Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Government Rushes Forward on Second NGO Law

Monday, 12 December 2011
Men Kimseng, VOA Khmer | Washington, DC
“What are they concerned about?”- Nuth Sa An, secretary of state for the Ministry of Interior
The Cambodian government is moving forward with a review workshop for a controversial NGO law next week, despite calls from rights groups and others who say they need time to review the latest draft version.

The government will hold a workshop on Dec. 19, but local organizations have said that will not give them enough time to review the draft for problems.

This is the second time the Ministry of Interior has had to draft the law. The first version was sent back to them from the Council of Minsters, following widespread criticism from the international community that the regulatory law could hamper the country’s development.

However, local organizations say the law could still create problems if they are not able to thoroughly review it and give suggestions on its improvement.

“What are they concerned about?” said Nuth Sa An, secretary of state for the Ministry of Interior, told VOA Khmer Thursday. “When the time comes, they will be given the draft, and until the 19th they should have enough time to review it.” He said an invitation would be sent out to NGOs this week.

Civil society leaders have said they would need at least a month to properly review the law. The previous draft contained provisions that they warned would mire organizations in red tape and leave them vulnerable to arbitrary legal measures and closure.

Sok Sam Oeun, executive director for the Cambodian Defenders Project, a prominent organization, said he had no knowledge of the Dec. 19 meeting.

“We used to be informed well ahead of time and given summaries of laws and left room to analyze them,” he said. “I don’t know what the purpose of this meeting is. I have no clue.”

US Embassy spokesman Sean McIntosh said the process should involve input from civil society.

“The embassy’s point of view is that we believe in an NGO law that can facilitate a vibrant and diverse civil society that will allow them to freely operate, rather than restricted operation,” he said.


Anonymous said...

People should stop complaining about Viets, Chinese or khmers but need to focus on removing this stupid leader Hun Sen is a top priority. How do we achieve this? Well, try to follow these simple steps;

1) set a date and give PM the ultimatum to resign 2) If no reaction from PM by that date, everyone including police and arm force need to come together as a team and march toward the Hun Sen's House 3) hand cuff PM and say MR corrupted PM, we don't want you as a leader anymore 4) throw him in jail. 5) Try to use all available media promote unity and get rid of PM without losing a life 6) get all of his bodyguards to be on arm force side by sending some notes in every street, city and town, ‘Hun Sen Must GO for National Interests, together we stand’.

Arm force minister has the power to control and make changes for better outcome. Now, if arm force minister doesn’t do what I say here, in the next 10 years, we will no longer have an independent society. Everything will be under the Viets’s control. I know about their behaviour really well. They don't care about the morality way of life and all they care about is their benefit. They have expended their territory really well.

Now, when Nixon gave Sihanock the ultimatum to either choose to be part of a communist (VC) or a liberalist (US), the king said neutral, big mistake!!!, had the king chooses to be as a liberalist, they would have killed all the Viets for Khmer already, but the king was very dump. Now, instead of killing the Viets, the Viets and the USA had to kill almost all Khmer people. You see, when the king is so dump, the whole nation is in ruined.

In addition, let all Viets-Khmers, Khmers-Viets, Chinese-khmers, Khmer- Chinese, Thai-khmers vs or other race-khmers know that they are not the enemies of the state but this stupid leader is. People want change and it has to be now! Together, we can achieve anything. We only have 15 millions compare to Indonesia, they have like 238 millions. So, it is OK with what we already have, but not with this stupid leader who is trying hard to sell everything for his pocket, he is one of the corrupted leader in this world.

Finally, a murderer cannot be a leader. A leader must be pure at heart, mind and soul.


Anonymous said...

Let women be the leaders for once OK?!

Anonymous said...

let my ass! got to show they can, not given to them but by winning the vote or the election, etc, ok! got to work for it, nobody's going to give women power automatically, they all got to be qualified in their own rights by meeting the requirements, the qualifications, etc, etc, ok! same can be said with men candidates, too, you know! stop being stupid forever, ok! get educated for a change, ok!

Anonymous said...

make being a leader hard like by meeting many requirements and qualifications, etc... also, i think it is good to add to this the ability to take harsh but constructive, national criticism, to hand stress and pressure job loads, etc... this is how a strong, capable, potential leader(s) should be, man or woman, shouldn't matter from now on. it's about meeting the requirements and qualifications and so forth, ok! if they(candidates) can't handle this, then, of course, it's a sign that they are not capable of being a leader, you know!