Wednesday, November 16, 2011

KRT critic offers ‘Poetic Justice’

Dartboards depicting former Khmer Rouge foreign minister Ieng Sary, former social affairs minister Ieng Thirith and former US secretary of state Henry Kissinger on a wall in Phnom Penh. Pha Lina
Theary Seng speaks yesterday during a press conference at her residence in Phnom Penh. In the background, a dart board depicting former Khmer Rouge head of state Khieu Samphan sits on an easel. Pha Lina
Wednesday, 16 November 2011
Bridget Di Certo
The Phnom Penh Post

A sharp dart through the eye of Khieu Samphan was the best justice Khmer Rouge regime victims could hope for, outspoken victims’ advocate Theary Seng said yesterday.

After handing her civil-party status withdrawal to the Khmer Rouge tribunal, Theary Seng launched her “Poetic Justice” campaign, which includes the “War Criminals” dartboard and darts pack.

Currently, “War Criminals” dartboards include targets depicting the faces of Pol Pot and former US diplomat Hen­ry Kiss­inger, as well as the four accused in Case 002.

Theary Seng, who was orphaned by the KR regime, said she also planned to release dartboards of former American president Richard Nixon, Khmer Rouge cadres Ta Tith, Ta An and Im Cheam, and military commanders Meas Muth and – once a public photograph is located of him – Sou Meth.

“Poetic Justice is to negate the nefarious leg­acy of the Khmer Rouge tribunal,” Theary Seng said. “The UN has failed us miserably; the tribunal has failed victims miserably.”

Theary Seng said the dartboards were a way to educate people through humour.

“There are twin goals: firstly, therapy in the form of a way to release aggression and save the faces of the wives and children in Cambodia.

“Secondly, this is a humorous way to educate people,” she said, adding that the dart­­boards came with a booklet explaining Case 002. War criminals collectors’ cards, trivial pursuit, door mats, bath mats and cushion covers would be the next Poetic Justice prod­ucts, she said.

“I feel such a relief that I don’t have to play a role in that theatre any more,” she said, referring to her decision to end all participation in the tribunal.

“I decided to withdraw completely because I do not have faith in the court as a whole, and I do not have faith in the lead [civil party] co-lawyers.

“One is an incompetent neophyte with no international background who would not allow me – as a victim – to speak with her, and the other is the same.”

The KR tribunal is a unique international court in terms of victim participation through the “civil party” system.

Because of the enormous number of civil parties in Case 002, the tribunal divided victims into smaller groups, such as genocide victims and forced-marriage victims.

Each group is facilitated by lawyers acting as intermediaries between victims and the two lead civil party co-lawyers who represent victims in court.

Cambodian civil party co-lawyer Pich Ang dismissed Theary Seng’s allegations.

“She does not know us well or understand our legal work,” Pich Ang told the Post, adding that he and his international counterpart, Elisabeth Simonneau Fort, had personally met “zero” of the victims in Case 002.

Simonneau Fort agreed. “We can only meet civil parties with their lawyer, who is their intermediary; we cannot be in contact with civil parties directly.”

Clair Duffy, of the court monitor Open Society Justice Initiative, said the lead civil-party co-lawyers had to balance the competing demands of a large number of civil parties.


Anonymous said...

it is no complain that mean those guy who was criminal are living with freedom.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I guess Theary Seng needs a dozend of personal judges and prosecutors, only for her, exclusive for her case.

She takes herself too important..

Anonymous said...

Ms Seng accuses the ECCC (perhaps with just cause) of being a theatrical farce...and yet seems to fail to notice the farcical nature of her own theatrics! Dartboards as a means to reconciliation and finding inner peace...come on Theary...even you are able to tell the difference between constructive solutions and pure emotion (I hope). If you want to sever ties with the ECCC, that's your prerogative. But if you issue an emotional press statement, then call a Press Conference, send official letters and publicize their content and start a souvenir manufacturing company on the issue then you sort of lose the prerogative to call others 'theatrical' (what was it they say about living in glass houses and throwing stones?). Make peace with yourself Ms Seng...the outside world will not help, no matter how much of its attention you attract to your swollen ego.

Anonymous said...

Without that STORY Theary Seng has nothing to brag about her no good skill to any country, except bla bla in Cambodia, the Kingdom of corruption. She was one time corrupt-person just like the CPP members when she was with the kangaroo court.

Anonymous said...

Theary Seng is paid by Yuon to entertain this fake trial to just cause a division among Khmers knowing that the trial is fully under control by Yuon/CPP engineered by the US/Yuon vs. China. And why blame UN? The UN works for the US, we all knew about it.

All is about money and if she was not kicked out by the crooks CPP, she would just enjoy her luxury life style from the donors with no freaking noisy everyday like she is now.

Is she worrying about our million people are starving while flooding? Nop,

Because it is not important to her dividing Khmers for Yuon.
Once in a while Yuon enter into our country as tourists on the Bus, but our people said never seen Yuon return.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Theary Seng is siding with the communist(& leftists) version of cambodia history... and with sihanouk's..
attacking nixon & kissinger?..uhmmm.. I think she is praying to good and devil... please dont be a useful idiot and pick up your right enemies.

Anonymous said...

"poetic justice" is the right words for it. thank you, ms theary seng. god bless.

Anonymous said...

everyone of us who had loved ones and family membered perished under the stupid KR regime take it personally. i also think it was the whole cambodia i.e., everyone in cambodia and the country itself was the victim as well; we all were in it together, trapped no way out, like stuck on the same boat together. we all cried for justice for what happened in cambodia then! may god bless and help us all. amen.

Anonymous said...

ខ្មែរឱ្យតែមានអ្នកចេះដឹងមួយៗ គឺដឹងតែពីឡប់សតិ!

Anonymous said...

she is tenacious, that's a good trait of a lawyer or even a leader for that matter.

Anonymous said...

ចុះ បើអាឯង គ្រាន់បើ អាឯង ធ្វើអី បានខ្លះទៅ
អាងាប់ ១:១០AM???

កាឡុញ ឆឹក
Kalonh Chuck

Anonymous said...

1:36 AM
We have more than 7 million Lawyers in the US, and Ms Seng was never once practiced law in the US. She is only good at the jungle court where the vast majority of Cambodians are illiterate people.

Anonymous said...

Theary Seng is doing CPP/Yuon a big favor by going after Chinese faction only. She got paid by Hanoi/CPP.
Khmer Rouge are in power and why not darting them also?

Anonymous said...

some people make it sound like the cpp is some kind of disease or something and they themselves are the perfect one. not!!!!!!! talk about biased people! good luck in gaining support from khmer people in cambodia. i doubt with this tone of voice anyone is going to support the foul-mouth people. it won't be me, you know! respect and agree to disagree is all that matters here, really!

Anonymous said...

I agree with the last comment. Enough with the racism! Every other comment on this website seems to blame the Vietnamese people for anything and everything. Khmers make mistakes too, take some responsibility and do something positive. Stop equating the ruling classes with peoples' ethnicity. The truth is that the ruling classes use your ignorance and racism to hide corruption and greed, while the people (Khmer and Vietnamese) suffer and hate each other for nothing. Try talking to ordinary Vietnamese people and you'll see that you have a lot more in common than you think. That's how you achieve freedom and progress...not through blind hatred!

Outsider said...

6:07 PM
Oh so you said the Phan Boi Chau movement and Ho Chi Minh his god-son took over the expansionism to annihilate all Khmers, Chams and Laotians was just a dream not real?
Wow you have another fake boon to make, I have naught but the facts of the Vietnamese expansionism is no way can be stopped.
Yeahhh, Pham Xuan An, the perfect spy would love to hear and see your support of this annihilating movement.
Last time Vietnamese's genocidal policies were shown, this time their genocidal policies is in secret action. What the Vietnamese could do most and even a small fish like this useless lawyer is being used and she can only bark to divide her countrymen for them(Vietnamese), they get the final goal.
Who are you anyway?

Anonymous said...

Vietnam's silent Genocidal Policies against Khmers is in action and it is about to reach its final destination.
Comments of 2:38 PM 6:07 PM belong to them (The underground's Viet genocidal policies).
Ms Theary Seng is just a Vioetnamese dust, and is one of many tools that the Vietnamese use to divide Cambodians. This woman Seng goes after money and fame and she gets it, they gave all to her while they are in action.