Faith Hill - Joy To The World
Christmas in Rockefeller Center 2008
Joy to the World , the Lord is come!
Let earth receive her King;
Let every heart prepare Him room,
And Heaven and nature sing,
And Heaven and nature sing,
And Heaven, and Heaven, and nature sing.
Joy to the World, the Savior reigns!
Let men their songs employ;
While fields and floods, rocks, hills and plains
Repeat the sounding joy,
Repeat the sounding joy,
Repeat, repeat, the sounding joy.
No more let sins and sorrows grow,
Nor thorns infest the ground;
He comes to make His blessings flow
Far as the curse is found,
Far as the curse is found,
Far as, far as, the curse is found.
He rules the world with truth and grace,
And makes the nations prove
The glories of His righteousness,
And wonders of His love,
And wonders of His love,
And wonders, wonders, of His love.
Bible makes good brainwashing detergent. The word of God is likend unto a mirror, it shows our defects and how to solve that defect according to what is written in the Bible. The Bible says that men's goodness is as filty rags. So, according to God's word, a good Buddhist is as good as a filty rag before a pure eye God. Be a good Buddhist, but don't espect to get to paradise by your own goodness because God who sees your goodness as a filty rag cannot accept sinners into his Kingdom without the mediator, Jesus Christ, whom he sent into the world that men may come to him through him.
God loves you and want to save you from his wrath which is to come. Remember, we live in the midst of evil society you can get shot dead today. Good people don't kill, it's the evil people who loves to kill. There are people who can't sleep unless he/she can do harm to another human being.
Khmer Israel
And you forget, only the evil people bark on Buddhism. Look at your life, look at a mirror. Your best friend is the bottle of red wine
So much propaganda for Christianism on Ki media, what's happen ? Theary Seng is part of the staff ?
If Buddhism is so good pure right I can't understand why it has not effeted the people's conducts? I'm not against being good, doesn't matter what religeous label you may wear.
If I tell you the truth and you label me as "evil" what hope is there for Buddhism?. All the bad things happened in Cambodia doesn't testify against your beliefs? People beg and prayed for good but evil seem to abound.
You are not worshiping Buddha, but the devil. People think that they belief in Buddha but it is Satan disguised as an angel of light.
Khmer Israel
Israel is the satan land since 5000 years, no peace, no future
I prefer to get a bowl of rice from a good Buddhist or anyone who has the kindness to do so whether they believe in your Jesus or not.
Being a Khmer who wants to be an Israelian and coming here to preach, but having done nothing concrete to help other people, you sound like a preacher who is as good as nothing!
Didn't your Jesus say and I quote: "Judge not, lest thou shall be judged by your father in heaven"?
All of your writings here are full of judgement and you have no clue about the concept of Bhudhism and you have got the gut to attack others who believe in a different faith from you which indicates clearly your lack of tolerance. You are the one who needs help the most from Jesus!
Preach to yourself and practise what you preach first before even opening your mouth to preach to others. What church do you belong to? I feel sorry for that church since you are doing your church a disservice to their cause. Give me their name, address and phone number so I can contact them to ask them about you!
Israel is still at war with the Palestinians and you talk like Cambodians suffer because they don't believe in your Jesus. What percentage of Americans believe in Jesus? Don't tell me that American prosperity is due to the belief in your Jesus.
How about the Japanese people who believe in Buddhism, why are they living in prosperity? You probably drive Japanese car, don't you? You shouldn't drive a car made by a race that does not believe in your god lest he gets mad and send you in that car into the abyss!
You are the devil, yourself who makes every good Christian look stupid with your god-damned judgement of others.
Just make sure you are in heaven! I don't want to go there. Next time before you open your mouth to attack Buddhism about heaven, read what Lord Buddha says first about Karma and don't come here and be such a stupid person.
From me, a former bible translator and interpreter who does not believe in Jesus, but respests lots of his teachings on how to be kind to one another.
Believing in Jesus is a personal choice and your mothod of preaching is horrible
)5:26 Great, You have a brain and you use it ! Peace to all
why your God did not make a miracle for peace in Israel, as he has done for Moise (in the Bible), why he did not against the 11th september ...Why the greatest weapons manufacturers and traders are jews...
Khmer Israel,What on earth are you talking about?The Jews never believe in Jesus!Your preaching is full of nonsense!
Alahu Akbar, Theary Seng
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