Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Resignation Letter from 3 SRP MPs

November 21, 2011


The three SRP National Assembly members who resigned today are Ms. Ke Sovannroth representing Siem Reap province, Ms. Thak Lany representing Kampong Cham province and Mr. Nuth Rumduol representing Kampong Speu province.

Here is the substance of the resignation letter each of them sent separately today to National Assembly president Heng Samrin:

Samdech President,

The purpose of this letter is to inform you of my resignation, effective today, from my current position as Deputy for the province of … (see name of constituency above).

The reason for my decision to resign is related to the fact that I can no longer stand the way the Government looks down on the National Assembly. While the Government policies have been causing destruction for our country and suffering for our people the National Assembly is only a rubber-stamp parliament that has never been able to help any victim of dictatorship and corruption.

My resignation is the final gesture on my part intended to awake our country leaders and push them to solve two most important problems that determine the life of our people and the future of our country:

1- The Government must stop confiscating land from the people and stop forcing people out of their homes. [Stealing our land is stealing our life].

2- The Government must overhaul the National Election Committee (NEC) so as to stop tempering with ballots and stop distorting the will of the people. [Stealing our vote is stealing our hope and our future].

My first demand is in line with a recent appeal by the United Nations to stop land grabbing and forced evictions. My second demand is in line with the recommendation by election observers from the European Union wishing to ensure cleaner and more acceptable elections for Cambodia in the future.

Even though I am leaving the National Assembly today I will remain active and socially engaged, using other means to defend our people’s interest and to help save our country.

(see name above)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice gesture but powerful resignation letter. We'll see how Hun Sen is going to reply.