Invasion of
the Young, Hip, Brainy, Cosmopolitan
I am delighted to receive this new batch of photos from young (at heart and otherwise), hip, brainy, cosmopolitan Cambodians from around the world who are proud to style in their identifiably-Khmer kramas. Here's what one very hip Khmer exchange student in Montreal have to say:
We are Khmer students in Montreal, QC, Canada.
Two days ago, I made a Christmas party at home, and I invited a lot of Khmer people who came and had fun together.
Krama was a very good gift that I gave to everybody. After my uncle Chuop Samnang told me about Kramanation, I became interested in your blogs about Krama. That's why I chose Krama as a Christmas gift for my friends. I want to share all of these photos to show about
Khmer traditional Krama and also Khmer culture.
Two days ago, I made a Christmas party at home, and I invited a lot of Khmer people who came and had fun together.
Krama was a very good gift that I gave to everybody. After my uncle Chuop Samnang told me about Kramanation, I became interested in your blogs about Krama. That's why I chose Krama as a Christmas gift for my friends. I want to share all of these photos to show about
Khmer traditional Krama and also Khmer culture.
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Sang Satra , Sambath , Ken ,and Visal styling in their beautiful silk Kramas, a gift from Ken to each of them for this Christmas and New Year season (Montreal, Dec. 2011). |
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Ken, a Khmer student studying in Montreal, Dec. 2011 |
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Ms. Sokheap Toeung, Dec. 2011 |
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And thank you to Don Lam for sending in these photos of the young-at-heart Khmer Kroms in their kramas.
Don Lam
Volunteer Coordinator, Khmer Krom Children Foundation
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And the young-at-heart styling in her native krama - Khmer Krom |
Where in the world is your krama?
Your photo in your favorite krama here . . .
send to
Page One - Advocacy main page
Page Two - EU Charge d'Affairs Rafael Dochao-Moreno
Page Three - Political satire
Page Four - the sexy iKandy
Page Five - Judith Haugwitz of Berlin
Page Six - Kramanation in war time
Page Seven - Family in Kramanation
Page Eight - Krama in daily life (Rithy Panh)
Page Nine - The Kennedys / Activist Krama
Page Ten - Young, Hip, Brainy, Cosmopolitan
Please send in your Krama photos - the more exotic the location (outside of Cambodia), the more interesting the narrative, the better!
Shalom and blessings,
Theary C. Seng
Saloth Sar shed his birth name to adopt a revolutionary name Pot Pot.It was he who invoked and styled his regime and fighters as an Khmer peasantry affiliated identity with Krama-កន្សែងឫឆ្នួត.
That's a big political move that seduced many young folks to join in the rebellion that led to wipe out most of educated and did well folks from Cambodia between 1975-1978.
It gives goosebumps to witness the
pawny,hip and flirtatious and lonely underachiever from US to embrace and reinvoke this crazy Kramanation plot as identity.
This individual seemed to have no clue about the Krama as to Pol Pot identified himself with.
Monkey sees monkey does,stupid is stupid does, way to go Teary...
7:47!!!! Pol Pot kill millions of us stoll our live and our happy ness for a while! Do not let motherfucker still our Cultures and some thing else we found and have for 1000s of years!!!!
7:47! because of Pol Pot you stop ussing Black collor, Use the words Kampuchea, Procheatipatey, Khmer, Samaky and so on??????
Use your brain and be better than that!
Identity,Identity,Identity! I is very important.
Kramanation sounds very good, but it is worrying that Cambodia today is becoming a Dournnation. As Khmer people, we have to find the way to liberate the Country from Vietnamitization.
Krama is using for period pain
"Les Juifs n'ont jamais cru en Jésus! votre prédication est pleine d'absurdités!"hahahahaha ...where are you khmer israel ?
Once again, I use Krama daily after work I wear it at home even sleeping at night. Most girls like me wearking Krama, I get muscule and I get a goodbody, I wear Krama most people like it because show off by big body. Krama is Khmer style I realy it it. I would like to all Khmer men should use Krama, do not wear pant like Viet-Youn. Krama is soften clothe and it's easier wrapping around the body.
Krama Man
21:46 Krama man is a girl ?
How do you know that I am a girl? Actually I am a Man, I like Krama I wear it daily at home. You get a problem? I don't work tonight.
Krama Man
23:04 because you said yourself
"Most girls like me wearking Krama, I get muscule and I get a goodbody, I wear Krama most people like it because show off by big body"
You must be a child of Yuon invasion and worshipper of the DK,right?
Ignorance and vanity is the source of your sufferings.
I prefer word Khmer and Kampuchea over Cambodia 1000 times more and for your ignorance: ប្រជាធិបតេយ្យ,សាមគ្គី វាមិនមែនជាពាក្យរបស់ខ្មែរសុទ្ធនោះទេបើពួកហ្អែងមិនដឹងខ្យល់ទេកុំបូរបាច់ឥតបានការនោះ។
From comment at 7:47pm
2:45 AM! you stypid warm Khmer words or not to you! But all Khmer every ehere understand rhe word and belong to us NoW! "SAMAKY"
Are you so stupid??????
Speak for yourself, ពពួកអា៧មករាជាពូជអំពិលដុះពីអាចម៍របស់ពពួកអា១៧មេសាទេ។
តើពាក្យ សាមគ្គី ជាខ្មែរគេថាម៉េចដែរទៅ?
ណ្ហើយពស់ព្រលិតក៏មិនព្រលិត ហ្អែងកុំចង់ធ្វើជាពស់ក្រឡាច្រាស់អីវាមិនដូចគ្នាទេ ណាម្នាលណ៎ា
Monkey see, monkey do
Stupid Is as Stupid Does
Well said! It's not that often have wee seen reasonable comments such as yours. Thank you.
have we seen*
5:45 PM,
Non, Sihanouk devrait être condamné à mort!
Krama (Wo)Man,
Reconsider your view as to what Krama means and what Krama is as suggested by 7:47AM, 2:45AM and 6:33AM.
Krama can hang Hun Sen's Neck.
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