This Case, this Court, suffers from at least four major flaws – flaws most people involved know exist ‐ but prefer to ignore...
These flaws seriously undermine this case and the ECCC as a whole, an institution capable of administering justice, not in the usual Cambodian way, but in an 'international' manner, according to widely accepted fair trial standards...
1: MiniNuremberg
After this mini‐trial on the evacuation of Phnom Penh... For the Cambodian Government, the other charges—the internal purges, the killings in the Eastern Zone, the crimes committed in the broader conflict with Vietnam –are dangerous territory, as a serious investigation into these allegations would inevitably draw important government officials into the picture. Hun Sen, Chea Sim, Heng Samrin: they all carry their share of responsibility for the Khmer Rouge years...
This will not be a trial about the history of the Khmer Rouge, but a trial about the first few days after the liberation of Phnom Penh. At best, this will be the biggest mini‐trial since Nuremberg.
- Michiel Pestman, Nuon Chea's Defense
[ to be continued ]
Cambodia's Tourism Attraction
Ratanakiri province Siemreap City Mondulkiri province Oddarmeanchey province Battambang Province Sihanoukville City kampot Province Banteaymeanchey Province kompongcham Province Pursat Province kompongthom Province Pailin city Phnom Penh City Preahvihear Province Stungtreng Provincekampongchhnang province kampongsom Siemreap province kratie Province Takeo Province svayrieng province Preyveng Province koh kong province pailin province keb province
11:05Pm! why don't youjust said all provinces and cities!!!
Let Think!!!!
The important thing is The Court is independent not bend to the threat by the government!
The Unindependent kind of Justice is not only bad for KRouge Court but it is a bad exemple for Cambodia Justice as a whole into the future for 1000 of yaers!
It will also be a TKO blow to Cambodia Demoncracy that will be not able to stand up because people will beleive thae Strong Man will alway shit on Justice, United Nations accept and bend to that TOOOOOO!!!
Vietnam's bad intention toward Cambodia will be unmasked by the international communities.
We need to take this land thief, Vietnam, to the international court; otherwise Vietnam will keep creating turmoil in Cambodia.
After 1989, did Vietnam truly withdraw all of its troops back to Vietnam?
Did Vietnam comply with the 1991 Paris peace accord?
Millions of illegal and legal Vietnamese have been residing inside Cambodia, causing extreme concerns amongst Khmer people about the prospect that Cambodia would be the second Kampuchea Krom.
The killings during the Pol Pot's era were committed by the Khmer rouge, the Khmer Vietminh, etc.
Notice that Khmer Vietminh were created by Vietnam to make Khmers fight with Khmers, to make Khmers kill each others.
How about the K5, which killed hundreds of thousands of Khmer people in the 80's? This K5 scheme was totally orchestrated by Vietnam.
We need to take Vietnam to the international court about this K5 issue regarding Vietnam’s catastrophic action in Cambodia.
Vietnam's bad intention toward Cambodia will be unmasked by the international communities.
We need to take this land thief, Vietnam, to the international court of justice; otherwise Vietnam will keep creating turmoil in Cambodia.
After 1989, did Vietnam truly withdraw all of its troops back to Vietnam?
Did Vietnam comply with the 1991 Paris peace accord?
Millions of illegal and legal Vietnamese have been residing inside Cambodia after Vietnam’s invasion in January 1979, causing extreme concerns amongst Khmer people about the prospect that Cambodia would be the second Kampuchea Krom.
The killings during the Pol Pot's era were committed by the Khmer rouge, the Khmer Vietminh, etc.
Notice that Khmer Vietminh were created by Vietnam to make Khmers fight with Khmers, to make Khmers kill each others.
How about the K5, which killed hundreds of thousands of Khmer people in the 80's? This K5 scheme was totally orchestrated by Vietnam.
We need to take Vietnam to the international court about this K5 issue regarding Vietnam’s catastrophic action in Cambodia.
Let Think!!!!
The important thing is The Court is independent not bend to the threat by the government!
The Unindependent kind of Justice is not only bad for KRouge Court but it is a bad exemple for Cambodia Justice as a whole into the future for 1000 of yaers!
It will also be a TKO blow to Cambodia Demoncracy that will be not able to stand up because people will beleive thae Strong Man will alway shit on Justice, United Nations accept and bend to that TOOOOOO!!!
11:56 PM
I let Khmer screw me; all Khmer officials, from top to bottom, screw Viet for free whether they be in Phnom Penh or on their TDY/Training/Visit in Vietnam (Hanoi, Ho Chiminh City etc...) They love Viet's food, they love Viet's ass...Viet is everywhere in Viet-Cambiodia from farmer to technician, from nurse to doctor, from firefighter to engineer, from rubber plantation owner/worker to Hun Sen's political advisor and bodyguards including Angkor Wat's owner...You all name name it and Viet is there...Khmer doesn't do squat nowadays...
whether or not they surrender themselves to Viet, Khmer is now Viet (period.)
Hun Sen is a dumb Khmer/Viet!
Ms. Soap
P.s. challenge me if all of you dumb Khmer can. We have millions of us (legally the majority) that will vote for Viet-Khmer candidate forever... Eat your heart out Sam Raingsy and Theary Seng. Better yet, come kiss our Viet's ass now!!!
Ki-Media - it's time to shut down NOW!
Ah Kwack and his supporters should respond to this Ms Soap Shit.
But Ms. Soap is a transgender, transformed from male Hyena to female dog now.
Ah Kwack and his supporters should respond to this Ms Soap Shit.
But Ms. Soap is a transgender, transformed from male Hyena to female dog now.
It it impossible for the dog such as Ms. Soap to understand people language.
Let Think!!!!
The important thing is The Court is independent not bend to the threat by the government!
The Unindependent kind of Justice is not only bad for KRouge Court but it is a bad exemple for Cambodia Justice as a whole into the future for 1000 of yaers!
It will also be a TKO blow to Cambodia Demoncracy that will be not able to stand up because people will beleive thae Strong Man will alway shit on Justice, United Nations accept and bend to that TOOOOOO!!!
How yuon involved in genocide between 1975-1979 when there was no single yuon Viet Minh in Cambodia between 1975-1979?
Quote from Nuon Chea:
The Vietnamese factor was a major contributor between 1975-1979 ( Nuon Chea )?
Part of these answers to above mystery are :
Most of Me Kroms , Me Kongs, villages chiefs, communes chiefs, districts chief up to Zones secretaries and Angkar Leu ( official name was members of Central Committee of Communist Party of Kampuchea between 1975-1979 were former Khmer Viet Minh fighters who did not when to Hanoi as Son Ngoc Minh and about other 1000 did, about 4000 stayed in Cambodia in 1954 and later on joined Communist Party of Kampuchea or Khmer Rouge between 1975-1979.
Heng Samrin, Chea Sim were former Khmer Viet Minh and include Hun Sen were under milirary commander of senior former Khmer Viet Minh So Phim in Eastern Zone from 1975-1978.
Rous Yim was another former Khmer Viet Minh military commander and was Secretary of Norhtern Zone in 1975-1978.
Angkar or founders and member of Central committee of Communist Party of Kampuchea are:
1. Pol Pot. Secretary General of the Communist Party of Kampuchea.
2. Nuon Chea fouder and deputy of the Communist Party of Kampuchea.
3. Ieng Sary member of Central committee of Communist Party of Kampuchea are.
4. Keo Meas member of Central committee of Communist Party of Kampuchea .
5. So Phim member of Central committee of Communist Party of Kampuchea.
6. Son Sen member of Central committee of Communist Party of Kampuchea.
7. Ta Mok member of Central committee of Communist Party of Kampuchea.
The founder of Khmer Rouge or the Communist Party of Kampuchea in 1960 were.
1. Tou Samouth.
2. Nuon chea.
3. Pol Pot.
The old name of this CPK was Kampuchea Worker Party and was renamed to CPK or the Communist Party of Kampuchea in 1966 after Tou Samouth was arrested and killed in 1962.
Chhang Yok is an US tool to hide genocide and war crime and killing field which committed by US during in late 1960s-1970s US B 52 bombing and US involvement in Vietnam war that later on that war spreaded into Cambodia.
Hun Sen is an poltical tool to hide genocide and war crime and killing field which committed by
late Ho Chi Minh who was the mastermind of the Indochinese Communist Party created who created CPP in 1951 under the name of Kampuchea Peopl's Revolutionry Party or KPRP led by Son Ngoc Min who when to Hanoi with other fomer Khkmer Vient Mind about 1000 ater Geneva conference in 1954.
So this ECCC in Cambodia is Hanoi-US ECCC.
coup’s data between 1975-1979.
There was a abortive coup's data led by So Phim, Heng Sarim Chea Sim , Hun Sen to topple Pol Pot .
Heng Samrin , Chea Sim and Hun Sen always says that 7 January 1979 yuon invations to liberate Khmer from Pol Pot back in 1979-1980 majority of Khmer believe that , but now in majoirty of Khmer believe that the real reason of the coup's data in 1975s and 7 January in 1979 to open the Cambodian door which closed by Pol Pot to influx million of yuon illegal immigrants into Cambodia as part Indochina Federation.
So what Nuon Chea says is correct:
The Vietnam factor was a major contribution that created havoc in Democratic Kampuchea between 1975-1979.
Beside abortive coup's data led by So Phim , Heng Samin , Chea Sim and Hun Sen there was an attemp to kill Pol Pot twice .
Bettween 1975-1978 So Phim was an military commander of Heng Samrin and Chea Sim in Eastern Zone and Heng Samrin and Chea Sim was a former military commanders of Hun Sun in Estern Zone as well.
Judging Khmer rouge without judging yuon hanoi is just a CRIME because youn hanoi are mastermind of Khmer rouge and the killing field. Yuon hanoi are the real murderers. Letting yuon hanoi get out of the crimes committed against Khmer is another crime against humanity and the DENY of justice for the victims of yuons’s atrocity and crimes. Internal community must STOP TO BE ACCOMPLICE of hanoi crimes by deny yuon Hanoi crimes and atrocities against Khmer and other weak and innocent people in SEA.
Sihanouk who worked along with hanoi and allowed vietcong to maneuver the killing field against Khmer must be the first to stand trial and judge for the killing of millions of innocent during the killing field. Sihanouk and yuon Hanoi are the MURDERERS of Khmer people.
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