Welcome to Visal, Charley, activists to
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THIS is how it's done! Visal as seen at Brown Cafe on 11 Dec. 2011. |
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Charles Sullivan of University of Michigan at Ann Arbor on his way to a speaking conference on Khmer Rouge history, Dec. 2011. |
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Courageous activist villagers protesting the draft NGO Law via possibly the longest krama ever made, Dec. 2011 (Photo: Phnom Penh Post) |
More photos from KRAMANATION...
When we hosted public forums and national conferences since 2006, I always had my staff styling in a silk krama as part of our uniform.
Where in the world is your krama?
Your photo in your favorite krama here . . .
send to theary.seng@gmail.com
Page One - Advocacy main page
Page Two (this page)
Page Three - Political satire
Page Four - the sexy iKandy
Page Five - Judith Haugwitz of Berlin
Page Six - Kramanation in war time
Page Seven - Family in Kramanation
Page Eight - Krama in daily life (Rithy Panh)
Page Nine - The Kennedys / Activist Krama
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you.
Theary C. Seng
krama is a very versatile piece of cloth in khmer culture.
What the hell is Theary Sreng Krolean trying to do.
I feel so sick by just hearing her name.
Let's have sex to save our nation from Vietnamization.
Krama!..I wrap Krama every day after at home. I like Krama very much, it is our Khmer tradition. Cambodian men should use Krama as they should do as daily life style.
Krama Man
Did jesus wear a krama ?
Jesus is GOD, please do not ever bring God as your discussion in forum. Yes! Krama is Khmer tradition, Khmer style which has been used since Angkor era. Krama is the only one you reconize as 'KHMER' on the world. I use Krama every day afater work and when I am at home, I sleep as pajamas too, it's so comfortable. You should use Krama too. Do you use Krama as to what I have been said above?
Krama Man
Jesus is son of Preah Ein or Sakak tevreach
Krou Teay Tha Ah Kwack Ngorp Tai Horng!!
Ah Tai Horng!!
Krama Man,
Life comes from God whether you believe it or not; and you are telling me not to breath?
All of us doesn't matter what ethnic group we belong in; we live on this earth created by Elohim, God of Israel. I think God has a right to demand that we the people, the sheep of his land acknowledge him as the Giver of life. I hear the cries of human right violation on this forum all the time. Those rights comes from God himself.
People; first and foremost, human is a spiritual being, not a political being, or an academic being or to get rich mentality being,,, Without God, nothing would exist, period. The Bible is very true no matter how many lies been enshrouded to make it a lie.
I don't believe in Christmas anymore. Because I know the date is not correct as to Jesus birthdate. Nevertheless, many Christians are ignorant that December 25, is not the actual birthdate of Yeshua, HasMasiach. So by tradition passed down to them they celebrated as such and I bear with them of their ignorant.
Jesus was born in late September or early October during the Festival of Sukkot in the 7 month of the Hebrew calendar called Tishri. Here is the reason why, during the feas of Sukkot, all the Jews are to come up to Jerusalem and to dwell in Sukka, (booths, temporary dwelling) for 7 days. Well, Jesus came to earth and stayed here for 33 years(temporary)and ascended to heaven again. At his first first coming, he'd laid aside all his glory and majesty and came as a baby in a manger. Jerusalem would have been crowded with multitudes come in for the feast, this explains why they couldn't find a room in an inn.
Based on the wisdom of the scripture, I know that when he (Jesus) returns, he will do so on the Feast of Tabernacles or Sukkot, same. And he will return with all his glory and power to judge the earth and to establish his Kingdom here on earth forever.
But the New Jerusalem will not come down until after the One Thousand Year of his reign of earth has completed. By this time hopefully men will have decided whether they want to serve God or serve the devil. Because at the End of the One Thousand Years, God's final Judgment will be given to all the living and the dead. Time will End and Everything will revert back to eternity with God and his Son.
You can brush off what I'm saying now, but when eternity is decided on your behalf there will be no one crying on your behalf of human rights violation, God is the ultimate Judge. The Power to destroy and to make alive is in his hands.
Khmer Israel
Krama Man or Theary, Jesus is your god only, not everyone's god.
Don't you know he has a lot of controversies?
He had been to India for many years to learn Buddhism, He had a wife named Mary Magdeleine and a lot more...
The LIE is more truer than the Truth. Yeah, Jesus was to India to learn Buddhism. That is a lie. I thought Buddha discouraged miracle working, yet if that was true, Jesus was never a good student of Buddha because he performed miracles, raised the dead and walked on water.... Did Buddha doing any of that?
Jesus never left his own country as the bible stated. He came to his own only. He did offered one help to someone outside of Israel.
He taught from the books of Moses,(Torah). He was likend unto Moses, not Buddha or any others that the pagans want to equate him with.
Sorry, go kiss your rats, cats and monkeys...
Khmer Israel
Khmer Israel,
3:20 AM
If Jesus is so powerful GOD! Why do bad thing happen to good people? Explain that.
Look at Hitler regime, why does Jesus allowed 50 millions people to be murdered? Is that called God will?
According to your GOD, he riased the death. Can Jesus raise the death from Pol Pot regime and end the Khmer Rough Trails now?
Why do people still suffer and hungry? Does your God like to see people suffer and hungry. Why don't he end all the human suffering now.
Can Jesus end henocide in the world? or that's he blame it to the satan. Is that truth God creat Satan and demonds, evils? Why does God creat evils and make human suffer? Explain.
you don't talk about god in this game.
3:20 AM
How come the church have killed millions women and children in the name of God? (Crusad army) They just simple excuse anyone to be a witch then they can killed them legaly in the name of the God. Explain that
3:20 AM
If God has so much love for human being and why did he make the flood to kill entire races in the bible? Millions human drown in the flood according to genesis. Nearly, wipe out human races from the earth. Why? Is that Satan or God act? He may be blame into mysterous way as the churches say.
3:20 AM
Why don't God save people in the hospital suffer from Cancer now? According to the bibles God is the creat every thing in this earth, Is that truth God creat Cancer, HIV and other kill dieases and virus? Explain in detail
Why don't God make people happy and end suffering? As usual, God may has his own purpose as Church explain into mysterous way. Something bad, they blame Satan or Devil. Something Good, they take creadit but isn't that God is the creator of everything in this universe?
I think Khmer Israel is fucked so badly with his preaching in this forum.
Now more people are coming out to curse his god-damned god.
Khmer Israel, just remember that your character is no match for Buddha's and if you go to heaven, well I guess a devil like Pol Pot may get to go as well. Do you know why?
Because Pol Pot may have accepted Jesus as his personal saviour before he took his last breath.
Your bible says that is all a person needs to do to go to heaven and for that reason I am going to have a good time doing whatever I want as long as I don't break the laws of the land and when I am about to go, I will say something like Lord Jesus, please forgive me for my sins and I accept you as my personal saviour and that is it; I am on my way to heaven just like you; hehehe. I love your Yeshua's illogical and foolish conditions to get into heaven!
3:20 AM
God creats swanflu virus, HIV, Cancers, Hep...What is the purpose of God in doing that?
God creats Satan, demonds, evils, animals, human and God also creat suffer to human, animals...
Because God is the only creator!
It is nice that we give value to our product.
This krama made me homesick, because when I was young I used this krama for a variety of reasons. It is so versatile.
Krama can be use to commite suicide
Krama used by Pol Pot regime to killed Khmers.
Bouddha said : You have a brain, use it ! And Jesus did !
1:18 PM,
I use Krama daily after work I wear it at home even sleeping at night. You mastubate yourseft, are you Khmer? You should a get girl with you. Most girl like me wearking Krama and because I have big cock. I get muscule and I get a goodbody, I wear Krama most people like it because show off by big body. Krama is Khmer style I realy it it. I would like to please all Khmer men should use Krama, do not wear pant like Viet-Youn. Krama is soften clothe and it's easier wrapping around the body.
It is nice that we give value to our product.
This krama made me homesick, because when I was young I used this krama for a variety of reasons. It is so versatile.
For instance, I used it to put Pop Corn (Pout Ling), fruit (Tror Bek), wore Krarmar (Lich Porng), etc...
Krama man and khmer Israel is the one person. Why do you hide behind Anonymous if you tell the Truth, sorry your thruth
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