Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Pat Robertson Describes U.S. Foreign Policy

by Jacob G. Hornberger,  2005

Conservative Christian broadcaster Pat Robertson has stirred up a firestorm with his call for “taking out” Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez. What’s all the fuss about? All that Robertson has done is state publicly what has long been an important part of U.S. foreign policy — assassination of foreign rulers who behave independently of Washington.

John Perkins described how U.S. foreign policy works in his book Confessions of an Economic Hit Man: How the U.S. Uses Globalization to Cheat Poor Countries Out of Trillions. In order to place foreign rulers under Washington’s thumb, the first step is to ply them with foreign loans and foreign aid, oftentimes funneled through the IMF or World Bank. While such funds are sometimes billed as “money to help the poor,” the reality is that they are nothing more than bribes to line the pockets of grateful and dependent foreign officials in return for loyalty to Washington.

Sometimes a ruler goes “independent” of Washington, refusing to follow its orders or suggestions. That brings in the State Department and the U.S. Congress, which, in the name of “promoting democracy,” starts funneling millions of dollars in U.S. taxpayer money to foreign candidates and parties who are opposing the recalcitrant ruler, with the aim of ousting him from office and replacing him with someone who is loyal to Washington.

If interference with foreign political processes doesn’t work, then the next step is an economic embargo or sanctions, whose aim is to squeeze the foreign citizenry into such misery and poverty that they will take up arms and violently overthrow their ruler and replace him with someone who is loyal to Washington. That of course has been the aim of the 40-year-old unsuccessful embargo against Cuba. It was also the aim of 12 years of brutal sanctions against Iraq, which contributed to the deaths of hundreds of thousand of Iraqi children, again without success, after Saddam Hussein went independent after having received WMDs and military assistance from the United States in his war against Iran.

If the embargo or sanctions don’t succeed, the CIA steps in. Its job is to carry out either a coup or an assassination of the recalcitrant ruler, or both. As Perkins points out, that’s why the Ecuadoran president Jaime Roldos and the Panamanian president Omar Torrijos were assassinated. It’s also the reason for the CIA-supported coups in Chile, Guatemala, and Iran.
Cuba’s president, Fidel Castro, provides a good example of where independence of U.S. rule can get a foreign dictator in hot water with U.S. officials. While U.S. officials claim that the reason they oppose Castro is that he is a communist dictator, nothing could be further from the truth. After all, as a socialist Castro embraces Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, public schooling, income taxation, welfare, and equalization of wealth — that is, the same socialist programs that U.S. officials embrace. Castro also treats suspected terrorists the way that U.S. officials do — military tribunals, denial of due process, no independent criminal defense attorneys, no jury trials, and swift punishment. Castro even favors the war on drugs, despite its decades of failure.

So what’s their real beef with Castro? Unlike his U.S.-favored predecessor, Fulgencio Batista, another brutal Cuban dictator, Castro has long kept his country independent of Washington, a cardinal sin as far as U.S. officials are concerned. If Castro had behaved with the obsequiousness toward Washington that Batista did, he would be as big a hero to the United States as, say, Pervez Musharraf, the unelected military dictator of Pakistan and former ally of the Taliban who decided to toe the official U.S. line after receiving millions of dollars in U.S. grants after 9/11.

What happens if assassination fails? That’s when the Pentagon steps in, as the people of Cuba, Panama, Grenada, and Iraq have discovered. But as Robertson correctly points out, military invasions are much more expensive than assassination, in terms of both blood and treasure.

Pat Robertson has done the nation a service by bringing to the surface a reality of U.S. foreign policy that all too many Americans have preferred not to confront, a policy that has long relied on foreign bribes, interference with foreign democratic processes, coups and assassinations, and military invasions to extend the power and influence of the U.S. government overseas.

Jacob Hornberger is founder and president of The Future of Freedom


Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Vietnam's bad intention toward Cambodia will be unmasked by the international communities.

We need to take this Cambodia’s land thief, Vietnam, to the international court of justice; otherwise Vietnam will keep creating turmoil in Cambodia.

After 1989, did Vietnam truly withdraw all of its troops back to Vietnam?

Did Vietnam comply with the 1991 Paris peace accord?

Millions of illegal and legal Vietnamese have been residing inside Cambodia after Vietnam’s invasion in January 1979, causing extreme concerns amongst Khmer people about the prospect that Cambodia would be the second Kampuchea Krom (the current southern part of Vietnam).

How much Khmer natural resource has Vietnam destroyed after its invasion in January 1979?

The killings during the Pol Pot's era were committed by the Khmer rouge, the Khmer Vietminh, etc.
Notice that the Khmer Vietminh were created and brainwashed by Vietnam to make Khmers fight with Khmers, to make Khmers kill each others.

How about the K5 project, which killed hundreds of thousands of Khmer people in the 80's? This K5 scheme was totally orchestrated by Vietnam.

Vietnam must pay for this enormous K5 project crime. We need to take Vietnam to the international court about this K5 issue regarding Vietnam’s catastrophic action in Cambodia. Vietnam’s current dominance in Cambodia also contributes to the present majority of Khmer people’s misery.

8:12 AM

Anonymous said...
In the last few centuries, Khmer people have suffered heavily because of Vietnam's ambition trying to swallow Cambodia.

In order to make its goal materialize, Vietnam has initiated all kinds of trouble with Cambodia.

For example, in the last 50 years, which event that Khmer people suffered without Vietnam's involvement? If Vietnam is not in the front scene, Vietnam would stay behind the scene to generate turbulence in Cambodia.

So, to combat this evil nation Vietnam, we must strengthen our morale and must find a way to provide the proof to the international communities, especially the International Court of Justice, about Vietnam's criminal activities against Khmer people, making Vietnam accountable for its ill acts.

It is imperative that our educated people gather the necessary information and find a way to bring Vietnam to face justice. For instance, the K5 project, which imposed by Vietnam resulting of hundreds of thousands of Khmer people dead, is a typical case that we should use as the first concrete step to make Vietnam pay for its evil deeds.

Vietnam has done horrible thing to Khmer people, but we have never done anything to make Vietnam pay for it. That is why Vietnam kept doing bad thing to Cambodian people and currently implementing its policy of colonization on Cambodia.

8:15 AM

Anonymous said...
The real cause of why Khmers keep fighting with Khmers.

First, Khmer people have to know these facts:

- The United Nations planned to make a trip to Cambodia on January 15th 1979 to check the Khmer Rouge.
_ Vietnam knew about this trip in advance, so Vietnam made a full scale attack on Cambodia to stop the United Nations from monitoring the Khmer Rouge.
- As we all know Khmer Vietminh (Yuon's brainwashed students) committed most of the killings during the Pol Pot's era.

By invading Cambodia, Vietnam was able to put an ignorant, uneducated person named Hun Sen in charge of the country.

Because Hun Sen is Vietnam's slave, he has served only Vietnam's interest. That made Khmer people so mad. That why we all see like Khmers always fight with Khmers

It is time for ALL OF US to understand Vietnam's tricks. This Devil Vietnam is the root cause of Khmers fight with Khmers.

8:22 AM

Anonymous said...

Ms. Soap,

You are processing dog meat in Cambodia. What flavor of dog meat do you like to serve your Vietgook masters?

Just call your Vietgook masters/dog eaters in Hanoi?

You are very excited to cook dog meat for your ugly Vietgook masters in Srok Khmer.

Make sure you wash your hands with soap and turn back to your Vietgook masters to sniff you from back.

Also, you are Vietgook born in Cambodia and you can speak Khmer. Hope you will be arrested when you are a secret Yuon/Vietgook agent just like form secret Yuon agents hiding among Khmer Rouges regime who murdered and killed Khmer people who were very higher educators.

You need to show stinky hole to your Vietgook dog eaters to sniff you. Then you will be fucked and produces more Vietgook dog eaters and spread to Thailand.

Anonymous said...

8:22 AM / 8:37 AM,

Agree with you 100%. Vietgook masters/leaders are very aggressive to spread the words everywhere to let the gullible people in the world to hear about Khmer vs Khmer. There are many Vietgook folks among Khmer society in Cambodia and even abroad, trying to stir the situation among Khmer people who are trying to understand each others without fighting and building Khmer's strong society.

The purpose of the stupid Vietgook leaders/masters from Hanoi is to try scare Khmer leaders and control Ah Qwack Hun Sen, telling what to do.

Khmer people abroad to spread the words about the tricks of Vietgook masters and folks inside Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh or Viet Hell even in Cambodia and Loas to make it real and believable for International Communities, causing the confusion.

Vietgook masters and folks are worried about their secret plans and trick to be exposed to the U.S., UN, International Communities or NATO or Russsia, China, European countries, Africa, South America, and more.

Let Vietgook masters and leaders go the hell!

Anonymous said...

This is so true. The deceptions of America. Everybody think America is so great, but they don't understand or realized how they ruined other countries to gain their benefits. They are greedy, un-compassionate toward others. This culture is now spreading all over the world and Cambodia is another victim. We need to reject this culture in order to bring good Karma into the country. We have enough suffering already and we don't need more bad Karma. The American culture is full of bad Karma. They don't realize it right now, but it will catch up with them soon or later.

Anonymous said...

9:50 AM,

You sound like a commie Chinese, Viet, or Khmer Rouge to me as you never criticized Chinese for supporting Khmer Rouge to kill million of Khmer people after rulling the country for only threes years. Do you think that Chinese help other countries without expecting something in return. All countries, except Cambodia, think of their own interest first before thinking of others. America is no exception.

Anonymous said...

Viet Gooks want to be like U.S.A. to control or rule the Southeast Asia. Fuck you, Viet Gooks!