BBC News (Oct 2009)
The trial of former Bosnian Serb leader Radovan
Karadzic at The Hague throws a renewed spotlight on the prosecution of war
But what exactly are war crimes? What body of laws do they
refer to and who has the right to try a suspect for such crimes?
Radovan Karadzic is set to follow Slobodan Milosevic to The
The concept of war crimes is a recent one. Before World War
II, it was generally accepted that the horrors of war were in the nature of
But during World War II the murder of several million people
- mainly Jews - by Nazi Germany, and the mistreatment of both civilians and
prisoners of war by the Japanese, prompted the Allied powers to prosecute the
people they believed to be the perpetrators of these crimes.
The Nuremberg trials in 1945 and 1946 led to 12 Nazi leaders
being executed.
A similar process started in Tokyo in 1948. Seven Japanese
commanders were hanged, though the Allies decided not to put Emperor Hirohito
in the dock.
These trials were essentially the precedents for the cases
that the modern-day tribunal in The Hague hears.
In addition, individual governments, feeling that justice
has not been done, have acted on their own initiative.
At the heart of the
concept of war crimes is the idea that an individual can be held responsible
for the actions of a country or that nation's soldiers
This happened most famously in 1960, when Adolf Eichmann, a
high-profile Nazi closely involved in the organisation of the concentration
camps and the policies of the Holocaust, was tracked down in Argentina by
Israeli agents.
He was kidnapped and taken to Israel where he was put on
trial and subsequently hanged.
A more recent example was the 1987 trial of Klaus Barbie - a
leading Nazi during the German occupation of France. Barbie was sentenced to
life imprisonment.
Body of laws
At the heart of the concept of war crimes is the idea that
an individual can be held responsible for the actions of a country or that
nation's soldiers.
Genocide, crimes against humanity, mistreatment of civilians
or combatants during war can all fall under the category of war crimes.
Genocide is the most severe of these crimes.
The body of laws that define a war crime are the Geneva
Conventions, a broader and older area of laws referred to as the Laws and
Customs of War, and, in the case of the former Yugoslavia, the statutes of the
International Criminal Tribunal in The Hague (ICTY).
Article 147 of the Fourth Geneva Convention defines war
crimes as: "Wilful killing, torture or inhuman treatment, including...
wilfully causing great suffering or serious injury to body or health, unlawful
deportation or transfer or unlawful confinement of a protected person,
compelling a protected person to serve in the forces of a hostile power, or
wilfully depriving a protected person of the rights of fair and regular trial,
...taking of hostages and extensive destruction and appropriation of property,
not justified by military necessity and carried out unlawfully and wantonly."
This, international lawyers say, is the basic definition of
war crimes.
The statutes of The Hague tribunal say the court has the
right to try suspects alleged to have violated the laws or customs of war in
the former Yugoslavia since 1992.
Examples of such violations are given in article 3:
- Wanton destruction of cities, towns or villages, or devastation not justified by military necessity
- Attack, or bombardment, by whatever means, of undefended towns, villages, dwellings, or buildings
- Seizure of, destruction or wilful damage done to institutions dedicated to religion, charity and education, the arts and sciences, historic monuments and works of art and science
- Plunder of public or private property.
![]() |
The continued plunder of the national natural assets could fall under 'war crimes' definition.(SoV) |
The tribunal defines crime against humanity as crimes
committed in armed conflict but directed against a civilian population. Again a
list of examples is given in article 5:
- Murder
- Extermination
- Enslavement
- Deportation
- Imprisonment
- Torture
- Rape
- Persecutions on political, racial and religious grounds.
Genocide is defined by the tribunal as "acts committed
with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or
religious group".
But the law on war crimes is continually evolving.
In February 2001, the tribunal in The Hague delivered a
ruling that made mass systematic rape and sexual enslavement in a time of war a
crime against humanity.
Mass rape, or rape used as a tool of war, was then elevated
from being a violation of the customs of war to one of the most heinous war
crimes of all - second only to genocide.
Spotting a war crime
It is not always easy to spot a war crime.
The displacement of civilians from their homes by an enemy
army is not necessarily a war crime.
It can be argued that the displacement is being carried out
for the protection of the civilians.
It only becomes a war crime if the expulsions can be proven
to be part of campaign of ethnic cleansing or designed as a mass punishment of
Equally, is it a war crime for the air force of one country
to bomb an enemy's television station because of the propaganda in the
Under the Geneva Conventions, this is not a war crime. Just
about all aspects of a state's infrastructure - roads, bridges, power stations,
factories - become legitimate targets if they might be put to military use.
Such attacks only become war crimes if the extent of
collateral damage to civilians and civilian interests resulting from the attack
would be excessive compared to the military advantage gained from the attack.
International court
International human rights groups have long called for a
uniform and global legal system for dealing with war crimes and crimes against
Apart from the International Criminal Tribunal for the
Former Yugoslavia, established in May 1993, an international tribunal was
established in Arusha, Tanzania, for cases resulting from the atrocities
carried out in Rwanda in 1994.
Another is trying former Liberian President Charles Taylor
over war crimes committed during the civil war in neighbouring Sierra Leone.
Although these represent significant further steps in
bringing those accused of war crimes to justice, they are, like Nuremberg and
Tokyo, committed to dealing with war crimes in specific conflicts.
In July 2008, Surinam became the 107th country to join the
International Criminal Court, set up in 2002 as a permanent tribunal to
prosecute individuals for crimes against humanity.
The United States has refused to sign the treaty, arguing
the court could be used to pursue politically motivated prosecutions. Other
major powers including Russia, China and India have also refused.
The question of whether international courts of this kind
are political - as defendants like Slobodan Milosevic argued - hangs over all
international legal institutions.
In a sense it is true that the tribunals are political since
the international political will to establish and fund them has to exist before
they can get to work.
Critics of international courts often argue that
international justice can only be truly legitimate when all war crimes,
committed by any country, come under the jurisdiction of a single international
Ah Kwack need to go to ask Kaddafy or Sadame for the question!!!
Khmer we need to unite to get this MF out from power.
3:38 AM.
I agree with you 3:38 AM.
Yuon has swallowed Cambodia by using Hun Sen as a political tools by influxing both yuon military and civil million into Cambbodia to achieve Indochina Federation .
K 5 from Le Doc Tho and immplemented by Hun Sen in Cambodia around 1980s was genocdie, crime against hunmanity and war crimes.
Hun Sen has commited so manny crimes agaainst Cambodian people and has sold the nation to yuon for personal power.
The more Vietnamese living in Cambodia the better. Vietnam should slowy but inevitably annex Cambodia and Laos to form Greater Vietnam.
who ever written the above article should know how the world work in the real world. That is nations work or act according to their national interests. They choose to deal with who ever in power no matter how bad or what ever they commit. As long as they're in power they are safe....forget about justice it's all fucked up....if we want real justice we have to drag the leaders of the powerful nations to court as well....
សមុទ្រ ត្រួវកញ្ឆាប៉ុន្មានបឺត អាភៀនប៉ុន្មានប៉ុយ
ស្រាប៉ុន្មានដប ហើយត្រូវហ៊ុន សែន,សីហនុ,
មិញ និងមានសីហនុ ម៉ូនិចជារនុកក្នុង។
រាស្ត្រខ្មែរត្រូវតែបំបាត់ពូជស្ដេច សម្លាប់ក្នុងស្រុក
ខ្មែរ ដេញឆ្កែយួនឲ្យអស់ មានអាហ៊ុន សែនជា
I love somdach so much! I am willing to post my comment here even though I know those opposition is going to curse me after this comments. Hmmmm! What happens if these opposition become the leaders. Cambodia is cursing nation and disaster.
Ah Hun Sen's wife Bun Rany is Youn. Her viet name is NGUYEN THY TEOUN, HER birth name is HEANG
10:29 AM
All Cambodians know very well that you and your traitors CPP group give Cambodia to Vietnam and you and your CPP willing to do anything to confuse khmer people about the truth such Cambodia borders with Vietnam as cases.
First of all i would like to appologize to Ki-media for using your site to curse Khmer sovannaphumi known as Pang Sokheun n his mistress Sokunther Som for falsely accused me...i gave them lots of warning to delete my stolen pic in their wall, n stop accusing me of created Pang Sokheoun id, but instead they ignored me times after times, n they're trying so hard to defame me....ladies n gentle men, Khmer Sovnaphumi known as( Pang Sokheoun) n his accomplish gf Sokunthear som will recieve all the curse from yeay mouth, n pres ong dong kal, included plan n car crashes where ever they're traveling, they will not be able to delivery baby, no matter what jobs they're having, they'll remain dirt poor, the lightning will strik both of them where ever they go, they both will die slowly of cow disease, if they traveled by water, they'll be eaten by sharks, if they traveled by foots they'll step on landmines, n the king cobra will bite them, n next life they'll become a two head dog..they'll die with heart attack in their sleep, when they're eating foods, they'll die of foods poisioning... all their families n relatives will receive the same curse as them.. they both have khmer blood in them, so they'll receive all of those curse for sure !!!! n if i created that Pang Sokheoun id, i'll receive the same soon as he step foot in cambodia airport my friends there will welcome him with dirty handcuff.....fuck u khmer sovvanaphumi pang sokheoun and sokunther som...
What is your real name? Why don't you tell people who you are and what have you done that make Pang Sokheoun to defame you?
As I know Pang Sokhoeun has involved and interests himself in any personal conflicts with most people in facebook and in his real life he only cheated his wife and took a girlfriend from Prum Seiha. That is all.
It seems that you have chosen to attack a right person, but in a wrong website. I have seen here and in facebook those people who use many IDs with no pictures and information about themselves try to attack and defame him and Mr. Meng Ly who has crucial mental problem in New Zealand.
I understand that those people are pro-CPP but they have right to do whathever they like as the new genernations of this country and try to change the mindsets through dialogue with honesty and respect unless they want to be like extreme SRP today.
I just cannot stand to answer for him because I always visit his wall daily and I also encourage him to answer if he thinks it is neccesary but he has never dared to answer any question.
Richard Lim
Read more details at:
I don't know why millions of Khmer people in Cambodia joined and supported Hun Sen even though they knew very well about Viet's using Hun Sen to killing his own people, brutal forced evictions, silence mass murders, destroying National Resources, etc.
Why ????? Khmer people are not united to remove Hun Sen like other countries has done.
That is correct author.
In fact, the killers of 1,7 -2 millions of Khmers are now turn around in Cambodia.
Most of them are the former Khmer rouge, incl. Sihanouk.
Why Khmers don't find the real Killers, because:
1) the UN is only the paper tiger as we all know from 1993 till now
2) the UN is only bla bla bla
My proposal, the ICCC in Cambodia must
shutdown immediately, give the rest Money for killing fields process to the poor people caused by the floddings victim.
That is quit.
to dear 6:48 PM,
Because they are dumb stupid.
1) They think only for today,
2) never trust each other but hear foreigner better own people
3) never read their history serious
4) they are arrogance to be Khmer Angkor, pround as best Khmers in the past
5) never think that why they are under foreign colony and why they lose their land till now
6) materialism
7) only surface and so on...
That is all from Khmers.
to 7:08 PM,
all are ok, but you have forget.
Because the Viet has always put their nose into our country by using Hun Sen and his CPP and Sihanouk.
Now, Khmer has King but Khmer King is under controll by CPP. He is a king without power and is status only.
Sam Rainsy Party members are not active in recruiting new members. I sent several emails to SRP emails but no reply. What are they thinking for not recruiting new members and raising fund to supporting the party future? Without SRP Cambodia will be disappearing from the World map very soon by the Vietnamese.
When does Mr. Sam Rainsy sue Samdach Dech Hun Sen as this article show Samdach crimes?
The question is When will Mr. Sam Rainsy sue Samdach Decho Hun Sen according to his crimes as describes above?
At the End, we'll only have the Jews to be thankful for! They will bring Peace & Justice to the nations.
Khmer Israel
SOON, this traitor and monster from hanoi ( hoon fug sen ) will meet the power of the people.
Imagine at this time, Samdach Decho Hun Sen is inserting his penis into Bun Rani pussy hole.
Imagine Bun Rani's pussy hole. Is it big hole or small hole? Is Bun Rani pussy smelly or not? Does Decho Hun Sen lick Bun Rani pussy ? Does Bun Rani suck Samdach penis? Does Decho lick Bun Rani anus too?
Ah kwak Hun Sen will be faced war crimes; the war criminal (Hun Sen) also defined crimes against peace and crimes against humanity.
Hopefully, he has never fucked her for a long time ago. At the Tang Kror Sang, he get always new pussies from Viet and Khmers.
Don't forget, according to the new report from BBC a few days ago that Gaddafi had 50 young ladies bodygards, those was fucked by Gaddafi. The news stated that on one day, a few hours before GaddGaddafi met with PM Tonie Blair in UK, he fucked with his 4 ladies bordygards as SEX group. He take a lot of Gravia.
So, Hun Sen do the same because he is the dictator and Khmer traitor like Gaddafi too.
Vietnam's bad intention toward Cambodia will be unmasked.
We need to take this land thief, Vietnam, to the international court; otherwise Vietnam will keep creating turmoil in Cambodia.
After 1989, did Vietnam truly withdraw all of its troops back to Vietnam?
Did Vietnam comply with the 1991 Paris peace accord?
Millions of illegal and legal Vietnamese have been residing inside Cambodia, causing extreme concerns amongst Khmer people about the prospect that Cambodia may be the second Kampuchea Krom.
The killings during the Pol Pot's era were committed by the Khmer rouge, the Khmer Vietminh, etc.
Notice that Khmer Vietminh were created by Vietnam to make Khmers fight with Khmers, to make Khmers kill each others.
How about the K5, which killed hundreds of thousands of Khmer people in the 80's? This K5 scheme was totally orchestrated by Vietnam.
We need to take Vietnam to the international court about this K5 issue regarding Vietnam’s catastrophic action in Cambodia.
Hun Sen,
your end approchs,
crime must be paid,
prepare to leave or been in Jail,
which is your choice ?
If 1997 is not a coup is still a cool blood killing!
In case of Ho Sok! did ah Tayhoung Hok Landy had been pinish by lay or just by nature????
Ah Kwack if you not end up by Kaddafy or sadam, you will be like ah Hok Landy!!!ah Taiyhoung!!!
Khmer people must be clear on the future goal for Cambodia.
What are we suppose to do to remove rotten Viet's slave Hun Sen from Cambodia?
That is the Viet strategy to annex Champa, Kampuchea Krom and now Kampuchea using Ah Kwach created by Viet and Sihanouk
All Khmer must to know that:
King Sihamony has nothings and only like Ting Moun. He is Khmer but he obey the command of Ah Kwach-Youn.
In fact, YOUN wanted use MR Pen Sovann as its marionete but after living more 30 years in Hanoi MR Pen Sovann turn his head against aggressor (new Mongoly in Indochina).
Samdach Decho Hun Sen is a war criminal must bring to justice by UN, America and Khmer people.
Samdach Decho Hun Sen is a bloody murderer in Kingdom of wonder must bring decho sen to justice at international court.
Samdach decho Hun Sen is a true Khmer traitor. He killed his own people and give Cambodia to Vietnam and Thailand.
Samdach decho Hun Sen committed crimes against Humanity that USA and UN and the world must be condem to deat like Gaddafi.
Samdach decho Hun Sen is Gaddafi and UN, USA, Nato must treat Samdach Decho Hun Sen like Gaddafi.
Samdach decho Hun Sen forces under age teenage girls to have sexual intercourse with him everyday. He rapes and murder alot of innocent under age girls after he had sex.
Samdach decho Hun Sen is demond born and God won't forgive him and his families for their crimes against humanity.
Devil Hun Sen and devil Hun Nang have committed the crime such as rape under age teenage girls and murder them after they had sex.
Murderers are the Hun Sen and his families.
1977? or 1997 Ung Bung Hieng?
Ung Bun Heang is Blind not sure history of July 5-6, 1997 not 1977...
first of all i would like to appologize to ki-media for using the site to let people know Khmer Sovannaphumi- known as Pang Sokheoun, n his mistress Sokunthear Som have been reported to FBI agent n FB's adminstration for stealing n posting someone pic in their wall without the owner consent to defame them..further more they both wrongly accused that same person of created his Pang Sokheoun id, they both have been cursed, n will be brought to justice..i have been in contact with Cambodian Goverment to make sure both of them will not be able to enter cambodia without arrest for their cyber crime....i hope to see their dirty bastard asses soon in court..
Krou Teay Tha Ah Kwack Ngorp Tai Horg Chhap Chhap Heuy. He will be taken care by a person close to him.
This is from a good predictor. He has predicted that Gadhafi Ngorp Tai Horng. He was right.
hun sen son of Youn bitch! motherfucker hun sen if i know who are your nex keen come to my city i will them all Man!
ah hun sen Kom Pung Pay Kluon Heuy .Mouy Ngay mouy Ngay Vea Tver Oy Sa Op Kanh Te Treun Leung.
Hun Sen and his families are the murderers!
Hun Sen and his families are the murderers!
Hun Sen and his families are the murderers!
Hun Sen and his families are the murderers!
Hun Sen and his families are the murderers!
Hun Sen and his families are the murderers!
Hun Sen and his families are the murderers!
Hun Sen and his families are the murderers!
Hun Sen and his families are the murderers!
Hun Sen and his families are the murderers!
Hun Sen and his families are the murderers!
Hun Sen and his families are the murderers!
Hun Sen and his families are the murderers!
Hun Sen and his families are the murderers!
logical thinking:
A small activity of pposition or small crime, Hun Sens henchmen can find very quickly.
But with a terror with killing a lot of people Hun Hen henchmen will never find them.
But all Khmers, even normal kids know who are the real killers and who is stand behind this crime?
But not say now...
មេដឹកនាំគណបក្សសមរង្ស៊ីដឹងច្បាស់ថា : សម្បុកសម្ងាត់របស់
សាខាបក្សប្រជាជនកុម្មុយនិស្តកម្ពុជាមានមូលដ្ឋានតាំងនៅ ៖
ភោជនីយដ្ឋានប៉ៃលិន, ផ្សារប៉ៃលិន នឹង
ស្ថានកុងស៊ុល នៅឡូវែល ម៉ាស្ស , ស្ថានកុងស៊ុល នៅហ្វ៊ីឡា, ស្ថានកុងស៊ុល នៅអង្គការសហប្រជាជាតិ, ស្ថានកុងស៊ុល នៅវ៉ាស៊ីងតោនឌីស៊ី ស.រ.អ., នៅរដ្ឋកាលីហ្វ័រញ៉ា, នៅរដ្ឋកវ៉ាស៊ីងតោន, កាណាដា
គឺជាប្រព័ន្ធគ្រប់គ្រង នឹងជាខ្សែរយៈប្រមូលផ្តុំ
នៅក្នុងសហរដ្ឋអាមេរិច នឹងកាណាដា!!
SO! 10:53PM!
are you retaeded, need someone tp tell you that!
Let me tell you all something - There is no sign of intelligence at all here on KI-Media, none whatsoever! ១ សសៃសក់ក៏គ្មានផង!
P. from Long Beach
I let Khmer screw me; all Khmer screw Viet; they love Viet's food, they love Viet's ass...whether or not they surrender themselves to Viet, Khmer is now Viet (period.)
Hun Sen is a dumb Khmer/Viet!
Any more question, you dumb Khmer?
Come kiss my ass...
Ms. Soap
7:35AM let ah Kwack do it, he has experiance licking Viet's ass!
By the way with all million of borrowing why the stupid one eye bought tank with that polution???
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