Thursday, December 08, 2011

Another UN Failure

Bethany Mandel

More than 30 years ago, the Vietnamese army invaded Cambodia, ending a four-year long genocide that killed up to two million Cambodians. This past July, the first judgment was passed down against a perpetrator of the genocide, the chief jailer of the main torture prison responsible for more than 15,000 deaths. Many Cambodians were disappointed with the 19-year sentence set down by the Khmer Rouge Tribunal, a function of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC). The Cambodian government wanted that trial to be the only one held by the Tribunal and has done everything in its power to prevent more cases from being heard. Many former cadres in the Khmer Rouge are now occupying high posts in the Cambodian government, and Prime Minister Hun Sen has warned further trials could throw the country back into civil war. The court has nevertheless pushed through with “Case No. 2″ against four senior members of the former Khmer Rouge government.

The ECCC is a UN-backed court, comprised of both Western and Cambodian judges. Without experience trying a case of this magnitude, the United Nations insisted upon having Western judges involved in every aspect of the case – from investigations to sentencing. Predictably, the court has fallen apart under the mixed supervision of both local and international judges and administrators. Less predictably, the UN-appointed Western judges have been the ones to have their impartiality and effectiveness questioned by observers and even co-workers. In what many on the ground describe as a mutiny, a team of UN lawyers wrote to Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to report that the actions of a German judge “[breached] international standards of justice, fairness and due process of law.”

Douglas Gillison writes for Foreign Policy: “In the seven months since the letter was written, the United Nations has not offered a substantive answer to these problems. Indeed, as matters continued to worsen, officials at headquarters in New York determined that their hands were tied, leaving matters to deteriorate to the point of scandal.”

The ECCC was established in 2003 after six years of negotiations with the UN about the scope of Western countries’ involvement in the trials. Western powers were convinced the Cambodians were unable to convict Cambodians of crimes against other Cambodians, and thus had to step in. The court was constructed in such a way that there would be safeguards against Cambodian judges’ improper behavior, but none for Western judges’ abuse of power. In Foreign Policy, Gillison writes in depth about the shocking details that finally, after months, brought the resignation of the German judge. Since 2009, when the UN appointed an Australian academic and a self-proclaimed Marxist to be a liaison for Cambodian victims of the Marxist Khmer Rouge, the United States has contributed more than $10 million to the court. Despite reports from New York and Phnom Penh about the court’s dysfunction and wasteful spending, the UN, United States and other leading Western governments continue to silently watch the court daily crumble into total anarchy, all the while pouring millions of dollars into its operations.


Anonymous said...

This ECCC in Cambodia is Hanoi-US ECCC in Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

More than 30 years ago Pol Pot and Khieu Samphan said yuon Hanoi going to kill and put Cambodia under their annex as part of Indochina Federation.

Anonymous said...

Khieu Saphan .

Khieu Samphan and 2 strokes attacked .

1. First stroke happened to Khieu Samphan just before he was arrested in Kalamet hosptital but not serious as second stroke while he was in ECCC custody.

2. Second stroke attacked Khieu Samphan, while he has been in ECCC custody , Khieu Samphan fell down to the floor and unconcious for several hours around 7 am and was taken to Kalamet hospital around 10 am.

Afer second stroke in ECCC Khieu Samphan could not speake for 6 weeks even now he can not speak clearly .

Khieu Samphan know very well that this ECCC is under Hanoi influence .

Khieu Samphan know very well that this is his last long haard fighting to talk behind this ECCC closed door since his first arrest in late 2007,

Khieu Samphan know very well that the main jobs for this ECCC is to convict him and Nuon Chea and put them to lives sentences.

Khieu Samphan know very well that this is his last fight , fight to talk so it is up to the Khmer victims to believe that what Khieu Samphan says is an excuse or it is a real story about Indochina Federation.

Anonymous said...

Dearl all Khmer,

As the Khmer victims we have the right to hate or not to hate Khieu Samphan and Nuon Chea.

But from now on every single word Nuon Chea and Khieu Samphan going to say about yuon,not because they watn to be freed or making up any excuses for Nuon Chea and Khieu Samphan know very well that the main job of this ECCC is to convict and sentence them to lives impirson as Nuon Chea said this ECCC has not been fair to him since from the bigining of his arrest because Nuon Chea and Khieu Samphan have fought very hard for nearly 4 years for the right to talk not only between 1975-1979 but also before 1975 and after 1979.

Anonymous said...

សរសេរខ្មែរក៏មឹនគ្រប់ជ្រុង សរសេរអងគ្លេស

Your dumb Khmer Kings are worthless..

Hun Sèn will be irrelevant in the very near future and there will be more and brighter Viet-Khmer/Khmer-Viet smarter ones to lead Viet-Cambodia...

«Vos ignorants Khmers, qu'est-ce-que vous allez faire à part d'être l'esclave des Viets!?»

We, Viet, have been doing everything we can to spare some of you dumb Khmer left over from the exceptionally-planned Killing Field...

The past is history...The winner always makes and rewrites history...

We, Viet, have been doing just that...and there is nothing you dumb Khmer can do about it! What was Khmer's is now Viet's...and it remains that way for all of you dumb khmer's life time

Let me tell you something else:

GOD already knows, dumb Khmer is hopeless. We, Viet, are already controlling Viet-Cambodia from top to bottom, from the Senate to the farm land...

Viet is everywhere in Viet-Cambodia from farmer to technician, from nurse to doctor, from firefighter to engineer, from rubber plantation owner/worker to Hun Sen's political advisor and bodyguards including Angkor Wat's owner...You all name it and Viet is there...Khmer doesn't do squat besides getting addicted to Viet's ass in Viet-Cambodia, even foreigners are enjoying it nicely and quietly too...

Once again, whether or not all you dumb Khmer surrender yourselves to Viet, Khmer is now deep-rooted Viet, and irreversibly so already.

Challenge me if all of you dumb Khmer can. We have millions of us (legally the majority thanks to that dumb Hun Sen) that will vote for Viet-Khmer candidate legally and democratically forever, even the outside world would support and agree and as a matter of factly, there is not much the outside world can do about it...

How Sam Raingsy and/or any of your worthless so-called dumb heroe(s) including the stupid dumb king Sihanouk of yours that just wants to reign and rule plan to win Cambodia back? The Federation of Indochina under Viet's protectorate is here to stay on this planet earth for real. How do all of you dumb Khmer think or plan to de-vietnamize it???

KRT is just a show to entertain the world. We, Viet, are that good and smart.

Can Khmer put up the second Killing fields to get rid of millions of legal Viet-Khmer citizen now like we, Viet, did?

Okay you dumb Khmer - put it up or shut up while we, Viet, are domesticating you for the bright future of the Federation of Indochina!

It's all too late for you dumb Khmer already!!!

Ms. Soap

P.s Think about how all of our Viet-Khmer/Khmer-Viet offsprings/Half-breeds would look beautifully and be smart like in our Federation of Indochina???

តើខ្មែរអាចសំឡាប់ប្រជាជន យួន ខ្មែរ រាប់លាន
អ្នកបានដូចដែល វៀត ធ្វើនោះទេ?

ស្ដាប់ឮទេខ្មែរ ល្ងង់ខ្លៅ???

Once again, can Khmer put up the second Killing Field to get rid of millions of legal Viet-Khmer citizen now like we, Viet, did?

«Est-ce que vous m'entendez les ignorants Khmers?

Juste Pour me répéter:

Peut Khmer créer un deuxième «Killing Field» pour se débarasser des millions de Viet-Khmer qui sont maintenant les habitants légaux du Viet-Cambodge comme nous, les Viets, avions fait?»

KI-Media is yesterday news and ought to shut down for good or better yet, come kiss our Viet's ass now!

Our Viet's ass (80 millions) is resource #1. We defeated the French and the Americans just with our ass. We have suicidal commandoes to win the war. What do you dumb Khmer have? We, Viet, can let loose another million of our new fresh ass freely into Viet-Cambodia per Hun Sen's agreement just to let him rule...

What can all of you dumb Khmer do to stop it?

«Vos ignorants Khmers, qu'est-ce-que vous allez faire à part d'être l'esclave des Viets!?»

តើខ្មែរល្ងង់ខ្លៅឯងធ្វើអីកើតទៅ ក្រៅពីធ្វើខ្ញុំយួន