Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Protection of historical buildings in Kampot


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

cambodia has a lot of beautiful buildings from the french colonial era all over major towns and cities all across cambodia. these buildings just need renovation and paint job. i think everyone should help to preserve these beautiful khmer architecture forever. yes, every towns and cities in cambodia has some colonial buildings that should be preserved, repainted and renovated and so on. khmer towns and cities that have them are battambang town, siem reap town, kampot town, svay rieng town, kratie town, chlong town in kratie province, kompong cham town, kompong chhnang town, pursat town, prey veng town, takeo town, takhmau town, kompong speu town, kompong thom town, stoung town in kompong thom province, stung treng town, and many more small towns all across cambodia. cambodia should preserve them all, really!