Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Invitation to visit "Thy Kingdom Come Khmer Ministry" website


ពីក្រុមបំរើការងារព្រះ​ “រាជ្យទ្រង់មកដល់”

We have the privilege and pleasure to introduce to you the following website:

to give you an opportunity to lean about a vital​ truth that will determine your
life in the present age and your fate in the following age to come.
With high regards and love,
Thy Kingdom Come Khmer Ministry

Nous avons le privilege and le plaisir de vous introduire le website ci-dessous:

pour vous donner une occasion d’apprendre une verite tres importante qui
determinera votre vie dans l’age present ainsi que votre avenir dans l’age prochain.
Avec notre haute consideration et amitie,
Le Saint Ministere “Que Ton Regne Vienne


Anonymous said...

Another disaster. Hope it not lead by another tepvong or cpp religious police

Anonymous said...

Yep, you're right, it will lead to another disaster. Wait a minute... It already started with the flood, next? sickness, next, food shortage, next, I will be the next PM.

Anonymous said...

Khmer people,
you hate each other because you do not have God in your heart. So why we had killed each other 2 millions.
The words of God will give you light and live. Don't reject it.
From a Brother in Spirit