sak)etc... During the Khmer Rouge, they solicited Khmer intellectual from abroad to kill; there were many thousands. The proof was Ah Hor Nam Hong was the director of Boeung Trabek prison. Later, they killed many thousandsssss Khmer intellectual in the country, such as people who wear glasses, doctors, teachers....
Ah Youn Killed Khmer during Ah Sihanouk through Mi Monique. Ah Youn killed Khmer during Pol Pot through Ah Ieng Sary and his wife Ieng Thearith. In fact Pol Pot is simply an ignorant politician. He loved Khmer people, but got fool by Youn through Ah Ieng Sary. Today, ah Youn Torture Khmer through Ah Hun Sen, Heng Samrin and Ah Chea Sim. Youn try the best they can to eliminate Khmer intellectual in order to have facility to govern and control the country. Today in Cambodia, Ah Youn plan is to keep the education of the public school in the low grade of education in order to keep Khmer people ignorant, and most of them they even can't go to school because of the possibility to survive for the daily life. Whereas the private school are for the rich people; who are they? They are the Youn kids who grown in Cambodia and Khmer belong to Ah CPP gang. Therefore, Khmer outside of Cambodia must wake up and take action to save the country. Go to manifest when ever Khmer need you for the Khmer cause.
That's why Khmer become a soulless nation because Ah Youn has intension eliminate Khmer race.
The soul of the nation depend on the level of education of the country, the soul of the person is to rely on its intelligence and wisdom.

savecambodian said...

Khmer people in Cambodia and oversea.

What are we suppose to do?

If Hun Sen announce that he is a Vietnamese citizen and he will rename every cities to Vietnamese names.

Hun Sen built Freedom Park and brutal forced evictions every Khmer people from their motherland, we have no power to contested and protested to reclaim our land. We done nothing to remove Hun Sen from Cambodia but Hun Sen have the power to remove Khmer people.

What Khmer people THINKING?

Anonymous said...

5:40 AM

That is very great new to Khmer people if Hun Sen do that because International communities and UN and America won't do nothing if it happen and Cambodian people wish that Hun Sen will declares that!

Anonymous said...

*If Khmer communist leaders teams and King SHN are not STUPID with Viet-cong Hanoi...No killing field in year 1975-79.Everything are set up by Hanoi cause to all khmer people lives are Death in Pol pot regime.AH POL POT,AH EANG SARY,AH NOURN CHEA,AH DOUCH,AH DOCTOR CHHKOURTH KHIEV SAMPHAN are CRAZY with communist.Right now Everything are PROFITS to Viet-nam Hanoi 100%.

Anonymous said...

Damn Khmer Dumb, r u still alive?